The Tale Never Ends

Chapter 132 - The Homecoming Dinner

Chapter 132 - The Homecoming Dinner

Chapter 132 The Homecoming Dinner
I could hardly believe my ears when I heard Aunt Ulan uttered the words. So this was the true reason she was so anxious to expedite matters! She wanted me to bring her to Wu Zhong where she could once again see Father! “Is this even fine?” I collapsed into a chair and fumbled miserably for other options. Still, my mind was completely blank!

Just as I was still grappling for ways to answer, Godmother spoke suddenly, “Sister, I think it’s better if you stay here.” Aunt Ulan stared at her, shocked by her words. Quietly, she turned to Godmother, who promptly continued, “There was indeed passion between Murong Hai and us, Sister. But the time has long gone, and you are a mortal. Mortals grow old. Even today, Murong Hai maintains a youthful and exuberant appearance, while you are now a frail old lady? Do you really wish to let him see you like this? Frankly, Sister, even I… Even I would never dare show myself before him again!”

Godmother must have remembered meeting Mother, I reflected. It was then she had decided she had lost, for good. Aunt Ulan said nothing. But a flash of gleam in her eyes told me she fully comprehended what Godmother was trying to tell her. Aunt Ulan chuckled lightly and sat down before speaking again, “Oh my… Look at me… I’m getting too excited at all this… Seeing the children getting together…” The rest of us smiled, gently nodding to ourselves. The unmistakable hint of forlornness and squalor was present when she snickered, although none of us knew better than to point that out.

Aunt Ulan sank slowly back into her chair. To Edelweiss she said, “Ala, you will accompany Shiyan this time on his journey back!” In all events, I could see that Edelweiss had not expected herself to hear this. Quickly, she asked, “But if I’m not around, Chief… Who’s to take care of you…” Before Aunt Ulan could answer, Godmother replied in her stead, “Just you relax! I’m here, ain’t I? Moreover, I have the bunch of girls from my lair with me! Your Chief is in good hands! With me here taking care of things, just you relax!” Aunt Ulan assented with a tacit acknowledgment and Edelweiss smiled. She bowed deeply to Aunt Ulan and Godmother, so happy that she could hardly speak.

And thus we reached the end of my second foray into Inner Mongolia. Oddly, it was weird to have a cavalcade of horse riders as our escort as our car headed towards the train station. It would have been a wacky scene to city folks from where I came from…

Edelweiss exchanged tearful farewells with her sisters and Aunt Ulan before leaving. I patted and comforted her, “Hush now, there’s no need to cry. We’ll be coming back here when we have the time.” She nodded, wiping her wet eyes. I placed an arm over her shoulders and grinned. “So you’re sad that I’m bringing the best assistant of my Aunt Ulan back with me as a wife?” She smiled in return at my joke, now with tears of joy welling her eyes.

The road homeward bound seemed always long and weary; even with the speed and rush of the Beijing subway, I could not help feeling that everything was moving too slowly for me. It was a tiresome journey that lasted till night when I finally heard the laconic and disinterested voice from the train intercom saying, “Next stop, the Wu Zhong County Station. Next stop, the Wu Zhong County Station…” Edelweiss had been sitting all day by the window, taking in the sights and sceneries that whizzed by the train. Still, she was looking lively and excited as ever, while I could already feel my shoulders and back sagging by the fatigue of traveling one whole day. Her attention was captivated by the strings of golden flickering lights outside, her face blithe and bright with enthusiasm and joy.

We got off the train when we reached Wu Zhong. Just like before, Father and his fellow colleagues were already there, waiting for us. Only this time, our reception party included even Mr. Zhang, the Seven Sisters and even Old Man Xie! It was an ensemble that kindled a warmth in my heart for the care they showed us.josei

But seeing Old Man Xie being present, I remembered about Ha’ri Naohai. I told him everything and warned him that it was hardly a coincidence that Zhang Zhigui had encountered the Order of Pain. They were obviously plotting something insidious against him. I told Old Man Xie gravely and pointed out that we should caution Zhang Zhigui to be careful. But the old man merely chuckled and waved dismissively. “Rest assured, my boy. He already knows about it! Tell me about this gorgeous lass you brought home with you! Last I remember, you were supposed to be on a trip to rescue somebody, not a matchmaking engagement!”

