The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 390 - Real Hunters

Chapter 390 - Real Hunters

Alfonso hid as well as he could.

"I need to rest, somewhere, somewhere…" Though Alfonso.

*Ting~* *Ting~*

Once again, the sensor on his neck tingled.

"Damn it!" 

Alfonso when on the run once again, however, it wasn't long before two more hunters appeared.

"Stop there!" Shouted both while running towards Alfonso.

Alfonso didn't have the strength to active [oversoul] so, he just activated [Nostradamus's record] to evade the attacks.


Leaving a small mark of blood on Alfonso's right cheek, a knife went on its way until it crashed into a tree.

Alfonso used the cane to impulse himself towards the air!


The hunters were surprised.

However, due to Alfonso's weak body, this wasn't so difficult.

Alfonso made a round jump until he was behind the hunters.

"Ha…ha…ha" Alfonso was exhausted.

However, he put some on his will power into his leg to force himself to move towards the hunters, without thinking, Alfonso hit one of the hunters in the head with his cane while he evaded the knife of the other one.

"Ugh!" The hunter whose head was hit fell to the ground with blank eyes.

The other hunter didn't have time to make another attack. Alfonso used the back of his palm to hit the hunter's chin, making him faint.

"*COUGH*" Alfonso coughed blood.

He was too tired, his body couldn't use more will power, however, he couldn't stop.

He dragged his exhausted body towards the forest.

"I am… almost… there..." Though Alfonso.


He felt his body heavy. 

When he looked around, he was already on the ground.

"Haha…" Laughed Alfonso.

"I can't move an inch…" Though Alfonso.

He looked down and saw that his signal was still tingling.


"I will love to do something about this… however…." 

"I am just too tired…" 

With this last thought, Alfonso fainted.


After the signal was sent, at least fifteen hunters managed to reach Alfonso's position.

"What? He is dead already?" Asked one of them.

"It doesn't seem like, he is… sleeping?" 

"Oh my demon, this human is that stupid?" 

"I don't know…"

The hunters were more perplexed than anything by Alfonso's attitude.

"Whatever, let's cut his head and end this" 

The hunters approached Alfonso with blades on their hands.

"Go you first bro" Said one of the men.

"Don't mind if I do~"

The demon lifted the blade…


The demon heard the blade piercing the flesh.

However, it wasn't Alfonso's flesh…


The demon looked back and the world, spun, the last thing he saw was the air of claws bathed in blood.

"…" The other demons were stupefied by the scene.

Two small children, appeared in front of the group. One of them had blood dripping from his hand.

"You dare to sneak attack big bro…" Said of the demons.josei

The demon was in rage, however, he wasn't stupid.

These kids appeared out of nowhere, how could he, who is an experience hunter, did not detect a single trace of them.

So he didn't attack.

"If you had the capabilities, we could split the bounty fifty-fifty, there was no reason for you to kill my brother" Said the demon.

"You are wrong" Said the kid.

"What do you mean?" 

"Alfonso is my friend!" Said the kid.

"Friend… hey, are you being serious?" Asked one of the hunter.

"E-E-Enough words" Said the other child.

In a second, the other child, a little girl, disappeared from sight, and, in a second, a small tremor shook the ground. 


The man suddenly felt his body being compressed by a huge force!

He looked up and saw a huge pair of yellow eyes looking at him.

"Basilisk!" Said the demon.

Drakini transformed in her serpent form, and, without Alfonso noticing, the snake, which was 2-meter-long before, now had a high of 4 meters!

"Ugh… fucking snake!" Said the demon.

Drakini strangled stronger while the bones of the hunter become to crack.

"Ahhh! What are you waiting for!? Help me!" Shouted the hunter.

The other hunters snapped out from the impression and draw their weapons to attack Drakini!


The demons attack the large body of Drakini, however, after three consecutive attacks, they notice something strange.


"It's too hard! Her skin!"


Drakini's green skin has evolved thanks to her time in the realm of Chrono.

Thanks to her absorption of the power of time, her innate abilities were finally showing.

"Not so fast"

Cerberus run in her human form towards the hunters and used his claws to pierce the flesh of the demons!




The demons fell one by one.

Cerberus turned to look at Drakini and saw what it used to be a demon, turned into a bag of flesh.

"You are disgusting" Said Cerberus.

Drakini turned back to her human form.

"Those who try to hurt sir, will suffer a destiny worse than death" Said Drakini with bloody eyes.

Funny enough, she didn't stutter.

"…" Cerberus shivered a little at the look of Drakini.

Drakini moved towards Alfonso.

"D-D-Doggy, help me with sir" 

"Don't call me doggy" Said Cerberus.

Both lifted Alfonso and quickly disappear in the jungle.


Alfonso felt his body heavy.


Alfonso opened his eyes with difficulty.

"Where… where I am?" Asked Alfonso.

He looked at the sides and everything was dark.

Except, of course, a pair of green eyes who were looking at Alfonso.


"Y-Y-You finally woke up!"

Drakini, on her snake form, of course, the smaller form, jumped and coiled herself on Alfonso's head.




"Go down you stupid snake! You are killing him!" Shouted Cerberus.

"A-A-AH sorry sir!" Shouted Drakini while turning back to her human form.

Alfonso took a deep breath.

"Drakini, Cerberus, where are we?" Asked Alfonso.

"W-W-We are inside a cave, sir" Said Drakini.

"We had to run since the hunters were approaching" Said Cerberus.

"How many?" Asked Alfonso.

"It's not exactly a matter of quantity, it's a matter of quality" Said Cerberus.

"What do you mean?" Asked Alfonso.

"What I mean is that the small fries are already dead"

"And the real hunters… are on their way"


A few meters away from the cave where Alfonso and company were resting.

A woman was slowly but surely… approaching.

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