The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 312 - Demeter Vs Dionisius

Chapter 312 - Demeter Vs Dionisius

"Are you serious, Aunty?" Asked Dionisius.

"More serious than you think" Said Demeter.

Dionisius looked at Demeter with surprise expression.

"But… I am your nephew… your brother… are you really able to kill one of your kind… for a mortal?"  Said Dionisius.

"Don't be mistaken, Dionisius, I never consider you and the other gods as my family… my family was destroyed by the same gods that were my brothers" Said Demeter.

"For as far as I remember, I was alone… until I finally got the chance to get my family again… this is probably my last chance" Said Demeter.

She extended her finger and pointed to Dionisius.

"I won't let anything… or anyone… take my family away from me again" Said Demeter.

"Aunty I…"

"Enough excuses Dionisius, you disappoint me" Said Demeter.

Demeter took out her scythe, however, her scythe was quite different than the previous times, this time, the scythe was grey and the blade was blacker than usual.

"I do not have the power to attack the soul anymore, so my Ying-Yang domain is useless" Said Demeter.

However, after hearing this, Dionisius wasn't relief, in fact, he became more and more serious.

Demeter swung her scythe and Dionisius retreated as fast as he could.josei


Space seemed to crumble as Dionisius felt that even air itself was cut in two.

"But, my physical power has improved a lot" Said Demeter.

"I can see that!" Said Dionisius.

"Here it comes" Said Demeter

Demeter began her attack again and Dionisius evaded with all his might, he didn't dare to face the scythe head-on.

"Those hits are with the intention to kill!" Though Dionisius.

 "Damn it! Demeter, how can you be so serious when he is only a human!?" Said Dionisius.

"You are proving yourself to be absolute trash, Dionisius!" Said Demeter.

The attacks become fiercer while Dionisius notice that it became harder and harder to evade the attacks.

"DEMETER! DON'T PUSH ME!" Shouted Dionisius.

"Then come at me with full force! " Said Demeter.

"DEMETER!" Shouted Dionisius.

Dionysius's eyes become red and he went with full force towards Demeter.

"[DUEL]!" Shouted Dionisius.

Once more, the colosseum appeared and Dionisius and Demeter were facing each other, however, the difference was that this time, Dionisius had his adult appearance.

"Demeter, here, you can't use your soul powers" Said Dionisius.

Demeter tried to summon her scythe, but the scythe won't materialize.

"It's useless Demeter" Said Dionisius.

"I will give you one last chance Demeter, for the affection and the care I have for you, stop this foolish behavior and come to your senses, you are a god, you are our kin, come back to us… to me" Said Dionisius.

"Ho? I thought that I rise you differently, however, it seems that a god is still a god in the end" Said Demeter.


"Enough talk Dionisius, let's end this" Said Demeter.

Demeter disappears and reappeared in front of Dionisius in an instant.

"Wha-" Dionisius was stunned.

Demeter lifted her leg and kicked Dionisius with all her might.

Dionisius clenched his teeth and punched the leg as well.


The collision created a distortion in the coliseum while both parties stood there without moving!

"How!? Even in your Winter form, you weren't so powerful!" Said Dionisius.

"It isn't me who is stronger" Said Demeter.

"You have become weaker"

Demeter jumped and landed on Dionisius's arm, at a second, she propelled herself towards Dionisius and kicked him with her knee.

"Uggh!" Dionisius bleed while he reincorporated himself back to the fight.

He caught the leg of Demeter and try to swing her to the ground.

"HAAAA!" Shouted Dionisius.

Demeter reacted fast, she put her hands on the ground and put all her weight into her arms, preventing Dionisius to plump her on the ground.

She clenched her teeth while she put force on her arms once more, she propelled herself from the ground, and, in midair, she used her other leg to back kick the arm of Dionisius.

"Ahh!" Dionisius cried in pain while he let go of Demeter's leg.

Demeter, who was in midair, couldn't help herself to fall to the ground, however, she quickly made a round kick and stood up once more.

"Dionisius, you right now, is no match for me" Said Demeter.

"What… what do you mean, me right now!? I am still the same! I am Dionisius, the god!" Shouted Dionisius with blood on his mouth.

"No, you are wrong, you aren't a god" Said Demeter.

"YES, I AM!"

"If you are a god, then, why did you lose to a mortal?" Asked Demeter.

Dionisius was taken back.

"Gods can only be defeated by other gods, that has been the universal law since the beginning of the creation and it will always be" Said Demeter.

Dionisius remember his fight with America and clenched his teeth.

"That was mistaken if I had more time to prepare…"

"Time to prepare? Since when did gods have to prepare for a battle against a mortal?" Said Demeter with sarcasm.

"…" Dionisius didn't know what to answer.

"However, if you still don't believe what I am saying, then I will show you unquestionable prove" Said Demeter.

Demeter launched herself to Dionisius once more and jumped just when she was in front of him. Dionisius reacted late and punched towards the air. He was surprised by the reflexes of Demeter.

"She is so fast!" Though Dionisius.

He looked up and saw Demeter who was coming towards him!


Dionisius jumped to his right while the leg of Demeter kicked the ground. However, Demeter didn't stop there, she used the ricochet power to launch herself once more towards Dionisius, this time, Dionisius didn't have to evade.


The kick broke some of Dionisius's ribs while he rolled on the ground.

Demeter walked towards him with a cold gaze while Dionisius trembled a little.

Demeter put her foot on Dionisius's neck while she looked at him.

"See? You are not a god" Said Demeter.

"After all"

"Gods don't fear death"

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