The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 172 - Duel Of Brilliant Minds! Alfonso Vs Socrates! Part One

Chapter 172 - Duel Of Brilliant Minds! Alfonso Vs Socrates! Part One

"… just in character, I guess?" Though Alfonso after taking one more look at the notification of the system.

[Congratulations to the host for finding a hero!

Socrates, The Philosopher!]

"Who do you think you are to challenge his highness!?" Shouted Deferio while drawing his spear. josei

Io also made her move, appearing at the back of the old man while taking her knife and point it to the young man.

"OLD MAN, ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Shouted in his heart Dalton, while putting Tili on his back and lifting both arms. The air was heavy; however, Socrates seems to be immune, he just looked at Alfonso with an expectation.

"Is okay, everyone, back off" Said Alfonso.

"But…" Deferio hesitated.

"Is okay, this man has no ill will, he is just like a curious child" Said Alfonso.

Dalton listened to Alfonso's words and became angry, he suddenly overcomes his fear and said

"Are you insulting my master? Just because you are the lord of this place don't think you can do as you please! In the first place, an idiot pri-" Before he could continue, her sister, Tili, punched him in his stomach, grabbed his head as well as hers and bowed until their fronts touched the ground.


Some were nervous.

Some were sighing.

Some were spectating the show that was about to come.

However, all of them had a common thought on his mind.

"That kid is super dead"

Even Dalton himself, was surprised, when did he grow such a pair of balls?

"Wh-wh-what have I done!? This is his domain, the soldiers are just three feet away from me, I am not tired of living just yet, I-I-I must apologize!" Though Dalton.

However, he suddenly felt something behind him, when he looked back, he saw two beautiful legs behind him, he felt something was wrong, he touched his eyes… and his face suddenly becomes pale.

"B-b-b-blood!?" Murmured Dalton.

His head felt heavy like a hammer was pressing his skull.

"PLEASE, MY LORD, SHOW MERCY!" Shouted Tili while crying.

Alfonso looked at Dalton on the ground, however, he didn't say anything, he just watched this, like he was waiting for something.


"Eh…" Suddenly, Dalton felt that the pressure was lifted from his head, he passed out from the pain.

When Alfonso looked back at Demeter, who was looking at the fallen Dalton, she was a little surprised, she looked at the old man, who had a tired look on his face.

"Not bad" Murmured Demeter.

The old man was breathing heavily while touching his forehead.

"Please, don't make this foolish old man work this hard if my disciple offended you, I offer my apologies, as his master, I will accept the punishment," Said Socrates.

"Little girl, what's your name?" Asked Alfonso.

"Ti-Tili, Tili Hauss" Answered Tili.

"Give this to your brother, he should recover soon" Said Alfonso while throwing a small bottle to Tili.

"We will not forget your kindness" Said Tili while grabbing the bottle and giving it to her brother.

"You asked about my justice, right?" Asked Alfonso with a mysterious smile to Socrates.

"Tha-that's right," Said Socrates.

"If I tell you that this is my justice, what will you say?" Asked Alfonso.

"…I want you to tell me, what's justice? How can you say that what you did, its, in fact, justice!" Said Socrates.

"I can say in fact that what I did is justice, because MY definition of justice, putting emphasize in the word 'my', says that, no matter what, this is my house, and, as the owner, I don't want to be insulted in my own house, that's why the kid has to get his punishment" Said Alfonso.

"What you say isn't the definition of justice, you are evading the question, young man!" Said Socrates.

"That's why I said, my justice, that's because my justice isn't the same justice as yours or anybody here, maybe we can have some points in common, however, there would always be discrepancies, why? Because… there is no actual definition for justice!" Said Alfonso.

Socrates was surprised by Alfonso's answer, however, he got more and more curious.

"What you said doesn't make sense, after all, in language, we invented words to give meaning to things, that's why, when justice was invented, we needed to have a concrete definition to the word; your previous words makes you sound mediocre in academia, young man!" Said Socrates.

Alfonso looked at Socrates for some time and then opened his mouth.

"No, you are wrong" Said Alfonso.

"What do you mean?" Asked Socrates.

"for instance, we didn't create words to give meaning to something, we create words to associate words with things that already existed, in this way, our brain would make a relation with something and the word that describes that object, for example, the word table, if someone tells you, table, some people could imagine a red table, others a wood like table, same can be said about the size some imagine a large familiar table, others a small business like table, anyway, we can imagine a lot of different things, however, the core of the word with it's a table won't change, something with 4 legs and its used as an object to put things on it, that's a table, you can see that there is a predeterminate relationship between object and meaning, that's the first point, and, because we use words to establish a relationship with things, we have two different kinds of things in our plane, the tangibles and the intangibles, a table, for example, its something tangible because we can touch it, smell it and so on, however, there are things that are intangibles and, nevertheless, our brain associate the word with a meaning, but, that's where the problem comes, because we can actually smell it, or touch it or taste it, in other words, we can our senses to describe it, we need to use our own judgment to give that a meaning, this words… no, let's call it, this values of self, this values of self aren't part of this world, they are part of an external world, I like to call it, the metaphysic world!" Said Alfonso.

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