The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 210 - Hidden Fragrance Wafting Under the Moon

Chapter 210 - Hidden Fragrance Wafting Under the Moon

Chapter 210 Hidden Fragrance Wafting Under the Moon
Yi Tong coughed once to interrupt None-flower Dust’s conversation. He smiled and said, “Forget it. Since Young Master Xiao will be treating, let’s just think of where we’ll go drinking after this.”

Zuoqiu Yang watched them chat without paying him, the genius of the Zuoqiu family and the pro-disciple of the Divine Mist Sect Leader, any mind. He gripped his fists so tightly that his bones were creaking. He said solemnly, “Have you guys chatted enough?”

None-flower Dust glared at him. “Children shouldn’t interrupt when adults are talking!”

“You!” Zuoqiu Yang was livid. He raised his hand. “Strike!”

However, even after he yelled, he heard no movement from the tens of elite disciples behind him. Sensing something was wrong, he whipped around and saw them collapsed in pools of blood with their heads severed.

Right then, he felt like he had seen doomsday for his family. The disciples and Elders of the family standing in the distance went pale as well.

Simultaneously, twelve silhouettes landed behind None-flower Dust and said in unison, “Master, the mission is complete!”

These twelve people were dressed in wine-colored, form-fitting clothing. Under their collarbone was the mark of three plum blossoms. They were all young beauties, with all of them possessing looks that could topple nations. The leader, however, had her face covered with a handkerchief. One couldn’t see her true appearance.

Xiao Chen was frightened himself. His Divine Sense might surpass that of ordinary people, but he didn’t notice the arrival of these twelve women or the instantaneous murder of tens of Core Forming Realm cultivators. He felt a chill run down his back.

The onlooking cultivators were dumbstruck to see the twelve women who had shown up out of nowhere.

“Could these women be from the assassination organization, ‘Hidden Fragrance Wafting Under the Moon’, from West Moon State?”

“Impossible! Just a while ago, rumors had it that None-flower Dust killed the Crown Prince of West Moon State. Could the rumors be true? Did he really take these women out of the state?”

Outside, it was a clamor of voices as people engaged in heated discussions.

Hidden Fragrance Wafting Under the Moon was an assassination organization that the West Moon State, a state in the north of the Middle Continent, carefully nurtured. Their sole reason for existence was to kill!

They would target anyone from a famed chief to an inconspicuous passerby. They had no reason to kill. If they really had to offer one, then there was only one: to execute orders!

These women were like the shadow in the night. No one knew the extent of their cultivation, only that their targets would all invariably suffer the same fate: death.

None-flower Dust waved his hand. “Sigh. You’ve been following me for several thousand miles. I told you, I’m not your master. I just want to be a pretty boy who quietly saves the world.”

The twelve women said in unison, “We dare not!”

None-flower Dust shook his head helplessly. He pointed to Xiao Chen and said, “Look! He’s your true master! Quick, greet him.”

The women exchanged glances before bowing to Xiao Chen in unison. “Nice to meet you, Master!”

“What, what the heck is going on?”

Xiao Chen was dumbstruck to see the women making deep bows to him. He hastily raised his head and said, “Please get up!”

The women seemed to not hear him. They continued to crouch down and cup their fist in one hand. Xiao Chen walked over to them, wanting to lift the leader up. However, the leader seemed to have frozen in place and refused to get up.

“Hey, ladies. What are you doing? Hurry up and get up. I’m not your master. Get up, won’t you? So many people are watching…”

Yi Tong sighed quietly and joined Xiao Chen’s side. He whispered, “You must say ‘You may dispense with the curtseying and rise’.”

Confused, Xiao Chen muttered, “You may dispense with the curtseying and rise?” To his surprise, the women said in unison, “Thank you, Master!” Only then did they stand up.

Xiao Chen felt momentarily disoriented. Seeing this, one of the women stepped forward and supported his arm. “Master, are you injured? Please allow me to transfer energy to you and help you heal.”

While she was speaking, a sword radiance carrying a ferocious aura abruptly lunged at him. Before Xiao Chen could recover his senses, the women had turned into twelve shadows to try and stop the ambusher.

Xiao Chen concentrated his senses. The ambusher was likely a Nascent Soul cultivator. He yelled, “Come back, all of you!”

The leader replied, “It’s our duty to protect our Master!”

