The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Chapter 58:

Before I realized who or what it was, the shadow was already next to me. Look at the shadow with cold sweat. I realized it was Kayda.

“Where have you been. I have been looking for you for a couple of hours already.” Kayda said, visibly annoyed.

“That’s my line. I have been walking around the mansion looking for you for 3 hours.” I said, relaxing.

“Don’t tell me,” Kayda said with a surprised expression.

“I think we have been missing each other the whole time because we both were searching for each other,” I said deadpanned.

“Haha. That’s funny to think we have been doing that the entire time.”

“Glad you seem happy,” I said, with an emotionless expression.

“So why have you been searching for me,” Kayda said, smiling.


“I just wanted to talk to you, I guess. But why were you looking for me?” I said, forcing myself to stay calm. ‘I still need to get used to her smile.’ I thought, looking away from her smile.

“I told you I could help you with magic in my free time.”

“Un, if you here for that, then you won’t mind me asking you some advice.”

“I don’t mind, but can we go do this some were more comfortable?” Kayda said, looking at a bench not so far away from us.

“That is fine,” I said, start walking to the bench.

“You go sit. I will be right back with some drinks.”

Sitting down, I spiraled my arm on the back of the bench. Looking up into the cloudy sky.

Not long after, Kayda came back.

“You look quite comfy there,” Kayda said, holding out a glass.

“Yeah, I didn’t know my feet were this tired until I sat down,” I said, taking the glass with my left hand.

“Is that so,” Kayda said, sitting down.

While drinking, I felt Kaydas wings push against my right arm. Looking at my right, I saw that she sat right next to me, although the bench was long enough for her not to touch my arm. Looking at her side profile, I was again mesmerized by her beauty.

Getting myself out of my thoughts again, I saw that she was fidgeting with the glass while looking down at it.

“Why do you look so nervous?” I said, putting the glass down the bench.

“Ooh, it’s nothing,” Kayda said, relaxing.

“So how are the new wings. I can see you already figured out how to fly.” I said, Looking at her dragon wings. There wasn’t really anything special about there is looks. They looked the same we draw or displayed Dragonoids’ wings on earth. They were just red with some mini horns at the top.

“They are surprisingly comfortable. I don’t feel like they get in the way. However, I need to watch when I go into small doors. Anything else they don’t get in the way.” Kayda explains.

“I see, so my arm isn’t in the way,” I said.

“No, I can’t really feel your arm through my scales,” Kayda said, looking down at her glass again.

“If you say so. Are you going to grow horns on your head?” I said, not believing her.

“Yes,” she said, moving some of her hair with her hand showing a small stump on the side of her head. josei

“They are quite cute,” I said with a laugh.

“They grow on how older you get,” Kayda whispered.

“Huh, so you need to become an old hag to have proper horns?” I said, stunned at the relation.

“What did you just say,” Kayda said, narrowing her at me hold a fist up.

“I said that you would have to become an old hag... Oof.” I started repeating myself, but before I could finish, Kayda punched my stomach, making me spit out some blood.

“Don’t say old hag ever again.”

“I understand, ma’am,” I said, hunched over, holding my stomach on the floor.

“Good,” Kayda said, sitting back on the bench.

“So, anything else you want to talk about that has happened in your life?” I said, standing up.

“Not really. I heard you got 3 girls in your personal guard now?”

“Yes, they are lovely ladies,” I joked.

“Why you saying it like that.”

“Well, the 2 sisters are into each other, and my little doggie slave has gotten some confidence to talk back at me,” I said.

“Are you complain?” Kayda asks with a raised eyebrow.

“No, apart from the incest problem, I don’t really mind. I am happy Apricot is more confident than she was last night, but I think she will need a vent sometime in the future. I wonder how she acts when she is bloodthirsty.” I said, thinking how Apricot would look full of blood.

“Vent? Bloodthirst?” Kayda said, confused.

“You know all her frustration and the things the federation did to her must come out at some point. I was just wondering when and where she would act them out.” I said while thinking.

“You know not everyone acts violently. They might actually act depressed or push their frustration onto someone else.” Kayda said.