Everyone laughed at what he said! Edelweiss’ cheeks burned furiously. Quickly, I said, “Heavens, old man. Have some decency, you. You’re an elder, act like one! Look at yourself teasing a young lady!” Just then, Old Man Chen made himself known by his distinctly hoarse voice. Held by Chongxi at one arm, he croaked, “Heh heh heh… And what does this old fool know? He’s only a bumpkin! He knows nothing about the likes and dislikes of young people these days!” He cast a mischievous glance at Old Man Xie, who refused to look back at him. I could only grimace with exasperation. How on earth did this nutty pair manage to have themselves revered as the Triune of Wu Zhong then?! Their characters hardly matched each other!

We did not head home directly. Instead, we adjourned to a restaurant with Father leading the convoy of cars. As he drove at the head of our motorcade, he proudly pronounced that he was “fetching his daughter-in-law”.

Sitting in the car, Edelweiss could have died to beg for a hole to sneak into. The intense embarrassment battered her into a docile and shy young girl who was a stark contrast to the fiery Amazonian demeanor she had whenever she was riding atop a saddle!

We talked about our trip over the meal and admitted to Father that I knew about his involvement in the whole affair surrounding the Dragon-slaying Blade. I had also told him about my encounter with Shang Pei and Zhu Mei.

Father merely nodded restrainedly at what I said, opining nothing at all. However, I did observe something during the meal: the hands of Old Men Xie and Chen shuddered for an ephemeral second when I mentioned about the Tangshan Earthquake. It happened so quick that it had nearly escaped my notice.

With food once again before him, Chongxi was delightful as he exclaimed through his full mouth, “Wow, Teacher, Old Man Xie. To think that both of you once had such glorious days!” Old Men Xie and Chen both scoffed loudly at each other with a loud “humph” while turning away from each other disdainfully. Still, they could not resist revealing a thin smile as they reminisced of their swashbuckling days together in thwarting evil folk.

Afterward, I continued with the story of Godmother, on which Father began to look abashed and flustered. Uncle Quan chuckled with glee at the tale of Father’s former dalliance, listening intently as he sipped at his liquor. With a playful nudge, he said to Father, “Heh heh heh, Brother Hai, I wonder why have you kept such interesting tales of yourself to yourself! They are fascinating! I wonder how things would go if these two paramours of yours were to come visiting one day… Wait a minute, does your wife know about this?” Father shoved him with an annoyed smirk in return and said, “You’ve had too much! Look at you, behaving like a boy!”

We talked at length about Shang Pei and Zhu Mei, and immediately the flood doors opened wide; almost everyone at the table had something to say about the two Terrors of the Frontier. Old Man Chen chuckled viciously and said, “How is Shang Pei now? Is he rotting with age? Does he still speak loudly like a horn?” I smiled and nodded. “Old Shang is very close to reaching immortality. His body is practically ageless now!” Old Men Xie and Chen smiled approvingly. As former comrades, they were proud of him. But I said again, “I’m sure he is thankful of you, Old Man Chen! It was your help that he is able to reach such heights today!”

Old Man Chen was depositing a tender piece of braised pork into his mouth when he heard me. With another tremble, his hands faltered and his chopsticks clattered loudly on to his plate and bowl. I was surrounded by a flurry of expression staring back at me at what I said. Father merely shook his head wearily, saying nothing. Old Man Xie was quiet, taking another quiet gulp from his glass. Mr. Zhang and Uncle Quan merely peered quizzically at Old Man Chen, hoping for an elaboration on a tale they obviously had not heard before. Beside them, Aunt Fen, Xiao Qi and the rest of the Sisters continued chomping down their food without any apparent concern. While Chongxi, Lin Feng and I were looking at Old Man Chen with renewed respect.

The old soothsayer was blind, but he was no fool. He could feel the tenseness rising from the sudden quietness around the dinner table and understood that everyone wished to listen to what he wanted to say. With a long and heavy sigh, he replaced his chopsticks on the table. He stretched two fingers in a V-sign, and Chongxi dutifully placed a cigarette between the fingers before setting it alight.

He took a long swig and began. “Well… It has been so long. So long ago that I would have thought this would be a secret that I would carry with me into the grave… Still, the cruel irony of Fate… Heh heh heh…”

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