The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 309 - Heretics

Chapter 309 - Heretics


Is giving to the ones who had to acquire their own unique will, that can rival with the ones of the gods.

Contrary to the gods, whose wills are based on their affinities with the powers of nature, the 'will' comes from the desire to surpass their own limits, to break the shackles that gods have used on humanity since their creation.

When a human awakens their will, the world, that is dominated but the gods will use everything in their powers to destroy him or her

Because that is the will of the gods.

As such, the heretics are born.

The 'champions' and the 'heretics' are sworn enemies since ancient times.

However, it was a lost war for the heretics, because the people who could use will power could be counted by one hand, in fact, they're even rarer than champions. This wasn't always like this.

There is a legend that says that the four great continents were one a long time ago. Humanity was born in a place near what now is Oceano. The gods game birth to the first humans with the hopes that they would give them tribute, for years, humanity did this, but the gods weren't satisfied just by that.

Their demands for humans soon reached the level of tyrannise, humans were slaves of the gods.

Among the humans, a special woman was born.

This human was born when humanity was at its worst. Humans were dying from hunger because the food they made were giving as offering to the gods.

This woman saw what was happening to her brothers and sisters…

To her Parents….

To her Neighbors…

To her kind…

It says that the woman cried to the gods for three days and three nights without stopping.

However, nobody answered her.

Her tears dried and blood began to drip.

The ground soon become soaked by her blood.

Soon somebody noticed her, however, he didn't say anything to her, he just looked at her…

Soon more and more people began to notice the woman's actions.

After some time, everyone was observing her actions.

Like all humanity's misery and suffering was being represented by her actions.

She grabbed a knife and pointed it to her neck for some seconds, nobody made a single sound.

Everyone looked at the woman while clenching their teeth.

Everyone thought that the woman was going to succumb in despair…

However, to everyone's surprise, the woman grabbed the knife and pointed it to the skies!


The world trembled in fury, soon, rain and thunders began to appear in the skies, pointing their fangs at the woman.

However, the woman didn't move, she stood firmly, pointing at the skies.

Defying the gods!

A golden aura emerged from the woman. But it didn't stop there.

The golden aura began to appeared in every single human, in an instant, all the hunger and illnesses from the people began to disappear.

The shackles of the gods were destroyed and humanity, for the first time since their creation, felt that they could get rid of the oppression of the gods.

They felt, for the first time… Hope.

That was the name that history gave to the will power of the woman.

Soon, humanity began to awake their will and an age of prosperity and revolution began.

The annals of those times were lost in time, but, the other great event that changed the world will occur soon after that.

'The punishment of heavens'

Nobody know exactly what happen or how did it happen, however, that would be the first time that the world would hear the word… champion.

After that event, the once prosper age of humanity finished and the land was divided in the four that we know nowadays.

"Impossible! There is no way that he could awake his will! This can't be happening!" Though Leonardo.

*Tzz* *Tzz*

Electric arcs began to appear near Alfonso while his aura began to transform from green… to purple.josei

"But… but go- I mean, Alfonso was already a champion, then… that means!" Said Clara.

"Fascinating! I have never seen one of my own!" Said Mengele.

The young man took a deep breath before saying

"Just in time… like always"

While everyone around him was surprised, Alfonso's mind was currently in a familiar place for him. He looked at the black throne in front of him with a sense of familiarity, at his sides, the cries of the countless bodies could be heard.

This scene felt too familiar, it was exactly like this when Chrono's will almost take over him, of course, the last time he had the help of Demeter and was able to barely get free from his influence.

This time, however, there was a change.

"There is someone sitting on the throne" Though Alfonso.

Indeed, sitting on the black throne, someone was looking at him with disdain. The person was enveloped in darkness, the only thing that making him different from a shadow was the bright green eyes that looked at Alfonso.

"Who are you?" Asked Alfonso.

The shadow looked at him and his eyes made a mocking laughed.

"Who I am? You should already know that" Said the shadow.

Alfonso looked seriously at the shadow while walking towards the throne.

The nearest he got to the throne, the clearer the person sitting there could be seeing.

"…" Alfonso stood there while looking at his own persona sitting on the throne.

"You are the manifestation of my soul power" Said Alfonso.

"Right… and wrong at the same time" Said the other Alfonso.

The other Alfonso stood there looking at Alfonso.

"You are right in a sense that indeed, I am the representation of your soul power, I represent the power of time that is already part of you" Said the other Alfonso.

"But, you are wrong as well… because I am not only a manifestation… I am part of you as well" Said the other Alfonso.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what you heard" Said the other Alfonso with a smile.

"I am not only a manifestation… I am you, and you are me"

"We are one"

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