The System for Mentoring Villain Bosses

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Chapter 3


Su Tian walked down the stairs and picked up the coin from the muddy area in the corner. She blew it clean and handed it over to the little boy. The little boy paused for a second before looking up at her, and she saw in front of her a little face full of bruises.

Su Tian tried her best to not let her surprise show, but the little boy still looked like he was stung. He quickly lowered his head, grabbed the coin from Su Tian, dashed downstairs and disappeared.

Su Tian turned around and Uncle Wang looked to be a bit embarrassed. Just a minute ago, he was bragging about the quality of the residence and now this...

“The kid’s name is Xi Yun. His mom had ran off with someone else and Old Xi... aye, that poor kid.”

With the exception of Old Xi and the Lui’s, all the other neighbors were very easy going. After all, most of the residences nearby were faculty members of Luo Cheng High School. Even the small business owners nearby were family members of the faculty members.

The mother and daughter started cleaning up around the house after seeing Uncle Wang off.

A lot of cleaning was needed since they had just moved in. Su Tian and He QIngwan stayed busy all the way till it was late into the evening. The two were so tired they collapsed onto the couch, but not before they got out some egg pudding from the fridge. They had made earlier in the day. With an egg pudding in their hands while watching TV, the two enjoyed themselves very much.

The entire time He Qingwan talked non-stopped about the little boy from the day time. Was he okay? Did he get another beating when he got home?

He Qingwan was a doting mother so she assumed that all parents under the sun were just like her. What she didn’t realize was that the scariest thing on earth was that there was no qualification requirements to become parents or an examination of any sort.

Su Tian comforted her by saying, “We didn’t hear any noise from the upstairs, I think he was fine.”

That made He Qingwan feel better.

Su Tian wasn’t sure what to do with her mother’s over the top kindness.

She had transmigrated three years ago, right after they found that not only did her scum of a father have a college girl girlfriend on the side, they even had a son together that he loved more than anything else. He Qingwan often came over and hugged and cried in front of her in the middle of the night.

Frankly speaking, He Qingwan was a bit spoiled and not in touch with reality. Like a Chinese dodder flower, she didn’t have the ability to take care of herself. And, she was a bit of an over-the-top Samaritan, but her love for Su Tian outweighed all of her shortfalls.

When she first transmigrated over, it seemed it was He Qingwan that depended on Su Tian all the time, and was finally able to gain the courage from Su Tian to leave her scum husband and divorced him.

Yet, on the flip side, Su Tian had also gained a sense of belonging in this world from He Qingwan.

The interaction between humans were usually more complicated than just a unidirectional give and take.

The two of them didn’t go to bed till late into the night. Perhaps it was because they have just moved into a new place, Su Tian was tired, but still too excited to feel sleepy. So, when she heard, “Ding – System is now being activated”, she was well aware that she wasn’t dreaming.

Su Tian was a bit groggy, but she was calm. She remembered vaguely hearing a voice asking if she wanted to transmigrate to a different world to accept assignments after she died from the car accident.

The Su Tian had accepted the offer, and when she had woken up, she had become the Su Tian that she was now.

This new world was quite similar to her old one, except the timeline was pushed back a little bit, roughly around the year 2000, before the development of online shopping, let alone mobile payments.

Three years of being in this new world and she had never heard that voice again; she started thinking that she had imagined it all at the verge of life and death.

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