The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

“Where to next?” I asked, looking at kayda.

“I think it’s more where is the next stall business we can ruin,” Kayda commented, making me laugh.

“Oh, you want to go on with that line of work tonight? I don’t mind. It’s quite fun, actually.” I said sarcastically.

“No, thank you. I don’t want more people to hate me.” Kayda said, shaking her head vigorously.

“But we are winning, so there is no downside,” I shrugged.

“No, we are ruining other people’s experiences,” Kayda explained, moving her human-size teddy out of her face.

“Are we, though, or are we saving them money?” I said sage-like.

“Yes, we are ruining it for them,” Kayda said, looking deadpanned.


“But they are ruining the event for us,” I complained just to get a sigh from kayda.

“Sigh, you do realize that you won that shooting game fair and square even though the guy rigged his game. So it’s not impossible to win the games. It’s just very hard.” Kayda explained, not showing much of an expression.

“No, it’s impossible for other people. I am Kitsuna, the fox, you know. there is no one like me out there.” I bosted proudly.

“Did you use magic?” Kayda asked, tilting her head sideways, ignoring my posting completely.

“No,” I said dejectedly at Kaydas’ lack of response.

“Then there is no problem,” Kayda said, shrugging.

“Fine, but you still didn’t answer. Where are we going next?” I said, trying to change the subject.

“Let’s get those meatballs we wanted previously,” Kayda said, getting a smile from me.

“Yeah,” I said, lifting both hands in the air and letting go of Kaydas’s hand in the proses.

“Don’t do that and store Big Chungus away,” Kayda said, holding her teddies out towards me.

“It has a name?” I said, a bit surprised.

“Yeah, of course, all my... never mind,” Kayda said, stopping herself midway.

“Oh, did I hear something interesting just now?” I said in a teasing tone taking Big Chungus away from her.

“No, you didn’t. I said no such thing.” Kayda said, glaring at me with an angry pouting face.

“Pfft, no such thing? It sounds as if you deny being nice to someone.” I said, laughing at her.

“Where did I compliment someone?” Kayda said, confused.

“Sigh, don’t worry about it. More importantly, what did you say about all your teddies? They all have what now?” I said, starting to tease her again.

“Aah, shut up. You didn’t hear anything.” Kayda shined, trying to grab my head.

“Oh, but you already know my hearing is impeccable,” I said while dodging her.

“Yeah, but you have those earbuds in,” Kayda said, narrowing her eyes at me.

“Not at the moment,” I said, showing her the earbuds in my hand.

“That’s why!” Kayda whined, defeated.

“Haha, so let’s recount your words. All my, so I can presume you always name your teddies and that you have multiple of them.” I explained thoughtfully.

“Aaah, stop talking,” Kayda yelled, trying to grab my mouth again.

“Hahaha, that’s so cute. You collect teddies as a hobby,” I teased her again. josei

“Hmph, so what? They are cute,” Kayda said, giving up and started pouting hard.

“uh-huh, teddies are supper cute sometimes, but nothing will ever beet your face right now,” I said, grabbing her chin and gently lifting it, making her look into my eyes.

“gah, don’t look at me like that,” Kayda said, flustered, before jumping on me, trying to stop me from talking.

“haha, come on, I am just teasing you,” I said, giggling while fighting back.

“And they said they were not lovers.” Katie suddenly said from the side, surprising both kayda and me.

“I know, right. Just look at them. All these screams, lovers.” An said with a grin.

“huh?” Both kayda and I stopped once we heard the two voices next to us. Looking at where it came from, we saw Katie and her mother standing about 40 meters away from us while eating something out of a small tub.

“Oh, they heard us, it seems,” Katie said, surprised, giving her tub of whatever to her mother. Grabbing the wheelchair handles, she turned around and tried to run away.

“Nope, you guys aren’t going anywhere,” Kayda said, appearing in front of them.

