The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 957

Chapter 957


He has a new target, the members of the major clans of Blue World and also the xuanwus that are present on that world.

Most of the water type cores actually came from Sans, he had obtain it after killing many creatures on Blue World.

Since Clwyd is family, Sans is also worried, actually everyone on Hope Family are, France especially since he is the closest to him, if it weren’t for Shadowslash and the rest of the family stopping him, he would storm into Blue World and hunt the members of the Battle Whale Clan.

At the present, Shadowslash gave large amount of his Mana and spirit Qi into his brother’s core before leaving, he could recover at a rapid pace, it was easy for him to cultivate because of this.

Mary came to him “Son, I know you are sadden by your brother’s current condition but you need to calm yourself down, if you let your emotion take over, you will lose against your opponents.”

He nodded but is still feeling gloomy, Mary shook her head and suggested “Why don’t you go and relax with your sisters, you have been very busy that you neglected them.”

Hearing this, he realised that he was truly neglecting his little sisters, he felt a little guilty and nodded, he decided to calm himself before dealing with Blue World.


Unbeknownst to him, the other major powers of Blue World started spreading the news regarding his existence to other mythical beast clan, it’s because the Invincible Xuanwu Clan were actually thinking of eradicating them to block the information from spreading.

Upon hearing what they did, the xuanwus were furious but they cannot deal with them, it’s because they are now being monitored by other major clans, if they ever decided to mobilized large numbers of Saints, True Saints and Saint Lords under them, it would definitely alarm the others.

Saints might not be important to the mythical beast clan as most of their descendents could easily reach this level and some are directly born a Saints, True Saint are considered medium in importance but Saint Lords are different.

They are already considered as the main fighting power, Descending Divine Rank are true powerhouses and Ascending Divinity are the peak powerhouses.

The xuanwus knew that they have to become amicable with the powers of Blue World but because of their earlier decision, they are now despised upon, only one power still continues to work under them.

The Battle Whale Clan, it’s not because they are loyal, it’s because they were given such a tempting deal, they were now considered as a subordinate power under the Invincible Xuanwu Clan.

This creates an invisible shield against other powers on Beast Plane, it would be easier for them to spread their influence as long as they attached the name of the Invincible Xuanwu Clan behind them.

Meanwhile, the other powers of Blue World used this opportunity to connect with the other mythical beast clan, what was surprising that one of them have decided to be under the Graceful Phoenix Clan.

A water dwelling power have actually become under a flying clan that focuses on fire type attacks, the power was actually the clan that have a seer on them, it was the suggestion of their seer that they join the banner of the Graceful Phoenix Clan.

On Blue World, inside the Devil’s Deep, Sans was experimenting on the battle prowess of his subordinates, he was making them battle against each other.

After realising just how powerful the Saint Lords are, he became anxious, he had fought with the xuanwus already both personally and indirectly, he lost on all of those battles.

What hit him the hardest is the time when he decided to fight one of the Saint Lords, with his subordinates present, their battle shook the world, unfortunately, he had lost badly.

Many of his powerful undeads were killed, even Glasses and the generals under him were heavily injured, if it weren’t for Shadowslash arriving at a perfect time, he wouldn’t have been able to survive.

Because of this, he had been trying to create a Saint Lord undead, his dream is extremely ambitious but if he managed to actually pull this off, the strength of Gaia would definitely increase in a large margin.

Even after testing hundreds of times, the strongest undead he could create even with the bodies of Saint Lords were just on True Saint Realm.

It isn’t easy, the body of the battle whale warrior that Shadowslash have killed was sent to him, the corpse is in perfect condition, even the soul is present but he still fails at creating a Saint Lord but it did increase his mastery over souls and necromancy.

A leviathan burst into his room, him and the Leviathans were now considered tight allies, he respect their usefulness, his influence only got stronger because of them, that is why he treats them with respect, they also respect him greatly.

That is why, such rude gesture of barging in without any warning or greeting meant only one thing, something bad had happened. josei

He quickly stood up and asks “What happened?!”

The leviathan shouted “A group of sea dragons are approaching the world gate, they are being lead by seven Saint Lords!”

Sans trembles, he knew that this is bad news, he quickly went out of Devil’s Deep and summoned his undeads and they all charge towards the Sea Dragon Kingdom, he had to force them to retreat.

The Leviathans also have to act but he stops them, they are now quite well known on this world because their ancestors were actually present on the history of this world before so they are accepted by the people of this world.

They cannot act different in this tense time, meanwhile, the sea dragons that were approaching the world gate were actually just visiting the Leviathans, they just seems to be swimming in the direction that is dangerously close to Gaia.

The leader of their group was a Saint Lord from the Divine Dragon Clan, he is the person that have the least arrogance in all the Saint Lords of the mythical beast clan that is present in Blue World.

This is the reason why he is well liked compared to others.

One of the sea dragons besides him asks “Your lordship, do you really think that the Leviathans would be able to help us?”

He nodded “You don’t know this but the Leviathans were actually once rulers of a higher plane of existence, it’s a plane called Giants Plane, only large objects and living beings exist there.”

The sea dragons were shocked, because their clan were one of the first powers to ever dominate the area they lived, they have deep collection of their history, that is why when they saw the Leviathans, they were shocked but not confused.

They just never thought that they are actually overlords of a higher plane of existence, that is much larger than any world on the lower planes.

Shadowslash was called by Ariel and Laura, the news was too important for him, without hesitation, he instantly teleported to Blue World, Banjo and Gulli came with him.

While the sea dragons were traveling closer to the world gate, they were stopped by the people of Invincible Kingdom, their expression was solemn, they are all prepared to die.

Then the Leviathans joins them, upon seeing such large amount of warriors blocking them, the sea dragons were startled, their leader then looks at the army in front of him with suspicion.

Derranger then approaches the group of sea dragons, he is considered as the current leader of their race, his father is just too much of a battle freak to be a good leader, that is why most of the elders decided to crown him as patriarch much earlier than expected.

He performs a graceful bow and asks “I apologized for our abrupt appearance, it’s just that after our race were hunted down by our opponent, we are now quite alert to anyone that enters our territory.”

The leader of the sea dragon was still suspicious but at least it had lessened greatly, he knew about the fact that the Behemoths have defeated the Leviathans after the Titans disappears into the Giants Plane.

He acted like he cares and sighed “Yes, our clan have heard what had happened, we actually like the Leviathans much more than the Behemoths, they aren’t as aggressive as them.”

Derranger also sighed “The Leviathans are much more mild mannered than the Behemoths, we only wanted our clan to prosper and continue to survive on this cruel and unforgiving universe, unfortunately, we have lost that war.”

The others were confused, only the leader of the sea dragons and the Leviathans knew what the two were talking about.

Derranger then changes the subject “Enough about our clan’s history, discussing it only depresses me and my clansmen, What about you? Why have you visited our territory?”

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