The Tanaka Family Reincarnates

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: The King and the Third Tanaka Family Meeting

Chapter 48 – The King and the Third Tanaka Family Meeting

Before she remembered her past life, the most important thing to Emma was her family and insects, only these two.

Maybe it’s also because of the age factor, but she has zero interest in the opposite sex as she doesn’t even have any consciousness towards it.

The past life’s Minato, despite her plain face, was a popular one.

She had boasted of her tremendous popularity, limited to old men above 50 years old.

In her workplace, whenever the president, managing director, department head, and section manager saw Minato, the corner of their eyes softens. Did Minato look cuter and cuter along with long-sightedness? she mysteriously thought. It’s also to the extent she was called ‘Old Man Hoi Hoi.’action

(*T/N: Originally oji-san hoi hoi おじさんホイホイ. Oji-san = old man, mister. Hoi hoi can mean two things in this context = 1. pamperingly, indulgently 2. heave-ho)

The men Minato ended up dating with from all those who had approached her were pretty much older than her, and she was treated as a panther* from her surroundings. The Tanaka family is always unfortunate.

(*T/N: English slang for a lady who prefers older men. The original Japanese word 枯れ専 karesen has the definition of a younger woman (usu. 20-30 years old) who is physically attracted to mature older men (usu. 50-60 years old)​)

His Majesty Charles Constantine Royal in front of her right now is 48 years old. Minato’s old men sensor (Minato’s appraisal ability) rings.

A trained muscular body.

A well-kept beard that even gives a sense of cleanliness.

The white hair mixed in his black hair. (Around 10 years to go until a full silver-gray hair?)

The wrinkles formed on the corner of his eyes when he heartily laughed.

A low yet carried well masculine voice.

Minato has appraised the King of this country. He is cooler than any old man ever existed.

As expected of the King, the man who got Rose-sama to be his wife. Minato’s beauty sensor also activates when the two are lined up, so the alarm rings twofold. It’s absolutely a feast for the eyes. If she were to relax, her hands would pray respect immediately.

“Emma? The one you said was cool just now… is His Majesty?”

Did the words I muttered unconsciously got heard? Emma was asked by the Prince in a small voice.

When she looks up at the Prince, who has grown taller, she sees the Prince making a slightly confused face.

Because the Prince is such a serious person, he might be worried that the King’s frivolous talk will increase his stepmother(s).

The Prince as my son…

If Minato had given birth at 20, it wouldn’t have been an impossible age. Some of her friend’s children are middle schoolers.

“Did you hear it? Please keep it a secret from everyone… It’s embarrassing…”

‘I have thought of something stupid,’ Emma’s face grows hotter.

What child, she didn’t even get to reach marriage. Minato has only thought of love as something troublesome and tiring.

Date and the like costs money, she couldn’t laze around on holidays, it costs her money, and if her date stops by her house, the housework increases, and also, it cost her money. She could persist for half a year at most, and things got more troublesome as she got older.

“Emma-chan, let’s sit and talk?”

When she has gotten depressed over recalling her past troublesome love life, Rose calls her out.

Waiting until the King, Rose, the Prince, and Princess Jadwiga have sat, the three siblings sit down on the sofa next to each other.

“I want to give thanks for coming all the way here.”

The King said with a handsome voice* after taking a breath.

(T/N: イケボ ikebo or ikemen voice means a voice that sounds handsome, can mean as cool voice, attractive voice, sexy voice in English.)

“I heard that Rose and the kids have been in your care. They keep talking about the Stuart family since they’ve returned to the royal capital.”

That cool grown-up man* vibes when the King squints as if remembering something and laughs. That look is the best, thank you very much.

(T/N: イケオジ ikeoji or ikemen oji-san which literally means cool old man or cool uncle. There’s actually an English word for this: silver fox, but I feel like the meaning is kinda different.)

“Not at all. It is us that have been in Rose-sama‘s care. We have been invited to the Valerie mansion a couple of times too.”