“Yeah, no, what even is this?” I said from behind them, looking at the tub with what I think are meatballs, but they tasted like deep-fried cabbage.

“Hey, don’t take my food!” Katie yelled, jumping at me, only for my body to turn into red smoke.

“Kayda was this what we have gotten if we got those meatballs,” I asked. This time I was standing next to kayda showing her the tub.

“huh, no, this is the healthy version of it. They also have these great fatty ones. I really love them.” KAyda explained, shaking her head.

“Is that so. Oh yeah, here you go. I won’t eat your food anymore.” I said, giving Katie’s food back.

“you would have eaten it. But I already took a bite of it.”

“yeah, so I don’t care,” I said, not interested.


“kitsu~ what do you mean by that~,” Kayda said, sending a shiver down my spine.

“Kayda, don’t even think that I care about something like someone else saliva,” I said, shaking my head at her.

“So,” Kayda said, sounding depressed.

“Are you a teenager on hormones? Indirect kissing isn’t a thing.” I said, looking at her emotionless.

“I am not,” Kayda said, not sounding very convincing and looking away.

“Is that so, then why did you make me take two bights of the candy apple that I disliked so much,” I said, grinning at her blushing face.

“that’s... wait if you knew I was after that way, did you still do it?” Kayda said confidently.

“hmm, huh, I guess you got me there. So you really were after my saliva.” I said, shrugging before walking away.

“no, no, don’t just dismiss my question like that,” Kayda whined, surprised.

“I am not dismissing it, though?” I said, inclining my head at her.

“Yeah, you are. you didn’t answer my question properly.” Kayda said, narrowing her eyes at me.

“... How many teddies do you have? I bet there is one cold fluffy, or snowy. Better yet, kisses.”

“gah kisses, what a shitty name! I would never torture my teddies with that gruesome name.” Kayda said, only to go pale, realizing what she said.

“oh so you have special names for every one of them.”


“So what’s your favourite one. How does he look, and what’s his name.” I asked, grinning.

“her... no, no, wait a minute, don’t go and change the subject like that just because you don’t want to admit that you are also like a teenager with raging hormones!”

“also?” I said with a raised eyebrow.


“kayda, you do realize that I am actually 14 years old, and around this time, hormones do come to light, you know.”

“so you aren’t denying it.”

“well, it’s my body that gets the hormones, not the brain and thoughts, but it’s definitely affecting your thoughts for you.”

“... so I have 27 teddies with cute names for each one. I will introduce you later on,” Kayda said, changing the subject.

“so it’s more embarrassing to admit you have teenage hormones than having 27 teddies,” I said, baffled at her.

“... I do not deny or agree with anything you just said,” Kayda said, looking away.

“I feel like I have said those exact words at some point.”

“crapes for sale. Get your crapes at Bens’s stall!!” Running past me, a small little girl shouted, waving her right hand in the air to get the people’s attention.

“hey,” I said, appearing in front of her.

“oof, what, sorry I didn’t see you there.” The girl said, running into me and falling down on her butt.

“ah, no, it’s my fault. anyways where is the crape stand you were just talking about?” I asked while helping her up.


“Oh, you want to go to Uncle Ben. Follow me. I will show you.” The girl said, taking my hand and trying to drag me with her.

“Wait up. There is still more coming. Kayda, you coming?” I said, looking back at her.

“Yeah, of course, I am coming,” Kayda said, grabbing my free hand.

“And you two,” I said, looking at Katie and An.

“Yeah, you guys seem entertaining tonight.” An said with a grin.

“hmm.” KAyda hummed, looking at An.

“I won’t tease you.” She said, surrendering with her hands up.

“Okay, we can go now, little girl,” I said, nodding.

“Okay, to Uncle Bens’s stall, we go.” The girl said happily.

Looking at her yukata, I realized it was almost the same as mine, just the main colour of the yukata was purple. The girl herself also had green hair and emerald green eyes.

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