The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 198 - Yu Yangzi's Nemesis

Chapter 198 - Yu Yangzi's Nemesis

Chapter 198 Yu Yangzi’s Nemesis
Xiao Chen sighed in relief after hearing what the woman said. Right then, Yu Yangzi’s voice drifted from outside the palace. “Young friend, are you inside? I’ve already eliminated the Nascent Soul Realm cultivator for you. Hurry up and open the formation. That devil can change into many forms to manipulate your emotions. You mustn’t fall for it…”

“How dare this old thing still try and fool me at this time.” Xiao Chen sneered. Just as he was about to shout at and mock Yu Yangzi, the woman behind him gestured him to be quiet. “Shh…”

“The formation has become less secure after you come in. If this man tries to charge in, he may not necessarily fail.”

Xiao Chen began to get nervous. “What should we do? This man has very high cultivation. I’m not a match for him at all.”

The woman chuckled as a crafty glint flitted across her pupils. Compared to her cold exterior or sorrowful expression earlier, she looked rather mischievous as she said, “Come over here.”

Xiao Chen immediately obeyed her order. The woman whispered many things into his ear as he repeatedly nodded. He knew what to do.

Yu Yangzi must have used his Divine Sense to observe how Murong Xian’er broke the formation earlier and would now surely try and replicate her ways. However, if one wanted to break such a grand formation, one would have to break it according to the owner’s sequence of formation points. Otherwise, one would suffer harm instead.

The woman wanted Xiao Chen to go out and mislead Yu Yangzi by deliberately telling him an incorrect sequence of formation points. The moment Yu Yangzi poured in his vital force into the different sequence of formation points, she would trigger her spiritual energy. That would be bound to hurt Yu Yangzi.

“That’s all to it. Remember to put on a convincing act or you won’t be able to fool him.”josei

Xiao Chen patted his chest with a smile. “Rest assured, senior. Leave it up to me!” He took several steps forward and lay down on the ground. He started rolling around while making all sorts of pained screams.

Outside, Yu Yangzi yelled, “Young friend? What happened to you?”

Xiao Chen screeched, “It’s a female devil! She wants to possess me! Senior, please hurry up and save me!”

Yu Yangzi’s expression turned somber. He yelled, “Don’t panic, young friend! I’m coming! Hurry and tell me the location of the formation points!”

The pained screams went on without an end as Xiao Chen put on a believable act. Feigning as if he was having a hard time talking, he cried, “Start south of the Heaven line, 13 steps to the left… Interrupt at the 17th step on the Earth line… Then turn at the Fire position on the Water line…”

Yu Yangzi hesitated. His formation proficiency was far beneath Xiao Chen’s. Moreover, even though Xiao Chen was talking gibberish, there was a sliver of truth weaved in every lie he said. What was fake sounded real instead.

“This female devil is really strong! I… Argh!”

Yu Yangzi was silent for a moment before finally yelling, “Don’t be scared, young friend! I’m coming to save you!” His gaze, however, was icy-cold as he thought, “Once I get in there, your souls are all mine!”

He started activating some of his True Energy and investigated the vital force in every position according to Xiao Chen’s instructions. When he found every one of them, he thought, “This kid is at death’s door, so he really didn’t lie.” He immediately triggered all the True Energy in his body. However, it was in that split second that a fierce power retaliated against him from every point of the formation.

The power of the countercharge was vicious. Yu Yangzi couldn’t react in time and ended up coughing blood as he was sent flying. Large chunks of his freshly-grown skin and flesh fell off.

Inside the hidden palace, the woman chuckled. “Success! You can stop rolling on the ground. That man’s Soul has suffered great damage. No matter what, he won’t be able to charge into this formation in the next three days.”

Murong Xian’er couldn’t help breaking out in laughter after seeing Xiao Chen rolling around while screeching. Grinning, he got up from the ground and patted the dust off his clothes. He walked over to them and said with a smile, “It’s all thanks to your resourcefulness, senior.”

The woman rose to her feet and hit him gently on the forehead. With a voice that carried a hint of anger, she said, “There were quite a few people who regarded me a little witch, but you’re the first who dared to call me that to my face. You’re really quite brave.”

Xiao Chen smiled sheepishly. He found her current state to be much lovelier than her previous grim expression. He immediately saluted her and said, “I’m Xiao Chen. How should I address you, senior?”