“I see. That’s true. Not everyone is the same. I just found it easier to kill people, I guess. Oh god, I really sound like I love killing.” I said with my hand on my face.

“Well, I guess that’s fine if you know where the line is between evil and good. If they are innocent or criminals.” Kayda said sagely.

“You think? What about nightmares as an outlet?”

“There is that as well. Actually, I think that will be the worst one to go through if you’re alone.” Kayda said, tapping her chin.

“I see makes sense. Now I don’t know if it’s good or not that I never really had a bad reaction to my life. Outside of killing people.” I said, a bit worried.

“But it kind of makes sense with you. You were tortured by your only family and never seen proper familial love.” Kayda said, not realizing what she actually just told me.

“Mom told you?” I said, a bit angry at Mom.

“Aah, do understand I force Stacy to tell me everything through blackmailing, and we have been best friends for more than 20 years,” Kayda explains worriedly.

“Sigh, I guess that makes sense. Though it seems I will have to do some pranking again. Ooh, that reminds me why I needed your help. Did you know that to use wire properly, you need to infuse element less mana into them?”

“Yes, I did know that. Why?”

“Well, I want to learn how to use wires, so I needed to learn how to infuse them without mixing my ice into my mana,” I said, frustrated.

“What’s so hard about that?”

“Kayda, my mana natural is ice. I struggle to use my other 2 elements more than 2 meters away from me.” I said, frowning at her.

“Oh, I see your problem. Your sister has almost the same problem in a way. Her mana is lava, though.”

“I see, but I will have to cut our chat short. I have to go check on something.” I said, having this worried about something the whole time in the back of my head.

“Okay, I can show you tomorrow then,” Kayda said, nodding.

“Thank you and sorry. I can at least get your contact details, right.” I said, taking out my scroll.

“Okay,” Kayda said, giving me her details.

“Again, I am sorry I am leaving you like this, and after we search for each other for so long,” I said, taking my scroll back.

“It’s fine, I understand, but before you go, use this to start mana control,” Kayda said, giving me a metal ball and hitting my shoulder. Looking down at her hand on my shoulder, I smirked and started patting her head.

“You are still shorter than me,” I said, taking the ball and started to rub her hair, making her annoyed.

Before she could do anything, I ran away in a certain direction.

(20 minutes later.)

Coming to a stop in front of a newly build barracks, I sigh to myself.

“Why am I feeling worried for her?” I said. Opening the door of the barracks, I started to hear quiet whimpers.

Looking through the room, you could see 5 beds on each side lined up. At the back of the room, there was a bathroom with a kitchen-type thing next to it.

Looking at the one side of the room at Sirone and Brenda’s beds. Seeing that they aren’t back yet, I sigh. On the other side of a bed, I could see Apricot sleeping rolled up into a ball.

“It seems it was a good idea to come and check on her,” I said, walking closer to her. The closer I got to her, the more I could hear her whimpers and cries.

Stopping next to the bed, I looked at her face full of pain.

“Now, how do you comfort someone?” I asked myself in a hushed tone. Thinking back to my time on earth, I remembered this one movie where the mother rubbed her child’s head to comfort him.

“I can try that,” I whispered, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Putting my hand on her head, I realized she was burning up.

“Oi, are you are getting sick on me, doggie,” I said, and for some reason, Apricot reached out with her hands towards me, who dodged her hands by instinct.

“No, you just want a hug,” I said, smirking, looking at her outreach arms. Looking at the kitchen for something that could help with her fever. I saw a small towel on the counter.


‘I can use that.’ I thought, but before I could stand up, I found myself wrapped in a hug and dragged into the bed.

“Hey! What are you doing,” I said, struggling to get out?

‘I cant freeze her mussels, or she will wake up, and I don’t want that.’ I mentally cursed myself, looking at my predicament. Struggling for a bit more, I sigh in defeat.

“You win this one, doggie,” I said, looking down at Apricot, which has dug her face into my chest with her arms still around my waist. Realizing what position I found myself in, I could feel my face start burning.

“Dammit, that place is for my wife one day, you damn dog,” I said, gritting my teeth.

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