The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 276 - Anastasia's Heart-part One-

Chapter 276 - Anastasia's Heart-part One-

Alfonso and company went with Sebastian and Alister towards the main plaza, in there, a lot of soldiers with different emblems were standing firmly.

"It seems that they were quite prepared for this, I wonder who has the influence to do this" Though Alfonso.

In front of the soldiers, five men and two women were standing there.

"So, you are Alfonso Lockheart" Said the men that furthest to the left.

 "Indeed, I am, and you are?" Said Alfonso.

"My name is Fudrock, son of Varista and lord of Draxter" Said Fudrock.

"Let me guess, all of you must lords and the one in the middle is the master of the circus, yes?" Asked Alfonso.

The other lords looked at Alfonso angrily, but, they didn't refuse.

"Good, indeed, sharp and firm, is as the rumors say" Said the man in the middle.

"Your arrogance is as high as the sky" He added.

"People do tell me that a lot" Smiled Alfonso.

"Anyway, I was told that the other twelve lords would be here, how come I only see five?" Said Alfonso.

"The others are on their way towards Inferno City, we represent them" Said the man in the middle.

"Severn huh? That is majority I suppose, indeed, if we have this discussion in Inferno, I feel that there were would be some people who would oppose this decision" Said Alfonso.

"How dare you talk to lord Leonardo like this…" Said one of the men.

"When the humans talk, the monkeys dance in the back, now, SHUT UP!" Shouted Alfonso.

"You…!" Said the man.

Leonardo turned around to look at the man who immediately covers his mouth while sweating.

"Not even respecting your fellow lords, is no wonder that you are known as the idiotic prince, someone who can't even see… the situation he is in" Said Leonardo.

"Whatever I do, you already condemn me, so, why would I pretend to be courteous"

"Plus… what I hate the most…"

"Are hypocrites" Added Alfonso.

Leonardo looked at Alfonso with his deep dark eyes and his hand was twitching, he wanted to grab his sword and slice that smug face of Alfonso, however, he controlled.

"Alfonso Lockheart, you know why crimes have you committed?" Asked one of the women.

"Let me guess, the murder of Griftor?" Asked Alfonso.

 "Indeed, he was one of my men as well as a good friend of mine" Said Leonardo.

"Friends huh? Coming from you, it seems that I am beginning to understand why he did what he did" Said Alfonso.

"What are you trying to say?" Said Fudrock.

"Haha, nothing, there is not even a need to said it, is pretty obvious what happens, I am impressive though, that he can put that poker face even though he just sent someone to his death a couple of hours ago" Said Alfonso.

"I don't know what nonsense are you talking about, Alfonso Lockheart, however, the fact is that someone from your group killed one of my men, and for that, he should punish" Said Leonardo.

He looked behind him and America appeared with an unconscious Dionisius on her shoulders.

"Dionisius!" Said Alfonso.

"You!" Demeter also reacted.

"He tried to resist, that's why I make him faint, there is no other injury on him" Said America.

"Wake him up" Said Leonardo.

Alfonso looked at America, he, in one glance, could see that America wasn't a champion, nor even a will user, she was a regular human.

"To be able to defeat Dionisius… she is dangerous" Though Alfonso.

America throw some water at Dionisius, who woke up in the spot.

"Wh- what is going on?" Asked Dionisius.

He tried to stand up, but his body was too weak for the previous defeat in the coliseum.

"Is this man one of yours, Alfonso Lockheart?" Asked Fudrock.

Alfonso looked at Dionisius for some time, Dionisius also looked back at Alfonso, however, he felt ashamed to respond Alfonso's gaze, so he looked down.

"Yes, he is" Said Alfonso with a small sigh.

With Alfonso's answer, a small smile appeared on Leonardo's face.

"Alfonso Lockheart, you are just as the rumors said"

"A loyal idiot" Though Leonardo.

"This man is the killer of Griftor Actenios, for that, he should the price giving by the laws of Leitol, and that is…"

Leonardo put his hands on his back and looked at Alfonso.


Demeter was about to say something but Alfonso stopped her, he looked back at Leonardo, however, he didn't say anything. He also looked back at the other lords and his side.

He looked back at Leonardo who was smiling at him like he was waiting for a pretty good show to start.

"So that's your goal…" Though Alfonso.

"If words of this get to Alisson, you won't even know how you die" Said Alfonso.

When he said this, the other lords backed up a little, after all, who didn't know that Alisson was Alfonso's guard

"Even the queen of winds isn't above the law, plus, we are judging your men, not you" Said Leonardo with confidence.

"What about the Boltor family? You are judging a lord, even if it's only my man, you are addressing a lord here, this type of issues is usually addressed by someone with more… power" Said Alfonso.

"The Boltor won't say anything about this "Said Leonardo.

"I don't believe it!"

A voice interrupted Leonardo.

Anastasia and Hans appeared from behind Alfonso.

"Isn't this the princess of the Boltor family, princess Anastasia, It is an honor to see you here" Said Leonardo.

"Keep your flatteries for yourself, Leonardo, the Boltor family isn't something that your filthy mouth can defame!" Said Anastasia.

The soldiers lifted their swords, however, Anastasia wasn't afraid.

"Ho? These insects think that they can lift their toys in my presence" Said Anastasia while her eyes turned yellow.

Immediately, the soldiers backed up a little.

"Anastasia, you don't have a word here, is time for you to go home" A deep voice interrupted Anastasia.

Anastasia shivered a little, she looked up as well as everyone else.

Floating in the sky, a man with a red cape and golden armor floated.josei

"Brother Claude"

"Young master Claude"

"Is time for you to go back" Said Claude while he landed.

Anastasia looked at Claude, since she was little, there have only been two people who she was afraid of, one of them was her mother, Alisson Veritia, and the other one…

Was not his father, the most powerful man in the north…

It was his big brother, Claude Boltor…

"I… I haven't finished the task that mother-"

Anastasia began to sweat and trembled a little.

"I will convince mother" Said Claude.

"B-But I-"

"Anastasia, are you trying to defy me?"

Anastasia looked at her brother with fear.

"N-No, I am sorry, brother" Said Anastasia.

"Then come here" Said Claude.

Anastasia looked down and began to walk towards Claude.

However, before she got too far, a hand stopped her.

"Young lady! Wake up!"


"Young lady! You are not the Anastasia Boltor from a few months ago! You aren't that coward that feared the strong and looked down on the weak! You are better than this!" Said Hans.

"H-Hans, I-I can't defeat him alone…"

"Young lady, you aren't alone, you have miss Demeter! You have lord Alfonso! You have me, I will always be by your side! I-"


Before Hans could finish, a thunder came from the heavens, like divine punishment, piercing a hole in Hans chest!

"Noisy" Said Claude.

Anastasia couldn't believe what she was seeing, the hand that has always taken care of her since she was small, was slowly losing its force…

Finally, leaving hers…

Hans fell to the ground and his breath stopped…


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