The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 198 - The Funeral(part Two)

Chapter 198 - The Funeral(part Two)

"Listen up, young man, you are here because lady Sana make a deal with our lord so you could enter, because given your status, you wouldn't even be able to enter Dragon City, I am not trying to insult you, I am just stating a fact" Said a soldier. with a silver armor to the young man besides him.

The young man was handsome with long black hair and an elegant black outfit.

"I understand that, please be assure, I won't ashamed the Boltor family's name" Said the young man.

"Good, The veritia's and the Boltor's have good relationship since, the lord of the Vertia's, Queen Alisson and Lord Karl put the greet of good over everything else, since you are part of the Veritia's we shall protect with all we have, however, don't go an cause troubles on your own, try to stay low profile as long as you can, that's also for Miss Sana's sake" Said the soldier.

"Understood" Answered Felipe.

The soldier didn't say anything else and went to the entrance of the Dragon mansion, there was a long beautiful road decorated with white flowers , everyone who got in carriage had to leave it in the entrance, nobody had permission to enter with carriage to the Lockheart propriety. While walking, Felipe noticed the young maids that were bowing towards them, Felipe smiled helplessly.

"They sure make it look like a banquet rather than a funeral" Though Felipe.

When the road of roses ended, the Dragon mansion could be seeing, it was quite the spectacle.

In front of them a maid with a special outfit which was all black bowed in front of them.

"Welcome to the Lockheart Manor, my name is Irina, I am the chief maid, thank you for accompany us in this sad moment" Said Irina.

The soldier also bowed and said.

"My name isn't important, I am a soldier of the Boltor family, I came bringing the represent of the Veritia family, the young master, Felipe Veritia" Said the soldier.

"So the king of the north, it's a pleasure to met such an illustrate figure, please grant me your passes and you can enter" Said Irina.

"Here" Said the soldier

He grabbed one golden ticket and give it to Irina.

"Please young master, come this way" Said Irina to Felipe.

"You go, my status is way too low to enter, Miss Sana and the young masters of the Boltor family will come later, they need to arranged some things" Said the soldier.

"Thanks" Said Felipe.

Felipe entered with the maid and looked at the golden ticket.

"Each golden ticket let you enter with two assistants, each dragon family have three tickets and the heads could enter without one, the star families have two tickets and the rest of the nobles had one ticket, quite the system indeed" Though Felipe.

The maid didn't let Felipe enter the mansion but go all the way to the back of the mansion, there were the royal graveyard, when the royal family was buried. Each family that once become an emperor had a mausoleum here, there were about five mausoleum the most old one belongs to the first family that become emperors of Leitol as well as the longest one in power, the Leitol family, and, of course, the newest one is the Lockheart family mausoleum.

"Please take a sit and wait for the rest of the guest to come so we can begin the ceremony, I will be on my way now, if you have anything you need help for, please ask the maids who are right over there, they will help you" Said Irina while pointed at ten maids who at the furthest back.

"Thanks" Said Felipe.

Irina nodded and went on her way.

Felipe nodded and looked at his surroundings, there were about twenty to thirty people here. A lot of them were chatting and laughing, some youngsters were even flirting with some young ladies.

"I know that nobody cares about Alfonso, but you need to have a little bit of tact, despite everything, this is still a funeral, not a party" Though Felipe.

Felipe sat straight and closed his eyes in resting, however, not much time passed until he heard someone talking to him.

"Hey handsome, want to come to our group to talk?"

Felipe opened his eyes and saw a brown haired lady with a red dress looked at him, the young lady had the look of wolf looking at a sheep. Felipe looked at the young lady.

"So vulgar" Though Felipe.

"Young lady, this is a funeral, not a social gathering, please have some respect" Said Felipe.

He closed his eyes once again without looking at the red young lady.

The young lady was ashamed and eventually, as a pampered lady girl, exploded.

"You! How dare you!? You know who I am!?" Asked the young lady.

Felipe didn't answer and continue resting.

"Fiorella, what is going on?"

The group of young men and woman came and looked at the frustrated Fiorella, they looked back at Felipe with some arrogant faces.

"Young man, its good to be arrogant, however, doesn't forget that we are all part of nobility, its better to befriend rather making one more enemy" Said the young men.

Felipe looked back at them and sighed inwardly.

