The supporting character's harem is very normal

Chapter 198 Ninth Hero – Demon Lord

Chapter 198 Ninth Hero – Demon Lord

At night, while everyone was sleeping, Farmyrth went alone to a strange room.

The room was extremely dark, and nothing could be seen.

In this dark room where even her shadow couldn't be seen, she accurately walked to a chair and sat cross-legged, while placing her hands on the edge of the chair.

Farmryth's demeanour was that of a queen, arrogant and disdainful of everything.

She smiled mysteriously, as her cold voice rang out: "Do you want to question me?"

As soon as Farmyrth finished speaking, spots of light like stars in the night sky immediately appeared.

In mid-air, a spot of light appeared, accompanied by the voice of a middle-aged man.

"Principal, long time no see."

"Ah!" Farmyrth smiled and said: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't know you."

"..." The man felt that Farmyrth had just slapped his face. However, the other party was an extremely terrifying existence, so he did not dare to show any disrespect.

He sighed and said: "Principal, I hope you can explain the issue of the Fire Drake that is threatening the contestants participating in the second round."

Farmyrth leaned on the back of her chair, smiled disdainfully and said: "What do you want me to explain? How do I explain?

"I don't need much." The man said: "I just need you to explain why you continued with the second round when the Fire Drake went out of control."

"You also know that the level limit in that forest is level 40. The levels of everyone including the academy staff entering that forest are also restricted to level 40."

"And according to my observations, the Fire Drake was trying to break through level 60."

"So the contestants participating in the second round are just like pieces of meat to the Fire Drake."

lightsnοvεl "I and the others also don't want our juniors to die in such a useless and meaningless way."

"Oh~" Farmyrth nodded, she crossed her arms over her chest, thereby raising her two large, seductive mountains.

However, no matter how beautiful and charming she was, the people here did not dare to have any strange thoughts towards her.

Farmyrth glanced at the lights that were present here. Even though the people the lights represented were not present, they could see and communicate in this place through a special type of magic.

However, seeing the glint in Farmyrth's eyes, they still felt extremely scared. It was as if no matter where they were, she could squish them like a bug.

She smiled disdainfully and said: "So… what do you want me to do?"

The crowd was silent for a long time, then another spot of light flew in front of Farmyrth and said: "I am the King of the Kingdom..."

"I don't care."


"Are you deaf?" Farmyrth repeated: "I said… I don't care what kingdom you are the king of, or what your position is."

"To me, you are all the same. You're all humans, and you're all a bunch of weaklings."

"Get to the main point, I don't have time to listen to you introduce yourself and brag about yourself."

Hearing that, everyone took a deep breath. Previously they were extremely angry, and they wanted to question Farmyrth because their juniors were being threatened right within the scope of the magic academy.

However, their anger was like an inflated balloon that suddenly deflated. Now everyone here just felt scared and worried.

The person who was cut off by Farmyrth continued speaking: "Sorry, Principal. What we mean is... we should cancel this competition. Anyway, the Fire Drake has disrupted this round, and it is also a threat to the lives of the contestants."

"For the honour of the academy and the safety of the juniors, I think… we should pause this round of competition and focus on rescuing the contestants."

"Oh! Are you instructing me on what to do?" Farmyrth said as a blanket of pressure descended.

Even though everyone here wasn't physically present, some of them even sitting thousands of miles away from Farmyrth, they all still felt like there was a huge mountain resting on their backs.

Farmyrth suddenly waved her hand, a middle-aged man carrying the tied Harris and Alec entered the room and then threw them on the ground.

Everyone saw the people who caused the trouble in the second round and immediately turned their sights towards Harris and Alec.

One person angrily shouted: "You brat! Quickly kneel, do you know what you've done?"

Alec gritted his teeth and tried to stand up even though his hands were tied behind him, he still spoke contemptuously: "Huh! I only kneel before my parents, if you want me to kneel before you? Fuck off!"

Harris frowned, he felt that this time something was a bit wrong so he remained silent, but he did not kneel, he just sat on the ground, and continued to observe.

"Hahaha… that's brave." That person laughed loudly and said contemptuously: "But... the line between courage and stupidity is just a hair's breadth."

"Even though you are young, the things you have done have shown that you are truly cruel people. Both of you wanted to use monsters to eliminate the participants in the competition."

"People like you… should die."

"That's right." Another person spoke up: "Those two brats are still young but they have already done such terrible things."

"If they are allowed to grow up, they will become a danger to this world."

