The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 386 - Infiltration

Chapter 386 - Infiltration

Let's go back a couple of hours ago.

While Alfonso was still resting and every noble of the lower classes were still arriving on the island, someone was waiting patiently in her room.


*Knock* *Knock*

Someone knocked on her room.

"Oy, you, it's time to go" Said a rude voice from the order side of the door.josei

Carmine stood up and opened the door.

Five guards were waiting for her.

"Carmine, it's time" Said one of the guards.

Carmine nodded and lifted her arms.

The guard put a pair of handcuffs on her and began to move, the other four surrounded Carmine from the sides, blocking all possible routes of escape.

"What is the monarch so worry about? My life is in his hands already" Laughed Carmine.

"You dare to mock the monarch… you sure aren't afraid of death" Mocked one guard.

 "What's the point in showing fear of him? If it wasn't for the fact that someone else is restraining, you think that mere ant could even move a single hair of mine?" Asked Carmine.

"How dare you!"

One of the guards lifted his punch.


He hit the face of Carmine leaving a small red on her cheek.


The guard was surprised, he had acted in the heat of the moment, however, he was sure that Carmine would, at the very least, cut off his arm.

He looked back at Carmine whose face didn't change.

He tried his luck again and punched her other cheek.


The hit concreted and red appeared once again on the cheek of Carmine.

"Hehe" All of the guards smiled and began to kick and punch Carmine.

Carmine didn't answer, she let all the hits hit the mark.

 After a couple of minutes, the guards dragged the beaten Carmine to their captain.

The captain looked in horror at how their subordinates brought Carmine.

"W-w-what have you done…" Said the Captain.

"Hehe, captain, we give some punish to this bitch who likes to talk a lot" Said one guard with a huge smile.

However, he didn't receive the 'good job' that he was waiting for the captain.



The captain slapped hard in the face of the guardian, who fell to the ground.

"B-b-but captain…"


He grabbed the guard from the neck and signaled Carmine.

"You know who her sister is?"

"Eh? S-sister?"

"Answer! You know who her sister is!?"


"Her sister could kill all of us with just one though! If you think that Carmine is dangerous, then her sister is one hundred times worse"

"How… how can someone by worse than her" 

"If her sister finds about this, forget you even the monarch won't be able to hold a candle in front of her" Said the captain.

The guard trembled a little by the sole idea.

"Wh-what should we do?" Asked the guard while trembling.

"Oh! Now you are worried!?" The captain was about to lose his mind.

The captain calmed himself after some minutes.

"Okay, okay, this is what we are going to do, we are going to tell the lord that Carmine is resting in her room" Said the captain.

"Send her to the restroom, where the hunters are, however, do it in incognito, and then grab some medicine and use it on her, so we can, at least, camouflage the injuries" Said the captain.

Everyone looked at each other.


"MOVE!" Shouted the captain.

Everyone bowed and the guard who had hit Carmine first lifted Carmine.

While walking through the path towards the restroom. The guard was ultimately angry.

"Fuck, fuck, why do I have to suffer so much for this woman!?" Shouted the guard.

He arrived at the door that lead towards the restroom.

"Okay, okay, be calm, be calm" Murmured the guard.

He opened the room and saw that more than forty men turned towards him.

The guard was terrorized by the sight, however, he took a few seconds and put a smile.

"I, I brought a hunter that drunk too much, please don't mind me~" Said the guard.

The other hunters looked at the guard for some seconds before turning around and completely ignore him.

The guard sighed in relief and went to the medicine room at the very back of the room.

He found a bed and a few utensils for medicine.

"My demon, I thought I would throw" Thought the guard.

He put Carmine on the bed and went to grab something to camouflage the injuries.

"I didn't expect that training in first aid would be useful someday" Thought the guard.

He grabbed some bandages and lotions.

"Wait… this will be my last chance to hit this arrogant woman…" Though the guard.

 "Maybe… once last?" 

His hand was itching. He smiled and put down the bandages.

He turned towards Carmine.

"Hehe, be grateful that this is the last one" Thought the guard.

However, after he turned around, he found that a pair of green eyes were looking at him.

"Wha… ugh!" 

The guard didn't have time to be surprised, he felt a pain in the neck and everything went black.

"A bee's sting is more painful than your punches" Murmured Carmine.

That was the last thing that the guard heard before fainting out.

Carmine dragged the body of the guard to one side and put it inside his other-dimensional ship.

While doing that, she as well took out a black cape and a fox like mask.

She went out of the room and sat near it without standing so much.

Hours passed and the captain entered the room.

"Okay everyone, it's your turn to go to the hunting grounds" He shouted.

All of the hunters stood and went out of the door to enter the hunting grounds.

"One…two… ten…" The captain began to count.


"What's wrong, captain?" A guard, who was by his side, asked.

"I thought there were only fifty hunters" He said.

"That should be the case" Said the guard.

"But I am sure that I counted fifty-one" Said the captain.

"Are you sure?" Asked the guard.

"Maybe I am overthinking it, but to be sure, let's inform the lord about this" Said the captain.

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