"Why do I have to deal with these idiots" Though Felipe.

"What do you wat?" Asked Felipe to the group.

The young man looked at Felipe and felt that something was wrong, however, since he had talked already, he couldn't back off, most importantly, he knew all the young master of the powerful houses that he shouldn't piss off, however, this young man was unknown to him.

"Yes, nothing to be afraid of, he is just a small fry" Though the young man.

"My name is Xavier, Xavier Tufeo from the Tufeo family, might I know who you are?" Asked the young man, just to be sure.

"…Felipe" Said Felipe.

"Not last name?" Asked the Xavier

"Just Felipe" Answered Felipe.

The young man sighed in relief.

"He doesn't have a last name, maybe he is just a servant or something" Though Xavier.

"A mere servant dares to ignore the young lady of the Curtis family!? Young man, you should know the consequences of insulting her!" Said the young man.

Felipe sighed once again.

"I offended you, I apologize" Said Felipe to Fiorella.

"It's that enough?" Asked Felipe to the group.

"How can it be!"

"Yes, you offended a noble! If people heard about this, they will think that the Curtis family has not backbone!"

"That's right!"

The group talked and looked at Felipe in amusement, the young lady, last named Curtis, also took the chance to talk.

"Kneel in front of me and ask for mercy, if you do that, I will let bygones be bygones" Said Fiorella.

The group looked at Felipe with expectations; Felipe looked at them and couldn't help but curse.

"These retards, are all nobles this pampered?" Though Felipe.

He suddenly though of Alfonso, who he had seen a few months ago.

"Maybe you were like that too, however, I guess that when you lost everything, that's when your true colors shows up" Though Felipe.

He didn't want trouble and didn't care about these group of young pampered lords, so he stood up and was about to kneel down when a voice cut his actions.

"[Gravity Falls]!"

Suddenly, Fiorella and Xavier felt their bodies getting heavier and heavier.

"What the-!? Khu!?" Both felt to the ground while resisting the urge to puke.

However, that wasn't the end, they lied on the ground and felt that their bodies were getting even heavier.

*Crack* *Crack*

They could hear their bones getting crushed from the pressure and blood spurting from their mouths.

"Stop it!" Shouted Felipe.

When Felipe shouted, the pressure on Fiorella and Xavier was lifted, however, they couldn't stand up just like that, they felt their bodies were in ruins, nevertheless, surpsingly, the emotion that predominated in them wasn't wrath.

It was fear.

"A… champ…ion?" Murmured Fiorella.

*Tak* *Tak*

The shoe heels of a woman could be heard.

All of the guesses turned around to look at the woman; she had an elegant black dress and green eyes and red hair.

The grouped looked at the young girl, especially they looked at her dress, in her dress a pattern was repeated, a symbol with what It looks to be a purple hurricane, immediately, all of them shake in fear.

"V-v-v-Veri-Veritia!" Said of the young men.

"It-it's the young lady of the Veritia family, Sana Veritia!" Said one young woman. josei

"The Veritia family!"

Although the king of the north was the Boltor family, everyone in Leitol knew that, whatever it comes to the north, the Veritia was only second to the Boltors! Especially the actual head of the Veritia family, who is the most powerful woman in all Leitol!

Allison Veritia!

Xavier saw Sana and knew that he had shot himself on the foot!

"Mi-miss Veritia, I-"

"Who give you permission to talk?" Asked Sana.

The young man shouted his mouth.

Sana approached and grabbed Fiorella from her hair, she lifted her until she was on her face level.

"How dare you offended someone from the Veritia family? " Said Sana.

"I-I-I didn't know! Please, please, I didn't know!" Cried Fiorella.

"Ignorance isn't an excuse!" Said Sana coldly.

"PLEASE, HAVE MERCY, MERCY!" Someone shouted from the other side.

Sana and everyone else follow the voice and saw a middle aged man running towards the place he kneeled in front of Sana.

"She is my daughter, please, please, have mercy on her, I beg you!" Shouted the man.

Sana looked back at Felipe and saw him nodding, she released Fiorella who felt to the ground without having the strength to even stand up.

"Get out of my sight, for now on, you better stay out of the north, if I see you there, I will kill you" Said Sana to the father.


The middle aged man grabbed his daughter and run from the place, nobody interrupted the actions and nobody felt pity for the girl, they didn't dare.

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