The woman gave him a weak glare. “Don’t keep calling me your senior. I’m Su Xiaomei.”

“Su Xiaomei?” Xiao Chen recalled that the divine words from the scroll mentioned something about not returning to the Su family. So it was true that she was from the Su family of the Violet Manor. No wonder he felt a sense of amicableness from her. He smiled and replied, “What a coincidence, my mother is also from the Su family of the Violet Manor.”

Su Xiaomei frowned. “Impossible. My family has always forbidden our clansmen from interacting with those surnamed Xiao. Back then, they had been hell-bent on stopping me and Brother Ning from being together.”

Xiao Chen remembered that there was indeed a thousand-year rule in his family not to interact with anyone surnamed Su. Just what was the cause of it? He asked, “Is there a feud between the two families?”

Su Xiaomei shook her head. “I won’t call it a feud, but I don’t know the reason behind it. The rule seems to have existed since ancient times…”

She suddenly glanced at Xiao Chen, with a crafty glint crossing her pupils and a smirk dancing on her lips.

Xiao Chen couldn’t help trembling. Right then, she truly looked like a little witch. Was she thinking of betrothing a Su family girl to him? The first person who came to mind was that arrogant and willful young lady, Su Wan.

When he felt cold air rising from behind him, he immediately replied, “To be honest, I’m already married.”

Murong Xian’er giggled. “Sister Su Mei, he’s lying to you. He’s not married.”

Her words appeared to have steeled Su Xiaomei’s resolution.

Meanwhile, Yu Yangzi had suffered grievous harm to his Soul after falling for their trap. He finally managed to reinstate his breath after healing himself with his energy. To think that a magnificent Leader of the Corpse Refinery Sect like him would fall for a junior’s trap and even get himself this terribly injured! He couldn’t restrain his anger as he yelled, “Young one! How dare you scheme against me! Once I recover, I promise I’ll strip your soul while you’re still alive and then turn it into a Corpse Puppet!”

The three people inside the palace heard the commotion outside. Xiao Chen stopped fearing Yu Yangzi now that he shed his pretense. He took several steps forward and yelled, “Old thing! Didn’t you scheme against me as well? This makes us even!”

Yu Yangzi’s anger flared up. No one had ever dared to tell him something like making things even. Moreover, he began angrier after thinking of how this kid had never planned on helping him. “Fine! Young one, stay inside for your whole life if you’ve got the guts! Once my Soul power recovers, I’ll break the formation and empty your Soul while you’re alive! Woman, you too! I promise I’ll refine your soul!”

Xiao Chen remembered Su Xiaomei saying that someone would come to handle Yu Yangzi in three days. He could just wait for a chance to escape then. Thus, he became confident and placed his hands on his hips as he replied, “Oh! If you’re that powerful, why don’t you come in and bite me?”

“You!” Yu Yangzi was so furious that he lost all of his temperament. Su Xiaomei burst out in laughter and yelled, “Hey, old man, aren’t you embarrassed? All you think of is how to deal with a weak woman like me. Are you really that shameless? Oh, that reminds me. How could you feel shame when you don’t even have a face?”

“You! Just wait, you sharp-tongued wench! I’ll come in and deal with you once my Soul power recovers!”

“Old man, you better worry about yourself!”

“I have sky-high cultivation; I don’t need to fear anyone…” The more he spoke, the less confident he became.

Time slowly passed. On the first day, Yu Yangzi was yelling at them, threatening them, or trying to induce them outside the palace. He would come every two hours. On the second day, his voice gradually became less frequent. On the third day, they heard nothing at all.

After waiting for a long time and making sure that nothing was going on outside, Xiao Chen whispered, “Do you think he’s gone?”

He had yet to enter the Core Forming Realm, so he still needed food to nourish himself. Coupled with the coldness of this palace, he had been having an unpleasant stay here.

Su Xiaomei replied, “He’s here. He seems to have a nemesis; he needs my Soul to fight him. His nemesis must be arriving soon. He’s worried that I’d run so he’ll definitely be around the area.”

Xiao Chen nodded. Right then, he felt an unusual breath appearing in the vicinity. The breath was able to breach the formation to reach them on the inside. The strength of the breath’s owner mustn’t be underestimated.

“Looks like his nemesis is here. I’ll go take a look from the formation’s entrance.” He walked out of the palace. Murong Xian’er also quietly followed after him.

“Alright, but be careful. Don’t let them notice you.”

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