The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 938

Chapter 938

Chapter 938: CHAPTER 907 BEAR CLAN

He wanted to immediately make an appearance but he decided to first wait and find an opportunity to gain their goodwill.

He then kept watch of their every movement during a couple of days, he started frowning as he realised that this beast clan is the overlord of the surrounding area, there aren’t that many beings capable of threatening them.

Also, their branch or lower members are capable of solving the problems of most core members of their clan, Shadowslash continue to patiently wait for his opportunity.

19 days passes by and finally, he had obtain an opportunity to make an appearance, a couple of the younger generation of the bear clan have decided to travel deep into the forest near their territory.

He summoned a clone and have it transform into a high level beast that is present on this forest, he had it attack the bear clan members.

The clone is powerful enough to threaten them, Shadowslash didn’t immediately appears, he wanted to see just how strong the members of their younger generation are.

The clone transformed into a three legged bull that have scales that looks like they belong to the dragon race, according to his observation, this type of beast could reach Saint Realm, they are the favorite opponents of the core members of the bear clan.


When the six bear clan members saw the bull, their expression changes, they immediately form a formation to take on the beast, three of them stood in front, they roar and their body became covered with earthen armor.

Those behind them was set abalzed, they growl at the bull but unfortunately for them, the clone is not afraid of anything, it let’s out a loud cry that carries a hint of dragon roar, it then charges towards it’s target.

The three flaming bears raised their heads and opens their mouth, then a giant fireball that grows stronger by the seconds appears above them, after charging for one second, it flew towards the clone.

Boom! The fireball exploded and causes the clone to stop, it shook it’s head, it raises it’s front leg, upon seeing this, the expression of the bears became a bit afraid, they created a barrier made up of their energy and surrounds it on themselves.

Bam! When the clone smashes it’s front hoof into the ground, a powerful pressure descended on the bears that causes them to cry in pain, they are just in the peak of Xiantian Emperor Realm, they are fighting against a Saint beast.

Just this alone shows how slim their hope is, the three bears in front looks at each other and nodded, they transformed into giants made up of rocks, they look at their clansman and roar.

The expression of the three flaming bears became unsightly but they knew that they wouldn’t be able to win against the clone so one of all three of them have to return to the clone to seek reinforcement.

But the pressure suddenly increases making the trio that were about to make a run for it to be hugging the earth, they wanted to stand up but it was no use, the pressure is too strong.

The three giant rock bears attacks the clone but one tackle from it and their rock armor was destroyed, they would then be thrown backward, they crashed on a couple of trees before stopping, they are injured and it wasn’t light.

Shadowslash knew that it’s time to make his appearance, just as the clone was about to hit the three defenseless flaming bear, it was hit by a powerful attack that stops it’s charge.

The three flaming bears were shocked, they then sensed something and they look upward, they saw a humanoid figure flying towards them.

Boom! Shadowslash landed, the ground broke and their area trembles upon his landing, he then looks at the bull and said “I have been searching for you! You have escaped me before but this time it is impossible! Prepare to die!”

He then proceeds to destroy his own clone using only his bare hands, this scene gave the bears a great impact, after the battle, they saw that Shadowslash was approaching, even though they started to admire him, this doesn’t mean that they aren’t vigilant.

Shadowslash waves his hand and the three bears that were sent flying earlier were pulled back, they look at him intensely, preparing for any sudden attacks but what shocked them was that he actually bows to them.

“I apologized, if it weren’t for me, that bull wouldn’t have escape on this location!” Upon hearing him, the bears have an enlightened look, they seemed to have answered their earlier questions.

The dragon bulls isn’t present on this area but they actually met one here, upon listening to the “explanation” that Shadowslash said to them, they finally realised the “truth”. josei

The six of them looks at each other and smiles, one of the fire bear spoke “Do not worry about it venerable one.”

Shadowslash nodded, he then looks at the injured bears and asks in a worried manner “Are the three of you okay? If you want to, I could bring you back to your sect or clan?”

The three were startled, then the bear that have spoken earlier asks “Venerable are you from a far away power?”

Shadowslash acted like he was surprised “How could you tell?”

The six raised their head proudly, their leader which was the bear that have been talking with Shadowslash answered “We belong to the Vulcan Bear Clan, a medium power of this plane, we are quite known around these parts.”

Shadowslash had a look of understanding, he smiles embarrassingly and said “I am sorry to be so uninformed, I am a cultivator that came from a lower plane, Me and my people have built a base far from this place but we wanted to obtain as much information as we can.”

The six were amazed “Your world must be pretty great since it managed to give birth and nurture a being such as you.”

Shadowslash sighed “Yes it is quite an amsiny world, unfortunately, we have to ascend into this plane because of beings that looks like giant insects were invading the worlds that are close to ours and plundering that world of everything.”

The six bears cries in unison “Outer world creatures!”

Shadowslash acted startled “You guys actually knew those beings, that is what those guys calls them.”

“Those guys?”

Shadowslash nodded “Yes, they call themselves as the mythical beast clan, they and our group fought with each other to kill the creatures,m they call as outer world creatures.”

“You fought together with the mythical beast clans?! That is incredible!”

“Yes it was, they are quite a number of powerful fighters amongst those clans, their battle have truly widen my eyes.”

“But because of this, we have realised just how powerful those outer world creatures are, we have been thinking of searching clans that are interested on allying with my world.”

The six bears looks at each other and starts to talk with each other via spiritual sense, they nodded and said, “Venerable, might we ask how strong is your world really is?”

Shadowslash then had a look of shame, he answered in a small voice, “I don’t know how to evaluate the strength of my world using this plane’s evaluation but we have destroyed a couple of millions of the beings you call ourer world creatures.”

The six bears were shocked, they then start discussing once again, after a deep conversation, they finally decided on something.

Their leader then said “Venerable, our clan might be interested on talking with you, actually, we are having some problems regarding the outer world creatures also.”

Shadowslash was inwardly happy for using this approach while on the outside, he was acting like he is trembling in excitement, he bows once again “Thank you for this!”

The six bears became overwhelmed by this gesture, they kept saying that he doesn’t need to thank them, they then brought him back to their clan, when the others saw them leading a stranger, they became confused.

Meanwhile, there are some that thought that they are bringing him because of his appearance, Shadowslash is just too good looking for them, this was because his fox bloodline is always active.

The six then told their elders what had happened and the information they have received from Shadowslash, instantly, their clan had a meeting.

While the bear clan were discussing on the decision to make an alliance with Shadowslash, he on the other hand was escorted into the guest room, he was treated like a foreign prince.

Because of his good looks, most of those that visits him were females, most female members of the Vulcan Bear Clan looks well built, they were also quite tall, the only ones that looks feminine were those that focus on using fire element.

They behave like mages from the magic worlds, even though they are mainly focus on controlling their elemental power, their constitution is still considered great because of their bloodline.

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