Emma and William nod in agreement at George’s words.

At that time, they kept talking to Rose as they were charmed by her beauty. The children of a rural lord like them aren’t really qualified to speak to her in the first place, but Rose kindly went along with their conversation.

“Also, you gave Rose valuable dresses… The red dress she is wearing today is also one of them, right?”

Rose is wearing George’s favorite red dress.

Her beautiful leg seen from the slit is blinding.

“It is the Stuarts pleasure to dress up the beautiful Rose-sama.”

William answers implying that it’s only a trifling matter.

They just made the dress because they wanted to make it. They didn’t even think it would be worn at a formal party like today.

“Also, the local barrier hazard in Valerie territory.”

The King turns his gaze to Emma. Being stared at by a cool old man with a handsome voice, Emma immerses herself in happiness.

(T/N: ikeoji with an ikebo)

“It has indeed inflicted a terrible scar on Emma-chan, but I’d like to thank you as the King for risking your life and defeating the evil slime that could even destroy a country.”

The person that must stand higher than anyone else in the country, the King, is bowing his head.

He conveys his gratitude to the three siblings for protecting his citizen, Rose, and his children.

Next to the King, Rose, the Prince, and the Princess follow and bow their head.

“N-not at all! No need to mention it. It is just an obvious thing for us to do as borderland-born children.”

“Please lift your head, Your Majesty!”

George and William ask the King to lift his bowed head in a fluster. Emma secretly performed a bald check from the crown to the back of the King’s head, but there’s no sign of balding.

Or maybe he is still cool even when balding.

A youthful smile with that masculine appearance… so cute.

“I want to bestow you a reward and has sent a letter to Count Stuart, but… he refused…”

At the King’s words, the three siblings recall the third Tanaka family meeting.


Leonard was shaking.

“What should I do. A letter from the King has…”

On his hand was a letter sealed with black wax with a royal seal on it.

Only the King can use black sealing wax.

“Have you done something? Father?”

Emma asked, looking at the still unopened letter.

“No, no! The only one who could have done something in this house is nee-sama, okay!?”

William retorted in a fed-up matter. He was acting pretty righteous for someone who kept making trouble in their past life.

“Anyhow, let’s check the content first.”

Melsa peered at the letter while pouring tea.

“But… It’s His Majesty the King’s letter, you know? If it’s Japan, it’s like the letter from the Emperor, you know? I have a lot of fear reading it…”

“Well that, if it’s the Tanaka family, we would put it on the altar and worship it once.”

(Altar would be further explained on the translator note at the end of the chapter.)

George had attained enlightenment from this impossible situation. Great things must be first put on the altar and reported to the ancestors. That being said, those placed on the Tanaka family’s altar were only report cards, diplomas, success reports, and the like.

“But, Stuart is pretty much a Count House, and we are nobles, so it is not supposed to be an impossible thing.”

Melsa said while serving the tea. To Melsa, originally the youngest child out of 12 siblings of a Duke house, it’s not a shocking situation.

“Maybe Melsa has gotten used to it. But still… I don’t have any good memories of the letter from the King.”

Last time, the letter that arrived from the King was an order to unify and govern over the fallen Pasotto and Langland territory. It was nothing but a devil’s letter to a poverty-stricken noble who had just taken over the Lord’s title. Owning extra lands with high monster appearance rates has more minus than plus, but they couldn’t go against the royal order.

“Then I will open it for you.”

Melsa took the letter from Leonard’s shaking hand and opened the seal indifferently.

“Mother, what is written on it?”

William went to Melsa’s side and peeked at the letter.


The letter’s content was words of praise for dealing with the local barrier hazard and the intention to give them a reward.

“Reward means we will receive something?”

George asked Melsa. Leonard is of no help when concerning the royal family and nobility.

“Hmm, maybe, a rank promotion.”

Melsa answers while reading the lines.

“…what’s a rank promotion?”

With a serious face, Leonard asked Melsa.

Melsa sighed and looked to George.

