The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 274 - Dionisius's Decision-part Two-

Chapter 274 - Dionisius's Decision-part Two-

"Why?" Asked the furious Dionisius.

"…" The man with the bow didn't answer.

Dionisius looked at the man in front of him.

"I know you, you are that guy at the party… well, not that it matters anyway" Said Dionisius.

Suddenly, Dionisius disappeared and the man, was surprised, he looked at everywhere and couldn't see where does Dionisius had gone too.

"Where is he?" Though Griftor.


"Agggg!" The man felt an incredible force coming from behind him, he turned around and saw Dionisius looking at him with murderous eyes. He felt his body curving by the power force of Dionisius's punch. The man felt his column almost giving up, however, he managed to stay alive by a bit.

He bended on the ground while grabbing his back.

Dionisius walked towards him and grabbed him from the neck.

"I have just broken your lowest part of the column; I just need one more hit to kill you…"

"But no, that will be too easy"  

He lifted his thumb and pressed in Griftor's lumbar.

"AHHHHHH!" Griftor had never felt such pain before.

"I will ask again…"









The man couldn't endure it anymore and shouted with all his lungs to Dionisius.

"Who?" Asked Dionisius.

"It was-"


Before Griftor could continue, a small pendant fell from his pocket, when Griftor saw the pendant, his desperate eyes suddenly become calmer.

"It was me"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I planned it, although is true that somebody forced me, at the very end, I was the one who came with this plan" Said Griftor.

"And what was your goal?" Asked Dionisius.

"I have said all that needed to be said, you can continue if you want, I won't speak" Said Griftor.

Dionisius looked at the expression of Griftor, it seemed that this had a story and a legit reason to do what he did…


"I don't care at all, you killed my woman, for that, you will have to pay" Said Dionisius.

He grabbed the pendant and opened it.

He looked at the picture inside and looked back at Griftor, he kept up the pendant.

"I will offer your soul to her" Said Dionisius.

With that, a horrible scene occurred were a man chopped up the body of another one.

The dark night turned scarlet in a few minutes.

When Dionisius was done, the ground was covered in blood and Dionisius walked with a round object on his hand.


Alfonso heard the story of Dionisius and grabbed his head.

"Can I ask you something?" Said Alfonso.

"What?" Said Dionisius.

"You are a smart person; can you see that this is obviously a plan to take action?" Said Alfonso.

"Of course, I can, uncle, I am not stupid" Said Dionisius.

"But I don't care" Added Dionisius with a carefree expression.

"You can't said 'I don't care' and expect that people will support you, you have to think of the repercussions of your actions" Said Alfonso with anger.

"What can they possible do? I am a god after all" Said Dionisius.

"You are not a good right now, and, even if you were, you can't go and kill whatever you want to kill!" Said Alfonso.

"He killed something of my property, I have all the rights to kill him!" Said Dionisius.

When Alfonso heard this, Demeter made an expression of disappointment while Alfonso was even more furious than before.

"Now I was wondering why this girl that you met just the night before meaned so much to you, I thought that was love at first sight or something like that, now I see that you didn't care for that girl at all" Said Alfonso.

"It was just your fucking pride"

"Huh?" Dionisius also made an angered expression.

"You didn't care of her at all, you think of her like a toy or an object" Said Alfonso.

"Although I consider you someone close to me, I won't let you disrespect me, remember who are you talking to" Said Dionisius.

"Oh? Then who I am talking to?" Asked Alfonso.

"A god" Said Dionisius.

Alfonso looked at Dionisius and his anger suddenly plumed and was replaced by the same feeling as Demeter.

"What with that look?" Said Dionisius.

"I thought you were better than that" Said Alfonso.

Dionisius looked at Alfonso and clenched his teeth, he stood up and left the place.

Alfonso looked at the departure figure of Dionisius and let out a sight.

"…" Demeter touched the shoulder of Alfonso.

He grabbed the hand of Demeter.

"I know" Said Alfonso.

"However, the situation is critical, we need to go back to Wasteland Valley, now" Said Alfonso.

"I agree" Said Demeter.

Just as the two said that, Alister and Sebastian appeared in front of them.

"Lord Alfonso" Said Alister.

"Alister" Said Alfonso.

"Lord Alfonso, a matter of urgency has surged and we will need you to collaborate" Said Alister.

"I am busy right now" Said Alfonso.

"I am afraid that we will have to insist, my lord" Said Sebastian.

"…And if I refuse?" Said Alfonso.

Demeter walked in front and looked at them.

"Then we can't stop you, however, I will suggest to collaborate, after all, if you don't come with us, eventually, you will have to come" Said Sebastian.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Alfonso.josei

"Currently, Arcadia its being surrounded by the twelve lords of the north, including of course, the king of the north, the Boltor family" Said Sebastian.

"What about Allison?" Asked Alfonso.

"Currently, the queen of winds is under training and her representatives have yet to come" Said Sebastian.

"So, this was you plan all along?" Asked Demeter.

"My? No, I don't have the power nor the balls to do something like this" Said Alister.

"Then who is behind this?" Asked Alfonso.

"If you come with us, you will eventually know" Said Sebastian.

"My lord, master, what is going on?"

From behind Alfonso Anastasia and Hans appeared.

"Miss Boltor, your dad had told us that you must come as well" Said Alister.

"My dad? Is he here?" Asked Anastasia.

"Not him, but his representative" Said Alister.

"You mean…!?"

"Young master Claude?" Said Hans with a pinch of fear on his words.

"…" Alister didn't answer but his silence confirmed it.


Alfonso looked at both men and know that he didn't have a choice.

"Sure, I want to know who is the master puppet as well" Said Alfonso.

"Let's go"

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