The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 191 - BLANK

Chapter 191 - BLANK

A couple of hours have pass and Alfonso, aka Chrono, was having a meal with Demeter and Cerberus, Demeter decided that they have to first understand the situation before they could get back, since Anastasia was gravely injured, she and Hans decided to go back first with the wolves

"Basically… *Munch*… *Munch*… Alfonso was at the verge of death so… *Munch*… so I decided to be benevolent and safe him, however… *Munch*… this body would eventually discomposed without life on it, so *Munch*… I decided to stay here in the meantime… thanks, it was delicious" Said Chrono.

"…" Demeter was on the verge of explosion; however, she tried to understand the whole situation.

"And? What about Alfonso's external injuries, how come you are fine?" Asked Demeter.

"Fine? My whole body is screaming in pain, however, thanks to my mastery in the powers of time, I am suppressing my injuries, quite clever right?" Said Chrono with a smirk.

"I want to punch so badly" Murmured Demeter.

Chrono only smiled with a face that said 'BE MY GUESS'

"However, what I am curious about, is where you have been this whole time, little puppy, I understand that the kid came here to search for you, right?" Asked Chrono.

"Don't call me little Puppy, my name is Cerberus" Said Cerberus in annoyance.

"When we first arrived, we detected the creatures from far ahead, I knew that something was wrong and my intuition told me so too, so, we decided to hide and wait for the opportunity to ambush them, when the beast master and some creatures went away we took the chance and killed the other creatures… I was so focus on the killing that I didn't manage to catch Alfonso's essence… If only I…" Said Cerberus with remorse.

"We all feel that way, stop feeling bad about yourself, Alfonso wouldn't want that" Said Demeter.

"That's right, I would feel sad-"


Before Chrono could finish, Cerberus and Demeter shut him down.


[A couple of days later]

Demeter with an apology face was sitting on the ground with Cerberus at her side, in front of them a demon- ups, and enraged Artemis was looking back at them.

"Do you have anything else to say to excuse yourself?" Asked coldly Demeter.

""No, we don't"" Said both of them.

Artemis touched her head in fury.

"I can understand how you, Demeter, a respected goddess could be such an Idiot!"

"Sorry" Said Demeter.

"Don't 'sorry' me, think about the current situation! How the hell are we going to live with 'that' thing here" Said Artemis while signaling at her back.

"Hey, calling me that is hurtful you know? I have a name~" Said the person behind her.

Alfonso, aka Chrono, was currently looking at the mirror with a narcissistic look.

"However, I had to admit that I had my doubts about why did you like this kid so much, he is so fragile and his skin is so white, he almost look like a girl, however, looking closely, the muscles are there and the cane and eye patched give a savage aura, moreover…"

Chrono took down his pants.

"He is really develop right here, not bad, not bad at all~" Said Chrono.

""SHAMELESSS!"" Shouted both goddesses while covering her eyes.

However, both of them couldn't help but take a small peck between their fingers.

"How pervert~ and you call yourself goddesses~" Said Chrono.

Artemis wanted to say something but her face was totally red and she couldn't say anything, the same went for Demeter.

"Anyway, The fact that the kid will take some time to wake up is a fact, lets enjoy our time together shall we?" Said Chrono with a smile


"Wahh!" Alfonso open his eyes and the first thing he saw was a brilliant sun.

"What the… how come I am here again!?" Said Alfonso while looking at his sides.

Sand, sand everywhere, and the only thing that one could see was a huge green throne.

"This place… wasn't this place destroyed!?" Said Alfonso.

"No, Chrono just played a bad prank; he is that kind of asshole"

A voice came from behind Alfonso and, when he looked behind him, he saw a man standing by his side, this man was wearing a huge black cloth that covered all his body, even his face couldn't be seeing.

"Who are you?" Asked Alfonso.

"Just call me shadow, I was asked by Chrono to train you while you are here" Said Shadow.

"Train me?" Asked Alfonso.

"The power of time is omnipotent and endless, however, you use your powers so wrong that is painful to watch, so, we took the chance to let you enter here, so you can train and conquer the power of time, at the same time, I will use the memories of the previous owner of this body so we can train your body as well" Said the shadow.

Alfonso wanted to say lot things, however, he analyzed the situation for some time and then he nodded.

"I know my own flaws, until know, if not for my luck, I will be already dead, I want power" Said Alfonso.

The shadow didn't say anything he stood there and turned around.

"A year is a week outside, so we have plenty of time, be prepared, those who seek powers have to sweat blood and break their own limits, do you have what it takes, Alfonso Lockheart?" Asked the shadow.

Alfonso was surprised for this new information, however, he took a deep breath and thought of everything that has happen until now, he stood firm on the ground and said

"I am ready, let's begin!" Said Alfonso.

"Then follow me, we have a long way to go" Said Shadow.


"Emperor, the families are already on their way to Dragon City" Said a man in golden armor kneeling towards the man in front of him.

"Good, let Fernando and the other kids lead the funeral I don't have time to waste since I am in a critical moment" Said the man sitting in the throne. josei

"As my emperor wishes, the other princes and princesses are on their way, they all should get here by the end of the month" Said the man.

"Good, if nothing else, be on your way" Said the emperor.

"Yes, your highness!" Said the man

The man went on his way and the emperor stood there.

"Alfonso, you can meet with your bastard mother in the underworld for all I care, however, since you have my blood on your veins, I will give you this final farewell, rest in peace, my stupid son"

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