“George, please tell him.”

“…eh, I don’t know… William, do you know?”

He glanced at William, seeking help.

“Rank promotion is when a noble’s rank is raised to a higher rank due to the noble’s achievements and merits, nii-sama…”

Yes. The letter mentioned that a reward will be bestowed to the Stuart House for their significant contribution in resolving the local barrier hazard. And that reward given by the royal family is often a rank promotion.

“…which means we will become Stuart Marquis House?”

Melsa answered Emma’s question.

“Well, it’s likely Marquis Stuart. As you have fought the slimes at the risk of your lives.”

Melsa stroked Emma. Her cheek was still covered by Violet’s thread at this time.

“Eh… Then, after the rank promotion? what will happen to us, Mother?”

George, who still didn’t get the point, asked Melsa.

“Let’s see… First, our territory will expand. The tax we receive will also increase, but those in the royal capital can think that we’re acting all important. The marriage proposal will also increase, but it will also increase the balls, tea parties, and social opportunities. Furthermore, if we become a Marquis House, we will be called for every New Year, harvest festivals, the royal family’s birthday festival, and so on. And even those with a high ranking between the nobles in the royal castle will come to approach…”

The whole family’s face got worse and worse as they thought upon what Melsa’s said.

“I don’t need… any more territory… than this…”

Larger territories mean higher income, but it also means more responsibilities and troubles. Leonard, who is already governing a unified three territories in the first place, is trembling again.

“…marriage proposal…, it’s still too early…”

William was fed up.

“Ball… If it’s a ball game…” *

(*T/N: A wordplay here. 舞踏会 butoukai = a dance, ball and 武闘会 butoukai = a fighting competition)

George held his head as he hates dances.

“Mother? Is this some kind of punishment game? Great aristocrats are fussy about etiquette… and in the first place, festivals are events with a lot of food stalls you can enjoy.”

Beef and potato stew

Saying that a festival without food stalls is the same as beef and potato stew without beef, Emma bulged her cheeks.

Rank promotion… The Stuart family has perceived it as a terrifying word and could only think of it as a punishment, not a reward.

“Ah, Father! Handling monsters is an extremely obvious thing to do for a borderland lord. It’s not a thing that should be rewarded!”

William hinted at Leonard.

“That’s right! To counteract a local barrier hazard is one of a borderland lord’s jobs, so there is no need to thank us!”

George backed William’s idea.

“Father, it’s best to stay as we are now. If we get any busier than this, we won’t be able to play with the cats, observe insects, and make Rose-sama‘s dresses.”

Emma argued vehemently.

“You all…”

While Melsa was dumbfounded by the siblings’ solidarity, Leonard has made a conclusion.

“Let’s refuse the rank promotion! We merely did the obvious thing, not deserving any reward. Let’s do it like this!”

And so, based on the third Tanaka family meeting, they decided on refusing the King’s reward.


“Can you try talking it out with the Count to receive the reward?”

The King thinks that a meritorious deed should be given praise.

No one has contributed to the country this far in recent years. The King brings the subject to the three siblings thinking that maybe the Count will give in from their persuasion.

“Your Majesty, just like what we have said earlier, we only did the natural thing to do. It is not something to be rewarded of.”

“We only fulfilled our given duty.”

“I think the answer will not change even if we talk to Father.”

The three siblings express their refusal towards the reward in unison.

It was an impossible answer for all the nobles that the King knows. Not just Count Stuart, even his children, too, are so modest without any greed.

If so, then at least…

“Well then, Emma-chan, would you like to get engaged with Edward?”

The King understands well his son’s feelings, and marrying into the royal family will bring as many benefits to the Stuart Count House as the reward.

‘What an excellent idea I think of,’ the King laughs contently.

Translator’s note:

Japanese people usually have a Buddhist altar inside their house where they placed memorial tablets, ash and picture of the deceased, incense burners, and candlesticks. They would place offerings on the altar to ask for protection and guidance from the spirits of the ancestors.

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