The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 346

Chapter 346: Evil People Naturally Have Dirty Pictures

Since none of those bodyguards seemed to have any special perception capabilities, Alice only needed to conceal herself with her magic robe to sneak into Collins' house undetected. Of course, she would instantly be caught if another bodyguard was hiding inside Collins' house, but the possibility of that happening was practically zero.

Most of the bodyguards protecting Collins were sent by nobles trying to get into the royal family's good graces. If they had these bodyguards monitor Collins's house directly, they'd be directly offending a prince who had already given up on inheriting the throne. There was no way the nobles would risk doing such a thing.

In any case, Alice faced no troubles in sneaking into Collins's house. With the help of Aspect Separation, she easily unlocked the door, opened a small gap, and snuck into the house when none of the bodyguards were paying attention.

After Alice closed the door behind her, the door of the neighboring house opened. Then, a muscular man walked out of the house and looked at Collins's house in confusion. He thought he had heard the faint sound of a door opening. Hence, he had come out to take a look.

Unfortunately, the man was a step too late, so he didn't manage to catch Alice sneaking into Collins's house. However, the man didn't pay too much attention to this matter since his employer had explicitly told him that his job was to only ensure Collins's safety. As for Collins's home… So long as nobody came to make a mess of it, he couldn't care less about it.

In the eyes of nobles, Collins was no different than a nerd who didn't care about national affairs. Hence, nobody would think that any valuable information would be stored in Collins's home. At most, there'd be some anime merchandise lying around.

As such, Alice effortlessly snuck into Collins's house. Then, like last night, she had the shota magician stand guard by the door while she made her way to Collins's bedroom.

Collins had kept his bedroom relatively clean. His figurines, peripherals, and whatnot were placed neatly around his bedroom. On the computer desk was a drawing tablet, so it would seem that Collins could draw.

The nobles had most likely seen the state of Collins's bedroom before, which was probably why they had decided not to focus too much on keeping Collins's house safe. After all, while the items in this bedroom were valuable to Collins, they were worthless to most nobles.

Of course, if Collins possessed any important information, he would definitely store it on his computer. Because most nobles were still stuck to olden ways and weren't particularly tech savvy, they had most likely failed to consider this factor. Either that or Collins's computer was protected by a password, so it had high security?

Although computers in this otherworld functioned similarly to the computers on Earth and could be hacked using software, the computers here were much more secure. They couldn't be hacked just by relying on software. Hackers must also pair software with hacker-specific spells to break into most modern-day computers.

Meanwhile, people who specialized in hacking computers generally had very limited combat and concealment capabilities. So, three bodyguards should be enough to stop any would-be hackers trying to sneak into Collins's house—was probably what went through the nobles' minds.

However, the nobles evidently did not know about Aspect Separation, a taboo that could alter the concept of its targets. Changing the password of a computer was as simple as child's play for Aspect Separation.

Of course, even if the nobles did know about Aspect Separation, they probably wouldn't know how to defend against it. After all, this was a taboo they were talking about, spells that only a select few people in this world could cast.

Moreover, aside from the Hero and the Demon King, learning how to use taboos was a long and arduous process for everyone else. Take people like Catherine and the demons' Four Heavenly Kings, for example. They couldn't just learn any taboo they wanted. Instead, the majority of the taboos in their repertoire were learned through numerous combat situations and long hours of study.

Hence, it was understandable that the nobles did not prepare any countermeasures against taboos such as Aspect Separation. Not only did they not know about it, but they might not even have any ways to defend against it.

Regardless, Alice repeated her actions in Collins's company office and similarly changed his login password to "123456" using Aspect Separation, gaining access to Collins's personal computer in the blink of an eye. Although Alice felt like she was violating Collins's privacy with her actions, she was doing so to uncover the culprit trying to muddy the relationship between humans and demons. So, she hoped that Collins could understand her actions.

But then again, Collins wouldn't even know someone had snuck into his house and peeked at his computer. So, it didn't matter even if he couldn't understand Alice's actions.

Tsk. Why does it feel like the things I've been doing are getting worse and worse recently?

Alice couldn't help but scratch her head when she realized that the number of morally incorrect things she had been doing recently was increasing. If her end goal wasn't righteous, she would definitely be labeled a criminal. However, this thought only flashed in her mind for a moment before she threw it out of her mind.

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After opening Collins's computer, Alice immediately noticed that the things on his personal computer matched his personality much more than his work computer. His desktop wallpaper was an image of a 2D character, and his desktop was covered in icons of games.josei

With her experience of going through Collins's work computer, Alice decided to check the "Recently Visited" section first. Then, sure enough, she found a folder named "Secret." It was the same situation as when she inspected Collins's work computer.

If Alice had to point out a difference, it would be that this folder was much larger than the one on Collins's work computer. After Alice entered the folder using the password "123456," the first thing that entered her eyes was a ton of image and video files. Immediately afterward, a slight blush formed on Alice's face.

Unlike the folder on Collins's work computer, this folder was set to display thumbnails. So, Alice could get a glimpse of what these image and video files contained through their thumbnails. Meanwhile, it was the same situation as with Collins's work computer. These were all images and videos that could cause Collins's to experience instant social death should they ever be made public.

Because there might be a document with important information hidden in this folder, Alice had no choice but to look through these files.

However, after looking through this folder and failing to find any document files, Alice couldn't help but frown. Then, after pondering for a moment, she bit the bullet, opened these files, and inspected their content one after another...

It couldn't be helped. After all, Collins might very well have hidden information in the form of images and videos. This "Secret" folder was one of the few folders with passwords on Collins's computer. So, if he kept any important information on his computer, it must be hidden among the files in this folder.

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