The Tale of the Devil Sword

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Avery-6

(Author Note:- 75 power stones in a week for 1 bonus chapter.

140 power stones in a week for 3 bonus chapters.)


Kylo looked at her and started explaining her "Well, I am a 'real' powerhouse of the devil race.

As for my background, hmm it is a little complicated. Well just let me clear it before you are confused, I am not from this world.

Let me make it short, I was in a war with other races before I was defeated and was transferred here and sealed inside this claymore as its spirit." Kylo explained in short while pointing towards the claymore.

Avery was unsurprisingly surprised for a second before reacting "You said you are a sword spirit now!? Then are you a above a saint weapon?"

She was not wrong for being surprised. Because only saint weapons or above could have intelligent spirits and come out of a weapon and behave like any normal creatures.

And with how rare saint weapons are, it would be weird if she still kept her cool. Even with her background she had never seen a saint weapon.

"No I am not." Kylo replied without any hesitation though.

"Then how can you even come out of your weapon and touch all these things?!" She bombarded with more questions.

"Did I not just say I was a devil powerhouse. How can a sword even bind me? I have my own techniques to do such little things." Kylo rolled his eyes.

But he lied. He did not say it was because of the cave. He did not want to give any information to her just because she was slowly opening herself to him.

Do not see how Kylo's teasing Avery as his friendliness. As he said once, everyone wears a mask. It is just some are discernable and some are not.

True he can see through her thoughts and can even kill her if required. But he cannot keep checking her thoughts throughout the day. While she is gone he has to train and increase his cultivation base.

And he did not forget about her pet snake. Even if Avery never had any thoughts of betraying him and just let the snake know all the informations just because of their bond, who knows the snake's thoughts.

Maybe he will just come and attack the cave. The last time he was lucky that the snake was attacked by Avery mistakenly and was not able to participate in the battle. He is sure he cannot do anything to the snake if it takes the initiative to attack the cave.

Well, not that he himself knew much about the cave so letting half baked information would just be stupid.

"Well even if you were a 'real' powerhouse you were still defeated and sealed in this sword." Avery said while she smiled gently.

Kylo rolled his eyes when he heard how she was sarcastically saying the word 'real' even though she was smiling gently. He just shook his head and said nothing. He does not need to defend himself by giving some lame reasons and making it more embarassing.

Seeing no reply coming from the devil Avery also said nothing and just asked another question "So which world did you come from."

"Well you would not know even if I say anything about it. You will find more about it in future." Kylo said nonchalantly.

"Future?" Avery was a little surpirsed.

"Yes. I plan to take you with me in my world." Kylo was surprised by Avery's surprise.

He let her know about his plans already in the beginning so that she would not be afraid or panic later.

Avery was astounded because she did not think he would ask her to accompany in his later adventures.

She thought he was just using her for getting a foothold in this province before going on an adventure somewhere alone after getting back his strength.

It might be stupid of her to think like this after getting the techniques about bloodline from Kylo, but then again after being abandoned and betrayed many times in her past she already developed trust issues.

Kylo 'saw' what was going through her mind but said nothing.

Avery looked at him, then shook her head and said "I am already grateful that you are providing me this opportunity. But I cannot go with you. I have many things I want to accomplish."

Yes, she also knew it was an opportunity to her. She already he should be a big shot in his world with all the information he gave her, but she still has her ambitions.

Kylo knew where this was going but he was still silent and just nodded his head. He who was standing beside her, just asked "Is it because of your enemies?"

"Yes..." Avery said in a low but sad voice.

"Let me know more about those enemies" Kylo asked nonchalantly.

"...Why?" she asked with a confused face.

Kylo smirked and said " Well, I cannot let my maid I worked so hard to get go just like that."

[Well I cannot let a high elf go no matter what...] This was what he was really thinking.

"Just say me. Is it because of that anklet?" Kylo continued.

Kylo planned to start the conversation otherwise it would take much more time to convince her.

"How did yo-- No nevermind. You guessed it right. Yes it is because of this." Avery was about to question him how did he knew about her anklets before giving up.

(Author Note: A quick revision on what Soul contract really is. First of all Kylo can easily kill her if she betrays him by squeezing out her soul. Secondly Kylo can only see the things that is on her mind right now. Will be explained more in later chapters)josei

Kylo nodded his head indicating her to continue.

"You see this anklet is not really just any other anklet. This is the key. What if this key of, I don't know.

Some say it is a key of some treasure house. Some say it is of some ancient tomb. Rest say it is needed to open some legacy land.

But one thing is for sure anyone who gets to know the secret of this treasure will have their fate changed. Strength, Wealth everything can be gained. At least that is what was said from generation to generation.

This key was actually our family treasure. In fact this pair of keys were passed on from many generations in our clan.

This was actually the greatest secret of our clan.

No outsider ever knew of these keys because every one from our clan knew that if such information about our mysterious treasure is released it would just lead to a disaster.

But there would always be some foolish people no matter where they are." At this point Avery had an ugly expression on her face, which completely destroyed her beautiful face.

She clenched her fist, her eyes became bloodshot when she remembered about her past.

She continued "You see, there was this stupid grandson of the grand elder of our clan. My father was the patriarch. The grandson was actually a trash with no cultivation talent.

Actually, I never cared if someone had cultivation talent or not. But he was a genuine trash.

Since he was the only grandson he had, the grand elder had spoiled him a bit too much. And since the grand elder was third strongest in our entire clan we did not complain much about his stupid grandson.

Even my father did not restrict him much as long as he never crossed the line.

But the problem was there was no secret hidden from that trash. Somehow he knew about the mysterious treasure of our clan and how this could turn someone's fate. No, I am sure it was the Grand elder that let him know.

That stupid trash got greedy and wanted to take the key but this was the only time when the grand elder sternly said not to dream for stupid things.

Actually the grand elder was protecting him, be it from the clan or be it from he unknown danger he could face from the anklet,

but that hurt that trash's ego. He just had to go and blabber our secrets to the outsiders, those who he thought were his 'close friends'.

And as you would expect they all planned and teamed up to attack our clan. After all our clan was one of the strongest in that area so they just cannot come and attack us without any plans.

We had powerhouses beyond Supremos as well. But even the enemies had Beyond Supremo powerhouses and since many clans, sects and others were teamed up, they were more in number.

My father entrusted me with this anklet saying me to find the truth behind the anklet and get strong and live freely.

Even though my father did not say anything about revenge, I will not sit still before killing every one of those people who teamed against us.

So I cannot..."


(Author Note:- Well 2 consecutive approx 1500 words chapters... *Sigh* really takes a lot of time, Welp the past is important so cannot skip it~)

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