The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 447

Chapter 447: Fear-1

Chapter 447: Fear-1

" Athan. What are you going to do? You can't interfere in the ongoing fight as it will be breaking the rules of Arena. " Sen spoke with a sigh.

Shiromi and others also looked at Athan as they waited for his decision.

" It's ok. I got a plan. " Athan deviously grinned with cold eyes.

But suddenly, Primo appeared on Athan's shoulder and asked with curiosity while looking at Arcued, " Who is that person, Master? I sense some aura of the abyssal void of fabrication in his soul, albeit that it's so faint that it might as well do not exist. "

Athan nodded and spoke while his eyes were still in the arena stadium, " That's because I helped him using my power a bit in the past. "

" Helped who, Athan? Who are you talking to? " Shiromi asked with confusion, seeing Athan suddenly speaking about helping someone. "

Sen, Tealery, and Theo were also confused.

Athan glanced at Primo, who meowed once before speaking, " They can't see me, Master. Not unless I want them to see me. "

After hearing that, Athan nodded before clearing away Shiromi and others' confusion by saying he was just thinking aloud.

" Now, let's...settle this first. " Athan muttered as he took a deep breath before shouting.

" STOP! "

He imbued chaos force in his voice to enhance it as the Arena turned silent before everyone looked in Athan's direction.

Arcued also looked there and became overjoyed but also...shameful, ' I gave trouble to Emperor. '

The one fighting against Arcued also looked at Athan and his eyes shined as he sneered, " Hehe, So you are finally out. It looks like you've got guts, Hahaha. But your guts won't save you from getting a beating to a half-dead state. "

He had seen Athan's image as it was distributed internally among the Hill factions.

He took out a contact card and spoke, " Boss Venzar, The fish has appeared on the chopping board. What do we do now? "

" I can't show myself and bully someone far weaker than me in public. First, listen to what he says and get a chance to put him in some trap. Use that stubborn fool as your bargaining chip. Henkor, You can do it, right? Do it well, and I'll reward you. Today will be the first day of his nightmare.? "

Right after that, the call was cut off as Henkor grinned at Athan before speaking, " This stubborn fool won't surrender and keeps taking a beating from me. Hehehe, How about this? I can surrender myself and spare him further beating on one condition. You will fight with five people at once in this stadium. If you win, we will let you go and never find trouble with you. "

" Pff...Hahahaha. " Arcued started laughing out loud, which caused a frown to appear on Henkor space as he grimaced, " Why are you laughing, you stubborn idiot. "

" Alright, I accept that condition. Come on, get four more in the Arena and remove this barrier. " Athan also laughed with a happy expression because that was just the thing he wanted.

But behind that happy face was a devil smiling.

The barrier around the Arena was removed as Arcued flew out from it and stood in front of Athan with his head down, " I'm sorry, Emperor. "

" Hahaha, That idiot has been calling you Emperor all the time, Pfff...What a joke. " Henkor laughed once again before sneering.

Arcued gritted his teeth in anger, ' Those fools don't know the greatness of Emperor. ' He looked up to see Athan and spoke, " Emperor, Show them who the boss is. "

" You don't need to say sorry because I don't think you've made any mistake or disappointed me. " Athan stated that before he jumped into the Arena as a cold smirk formed on his face.

Henkor also called four more people, but their auras were even more powerful than Henkor.

Shiromi, Sen, Tealery, and others were not worried about Athan at all. They had blind confidence in Athan. But Theo was different as he got concerned.

" Five vs. One...Won't Athan get into big trouble? He also seems like someone who doesn't give up. That Henkor is already in Orderic Catastrophe for many years while the other four are practically at the peak of Oreric Catastrophe. They just need a final breaking point which is understanding and grasping a zen order. " Theo hurriedly spoke with a worried face.

" Humph, You are underestimating Emperor Athan. Just watch the show. " Arcued snorted as he raptly looked in the Arena stadium as the barrier once again got erected around the stadium.

Sen also sneered coldly while looking at the five enemies in front of Athan, " They are going to regret being enemy of Athan. "

Shiromi and Tealery nodded in agreement as they focused on the stadium because the countdown to " Battle Begin " started with a giant " 10 " appear in the center of the stadium in the air.

Henkor took out his SBP card and showed it to Athan before speaking with a sneer, " You see this number? hehehe, They are out of your reach right now. Just let us beat you to half-dead and don't fight back. Stay obedient like that, and you will experience less pain. "

Athan looked at the number on the card, [~74,560~] Superficial Battle power. But he just smiled while creating something inside his void region using voidpulse.




" You four. Show your Battle power to this fool so he can erase his intention to fight back. " Henkor spoke with a grin.

The other four people were all normal-looking humans as they laughed out loud and took out their SBP cards.

[~92,450~] SBP. josei

[~99,470~] SBP.

[~94,750~] SBP.

[~98,860~] SBP.

People who could see the SBP cards gasped loudly and started talking. After all, They all knew that Athan was that new recruit ranked in the Newbie leaderboard while those five were here for many years.

They thought that Athan's SBP shouldn't be more than 10,000 as a new recruit who just arrived a couple of months ago.




" Battle...Begin. " A voice resounded across the stadium, but neither Athan nor Henkor and other four moved.

" So? What did you decide, Athan? Fight back or just stay obedient? " Henkor spoke mockingly.

Athan coldly smiled as he started walking towards them. A gleam of black and white passed through his eyes.

Seeing him walk, One of the five people instantly made a dash towards Athan with a boom as he broke the sound barrier.

But Athan just glanced at him, ' Gaze of Void. '


The person who looked to be in his late twenties lost control of his movement and fell to the ground.

Since he was dashing, he got dragged forward on the ground even after losing his mind in fear to the terrifying void beast appearing inside his head and staring at his soul while baring its fangs.

Everyone was dumbfounded as to why that man suddenly fell to the ground. He was not even standing up.

Henkor and the other three instantly became cautious seeing such a strange thing happening.

' Attack him before he can do anything more. ' Thought Henkor as he suddenly spoke, " Go!! "

Naturally, He stayed behind to observe while the three dashed towards Athan.





Their situation became the same as they just fell to the ground.

Henkor started sweating as his confusion increased, ' What the hell is going on? '

But the game planned by Athan had not even started.

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