The three women bringing up the rear went close to Xiao Chen, surrounding him left, right, and front. They wielded a curved blade as they protected him.

“It’s dangerous here. Please retreat at once, Master!”

For a moment, Xiao Chen was disoriented. How could a tall, upright man like him hide behind a group of women? These women were powerful, but they were no match for the fierce Nascent Soul Realm cultivator coming his way. Just as he was about to step forward, Yi Tong stopped him. “Rest assured that they’ll be fine. Your injuries are quite severe. You’re better off circulating your energy and catching your breath for now. Whoever’s coming is surely no ordinary character.”

Xiao Chen didn’t protest. Yi Tong was right. He didn’t know what strong enemies he would be facing later. His priority now was recovering as soon as possible. Having thought this through, he settled down on the ground.

Seeing this, two of the women beside him stood guard. The other sat down cross-legged behind him, wanting to transfer energy to him. Xiao Chen said, “I’m not heavily injured. Please don’t waste your True Energy on me.”

“Master, your injuries are severe. Please don’t speak and allow me to transfer energy to you and aid your recovery.”

The woman immediately cast a Plum Blossom Seal and pressed it on his back. Instantly, a steady flow of True Energy poured into his body.

Xiao Chen felt a refreshing sensation circulating all over his body as his severely deficient vital force speedily recover. The wound that Spirit-annihilation Halberd made on his chest was also beginning to hurt less as it healed at a speed observable by the naked eye.

On the other side, the remaining nine women were all gripping a curved blade in their hand. Like a shadow, no one could understand them. Even though the Nascent Soul Realm cultivator had higher cultivation, the seamless collaboration of the women made it difficult for him to win.

Moreover, there were Yi Tong and None-flower Dust—whose cultivations were unknown—watching on the sidelines like tigers. The Nascent Soul Realm cultivator was an independent cultivator from the North Sea. His nickname was the Northern Underworlder. He was arguably a famed individual in the Middle Continent, but the more he fought now, the more he lost his confidence.

On the one hand, he was casting one seal after another and performing all sorts of magic powers. On the other hand, he was retreating while yelling, “Cang He, Qing Xu, Mo Changkong, aren’t you guys coming out?!”

By then, Xiao Chen had finally finished circulating his energy. His eyes glinted as he raised the Spirit-annihilation Halberd in his hand. Then, like a bolt of lightning, he lunged at the Northern Underworlder.

Holding the halberd in hand, he felt an overwhelming sense of heroicness. So what if his enemy was a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator? Even if it was an Immortal King from the heaven’s realm descending here, at this moment he had the absolute courage to fight him!

Everyone could sense the aura of a powerful cultivator from him, one that disdained the world. They couldn’t help gasping. Upon his abrupt attack, even the Northern Underworlder was caught off guard by his majestic aura. The latter instinctively launched a palm attack at Xiao Chen.

His attack was so fierce that it was like the collapse of Mount Tai. However, Xiao Chen’s heroic spirit was skyrocketing and he felt no fear whatsoever. He thrust his halberd at the Northern Underworlder as if he was cutting through the waves.

The Northern Underworlder was shocked. How could a Core Forming Realm cultivator’s power be this terrifying? He hastily recited a spell to transform into a swift radiance and fled.

Xiao Chen’s halberd ended up piercing the air instead. Naturally, he didn’t try and pursue the Northern Underworlder. He stabbed the Spirit-annihilation Halberd to the ground and more than ten cracks immediately appeared on the ground. He was putting on full display his powerful aura that disdained the world.

“Today, I swear that I’ll hunt anyone who dares to stop me to the end of the world!”

The moment the words left his mouth, the ones left trembling weren’t just the onlooking cultivators outside. Even the countless cultivators lying in ambush somewhere began to retreat. They would rather give up the pills that the Zuoqiu family promised them than to bring trouble upon themselves.

Right then, an aged voice came from the horizon. “Hehe! You sure know how to blow your own horn! We old things are still around. It’s not the place of the young ones to misbehave!”josei

Before the voice fell, three figures appeared out of thin air in the sky. One held a horsetail whisk, one held a peach-shaped wooden staff, and one rested his feet on an Immortal’s Sword. Their sleeves billowed in the air, making them look like Immortals who had descended to the Human World. Underneath, the cultivators were all looking up at them.

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