"I demand… the death penalty."josei

"I think so too." The crowd began to speak.

"I agree with everyone. Such people need to be eliminated."



"Hahahaha…" Alec suddenly laughed loudly like a crazy person. He arrogantly looked at all the lights flying around, then looked back at Farmyrth.

"Are you the Principal of the magic academy?" Alec said smiling.

"That's right," Farmyrth replied with a somewhat bored voice.

"Good! If so… I want to ask you something. Does the second round have a rule that says we can't use monsters to cause trouble and endanger the other contestants?"

Farmyrth shrugged: "No."

"Then why do you want to execute me?" Alec shouted arrogantly: "You just want to protect your juniors."

"Let me ask one more question." Suddenly Harris stood up and said: "The second round is a round that tests a person's ability to survive in the wild."

"In the wild, everyone's life is always in danger. Not only from other adventurers but also from monsters, what I did was also what other contestants would encounter if they truly survived and fought in the wild."

"So… what Alec and I did was just a normal thing. So is using other conditions to increase your chance of winning illegal?

Harris said as he squinted his eyes towards Farmyrth, but she didn't seem to notice it. She just softly answered: 'No!'

Harris nodded and continued: "According to the law, we are not wrong. Considering the nature of the competition, what we did was not wrong."

"So, what reason do you want to use to execute us? On what grounds do you want to execute us"

"That's right." Alec shouted: "Do you think that if you are nobles, you have the right to protect your juniors?"

"If the academy also wants to punish us, then this academy is no different from those greedy and cowardly nobles."

"Hahahaha… if this matter reaches the public, I'm afraid the reputation of the magic academy will be trampled on, and they will become a laughingstock."

"You…" Another person spoke up: "You have spoken very well. But this is a normal round and everyone's only duty is to kill monsters and survive in the forest."

"What you did was a terrible thing, and you threatened the lives of many people."

"Huh!" Alec snorted contemptuously: "So what? If those contestants die, it's because they're stupid and weak. The weak deserve death."


"Enough!" Farmyrth suddenly spoke, she tilted her head, looked into the distance and said: "What do you want to say... Ninth Hero?"

When the crowd heard Farmryth's words, they were immediately startled and they started talking loudly.

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"What?! Ninth Hero?!"

"The ninth hero, so… he is."

"Demon Lord!"

"Why is he here?"

"Could it be that he also has juniors, and his juniors are also participating in this competition?"

"Oh my God! This news will be extremely shocking!"

A purple light flew in front of Farmyrth. The other lights saw that and immediately moved away from that light.

That spot of light spoke, the voice that came out from the spot of light made it seem as if a multitude of people were speaking at the same time.

"Long time no see, Farmyrth. No, now I should call you Principal Farmyrth, haha haha…"

"Don't bother with formalities." Farmyrth said uncomfortably: "Do you have any comment?"

"Hahaha… of course, I can't sit still and watch two talented people being trampled on by you guys."

Alec and Harris also heard the surrounding lights talking, and they realized that the purple light was the legendary Demon Lord.

But… Why did Farmyrth call that person 'The Ninth Hero'?

Although it was difficult for them to understand, if someone appears to save them, they will also seize this opportunity.

The ninth hero continued: "I am different from you, I don't want to see flowers being cared for in greenhouses, or animals being raised as pets."

"I want to see the fierce beasts, I want to see the trees breaking through the dry ground, and reaching up to the clouds in the sky."

"Heaven only creates rabbits and deer, hell creates heroes,bloodthirsty monsters, and the best warriors."

"The behaviour of these two young men is bad in your eyes, but to me, their behaviour represents reality, strength and wisdom."

"That's why, I… Ninth Hero, hahaha… no, I should use a better name."

"I, the Demon Lord, say they are innocent. If you feel I am wrong, you can refute my opinion."

The crowd was silent, no one dared to speak. After all, they were seeing an existence that was almost at the top of this world. If they upset the Demon Lord, they feared that their families and their kingdoms would disappear.

"Hahahaha… no one objected? Good, then... I declare that these two young men are innocent. What about you, Principal Farmyrth."

"Tch!" Farmyrth clicked his tongue: "Don't say my name, it's nauseating."

"Ah! Why do you look down on me like that? You make me feel sad."

"Huh! Someone like you deserves to be eaten by Goblins."

The ninth hero sighed *Sigh*: "I want to die, but... I'm too strong, no one is strong enough to kill me."

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