The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 327

Chapter 327: Alice's Mission

I thought Lilith was going to be living in a luxurious palace. I never thought she would be staying here.

While gripping the Royal Magic Tower's magic robe with her right hand, Alice looked up at an inconspicuous residential building. This was the location the navigator had led her.

This residential building wasn't far from the Royal Magic Tower and the Franken Convention Center. More specifically, it was situated right in the middle of these two locations. With how close this residential building was to the Royal Magic Tower, it should logically be highly sought after by students. Unfortunately, as the Royal Magic Tower forbade its students from staying outside the tower, this residential building didn't become rare and highly sought-after property.

Of course, for Lilith, who could ignore the Royal Magic Tower's rules, a residential building located in between the Franken Convention Center and the Royal Magic Tower was no different from prime real estate. Lilith might have other more luxurious residences that she would use to entertain guests from the nobility. However, since Lilith had put Andusia, her new favorite figurine, in her house in this inconspicuous residential building, she had obviously treated this place as her main stronghold, whereas the importance of her other residences came afterward.

Relying on the magic robe's Mana Concealment Skill, Alice entered the residential building unhindered. As this was the residence of the Rhine Kingdom's princess, Alice was willing to bet that some guards were keeping watch over this place. Unfortunately, none of them had the ability to see through Alice's concealment.

The magic robe might only have a weapon rating of "Fine," and its Mana Concealment skill only had a duration of a few minutes, no complaints could be made about the skill's effect. Only a person with incredibly high Spirit and Control stats could possibly detect Alice's movements based on the change in the flow of air and mana around Alice.

However, it was obvious that none of the guards stationed here had that kind of strength. So, Alice effortlessly walked up to Lilith's home, found a window located in a blindspot, and snuck into the house.

Alice did not need to continue concealing herself after entering the house. Even if Lilith stationed guards outside her residence, there was no way she would station guards in her house. Alice knew very well what an otaku would do during their alone time. Unless Lilith wanted to experience social death, there was no way she would allow others to see the situation inside her house.

"Hmph. So you still haven't forgotten about me?"josei

As soon as Alice removed her robe, Andusia's voice entered her ears. Turning to the voice, she found Andusia locked inside a square display cabinet. The cabinet looked like it was made using a very high-grade magic stone, the faint traces of mana the cabinet exuded offering a fairly good preservation effect to the figurine it stored.

If Andusia was a real figurine, she would probably be touched by how much care Lilith had shown her. Unfortunately, the last thing on Andusia's mind was to be grateful to Lilith. After all, she was a Demon King, yet she was treated like a toy and kept in a display cabinet. If not for Alice's orders, Andusia would have long since smashed Lilith's face with a blast full of mana.

"Endure it a little longer. This is to uncover the mole in the Rhine Kingdom," Alice said, chuckling as she walked up to the display cabinet and opened it. Then, she retrieved Andusia from the cabinet and put the Demon King on her shoulder. Although it had only been a day since she last saw Andusia, she unexpectedly missed the tiny Demon King. "You know how serious the consequences could be if we don't find that mole, right?"

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Alice had naturally informed Andusia of her plans. So, Andusia knew that someone was currently impersonating the Rhine Kingdom's second prince in an attempt to involve the demons in the Rhine Kingdom's succession rights.

If this matter wasn't handled properly, it would deteriorate the relationship between humans and demons. In reality, clashes between humans and demons throughout the past several thousand years mainly revolved around the Hero and Demon. However, if the relationship between the two races deteriorated any further, it would cause humans and demons to thoroughly hate each other.

Once things escalated to that point, the social order of humans and demons would collapse to a certain extent. At that time, archaic systems such as slavery might reemerge in modern-day society. After all, should humans and demons wage war against each other because of hatred rather than to acquire a better living environment, it was almost certain both sides would turn their prisoners of war into slaves.

Andusia naturally wouldn't want to see that happen. Hence, she held down her pride and obediently followed Alice's arrangements.

"Lilith's room sure is…normal. You really can't tell this is the house of a princess."

After appeasing Andusia, Alice scanned Lilith's room and found it looking different from her expectations. Lilith's room looked quite plain and messy. Honestly, it looked exactly like what an otaku's room would look like.

"This girl behaves just like a shut-in. She doesn't behave like a princess at all… But you aren't really qualified to say that about her, either," Andusia said as she glanced at Alice. Then, she suddenly gnashed her teeth as she continued, "Also, after that girl put me into that transparent box yesterday, she spent the whole night watching that Magical Girl Hikari show. I nearly died from the torture last night."

"Hahaha—"Alice couldn't help but laugh when she heard about Andusia's experience. Even without being here in person, she could easily imagine Andusia's humiliated expression. Lilith probably didn't know that she had survived at the hands of an angry Demon King last night. "Aside from watching Magical Girl Hikari, did she do anything else?"

"A woman clad in black visited her to pass on some important messages. One of the things I heard was something about the Demon King sneaking into the Royal Magic Tower." While saying so, Andusia couldn't help but cast a strange gaze at Alice. "What did you do? How did you get discovered by the tower so quickly? Moreover, you even got caught as the Demon King."

"Ahem. It's a mistake on my part, but don't worry. I've resolved the problem already."

Alice faked a cough and hurriedly changed the topic. Then, under Andusia's guidance, she grabbed the several pieces of paper on the desk in Lilith's bedroom and read the recorded information.

Just like Andusia said, these papers contained reports on the Rhine Kingdom's important affairs. However, Lilith didn't have an official part in any of these affairs since most of them were being handled by Prince Etoria and King Haydn. From these reports, it was obvious who would be the next king of the Rhine Kingdom. It was fortunate that Lilith and Collins were shut-ins and lacked interest in authority. Otherwise, the two would have probably started a rebellion already with how much preferential treatment King Haydn showed to Etoria.

"There isn't much information on Lilith…"

Alice set down the report. None of the events in the report were of particular use to her. Rather than these reported events, what Alice was more interested in was the identity of the woman who had brought this report to Lilith last night. However, as there were no surveillance cameras in Lilith's house, she couldn't get an image of the woman's appearance.

Alice didn't bother to ask Andusia to describe the woman's appearance, either. After all, there was no way she could track down the woman in question solely based on a verbal description. Rather than try to take on such an impossible task, she'd rather wait until her Dark Guards returned with more information.

"There's one more thing I want to ask you." Searching Lilith's house for clues was only Alice's secondary goal in infiltrating Lilith's house. Now that Alice had achieved this secondary goal, it was time she took care of her main goal. "Do you know where I can get Living Wood?"

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