The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 330

Chapter 330: Shocked Lilith

"Is it here?"

Shortly after Lilith and her guard Kurse left the underground car park, a figure wearing a hooded robe suddenly appeared out of thin air in the middle of the empty car park. Then, the hood got removed, revealing Alice's face.

Currently, there was also a short and delicate figure standing next to Alice. If Lilith and Kurse were still here, they would immediately recognize this delicate figure. This was because this figure was none other than the strange and monstrously strong little girl Kurse had "killed" not long ago. This little girl's face was probably one that Lilith and Kurse would not forget for a long time.

However, the loli Dark Guard currently standing next to Alice obviously wasn't the same one that Kurse had killed. The one that Kurse had killed had already disappeared after sustaining lethal injuries, while this one was a new Dark Guard Alice had just summoned.

Of course, because both loli Dark Guards originated from the same mana source, they would naturally have the same appearance after being summoned. So, it technically wouldn't be wrong to say that they were the same Dark Guard. As to why Alice had summoned the loli again, it was so that she could have the loli locate the presence that her previous self had left behind.

After receiving Alice's command, the loli Dark Guard circled the car park twice before crawling under a car. When she crawled out of the car a moment later, an extra spherical camera the size of an eyeball had appeared in her hand.

This was the camera the loli Dark Guard had secretly dug out and tossed aside during her fight with Kurse.

Alice had specifically instructed her Dark Guards to "not let the camera be discovered" before she sent them off. So, even though the loli Dark Guard had hesitated between "fight" and "flight," she did not hesitate to secretly cast the camera aside when she realized her defeat was inevitable.

"Beautifully done."

Alice rubbed the loli's head after receiving the camera from her, to which the loli Dark Guard responded by revealing a satisfied expression. The Dark Guards would retain some of the instincts of the individuals they were modeled after. So, it would seem that the loli who the loli Dark Guard was modeled after liked receiving head rubs.

Alice did not hurry to watch the footage captured by the spy camera in the car park. She planned to first take care of her residence problem. Since she was no longer tied down by the Royal Magic Tower's curfew like yesterday, she naturally had to arrange a better accommodation for herself. Money wasn't a problem, either, since all three of her current identities were not lacking in money.

After verifying that there were no problems with the spy camera, Alice returned the loli Dark Guard into It's So Short, put on her hood, and left the car park with Mana Concealment active.

When Alice initially entered the underground car park, Alice had made sure to check for surveillance cameras. Only after she had verified the absence of cameras did she dare remove her hood in the car park.

However, while there might not be any cameras in the car park, quite a few were set up at the car park's entrance. Hence, Alice still needed to conceal herself when leaving the car park.

While Alice was busy taking care of her accommodations, Lilith received a new report. Lilith naturally wasn't aware that the loli Dark Guard had secretly recorded all her actions in and outside the convention center. However, she instinctively felt that the dark-skinned little girl wasn't of ordinary origins.

Lilith had always believed in her instincts. So, she had promptly sent the photos she took to her subordinates and had them investigate the little girl.

Lilith might not have any succession rights to the Rhine Kingdom, but she had secretly developed her own forces using her wealth and influence as a princess.

While this secret force was inferior to the forces under the Rhine King and Prince Etoria's command, it wasn't weak by any means. When it came to the thieving industry, Lilith held even more influence than the several princes. So, Lilith's secret force could naturally help her uncover plenty of information unknown to others.

Under the efforts of this secret force, Lilith quickly received the information she wanted. The person who delivered the report was an inconspicuous woman. At first glance, the woman looked just like your average nanny. However, the instant the woman stepped into Lilith's house, her movements immediately changed from leisurely to sharp.

Thieves normally operated under two identities in society, and this nanny-looking woman was no exception. Although she was an ordinary employee of a nanny company on the surface, her main career was that of a thief. Moreover, she was a thief who worked mainly for Princess Lilith.

"Is this the information I asked you to gather?" Lilith asked, a little surprised as she looked at the sealed envelope the nanny had handed her. It had only been around twenty minutes since she sent the photographs to her subordinates. In other words, her subordinates had used less than half an hour to find the information on her loli assailant?

"Yes. We found this information so quickly because…it really wasn't difficult to find it," the nanny-looking thief respectfully said as she knelt before Lilith. However, when she spoke of the report, a strange expression appeared on her face. "Honestly, we were quite surprised when we found this information… Well, you'll know once you read it."

"It wasn't difficult to find?"

Lilith grew confused. She originally thought the monstrously powerful little girl would be a secret fighter nurtured by a hostile faction, and finding information on the girl would be very challenging. Yet, her subordinates had not only uncovered the information on the little girl in under half an hour, but they were even saying that this information wasn't difficult to find…

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Her curiosity piqued, Lilith opened the envelope in her hands, retrieved several sheets of paper from it, and quickly read through the report. When she was done reading the report, her complexion turned pale as if she had just seen a ghost.

After all, according to the report, her loli assailant was a warrior from several thousand years ago. Specifically, the little girl was a genius warrior from the demon race who had grasped a special kind of berserk magic from a very young age. Meanwhile, because of this magic, this little girl performed outstandingly in the war between the demon and human realms. She even left her mark in history because of her remarkable performance.

However, it would seem that the berserk magic she learned had a minor side effect in that it would destroy the genes of its users, putting a complete stop to the users' growth in body and appearance. This was also why the appearance of this loli berserker remained as a little girl in the historical records of both humans and demons.josei

Hence, when Lilith saw the loli berserker's picture, which historians drew thousands of years ago, in the report, she immediately recognized the other party. Aside from the difference in skin color and the absence of a sledgehammer, the loli berserker depicted in the picture was exactly the same as the little girl that Kurse had killed less than an hour ago.

In addition, according to the report, the loli berserker should have a small pair of demon wings growing out of her back. However, because of her stunted growth, she couldn't extend those wings and could only keep them retracted on her back. For this reason, Lilith and Kurse never noticed that their small assailant was a demon throughout the entire time Kurse had fought with the little girl.

"Why would a demon from…thousands of years ago appear in the Rhine Kingdom?"

Lilith was afraid of ghosts. So, when she learned that the little girl Kurse had fought with just now was a relic from thousands of years ago, she immediately started to panic.

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