The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 216 - Chaotic Battles

Chapter 216 - Chaotic Battles

Chapter 216 Chaotic Battles
Xiao Chen was alarmed. Had Su Xiaomei awakened? That was right. Su Xiaomei would surely hold an irredeemable grudge against Ye Yuexuan for entrapping Xiao Ning back then.

“Listen. This woman isn’t Ye Yuexuan…”

“Save it! I won’t be able to last for more than fifteen minutes but I’ll be borrowing your body for a bit!”

“Hey, don’t cause trouble at this time…”

Xiao Chen felt himself losing control over his body before he could finish his sentence. Like an arrow shooting out of a bow, the halberd in his hand lunged at the mysterious woman. The overwhelming power roused a storm in an instant.

Bai Susu, Yi Tong, None-flower Dust, and the rest—including the cultivators watching from a distance—were all startled.

Right now, Xiao Chenw possessed most of Su Xiaomei’s power. The force imbued in the halberd was no ordinary force. Before the halberd reached the mysterious woman, layers upon layers of black mist were already emerging from the body of the weapon. Coupled with the hissing of devils, the scene was enough to strike fear into anyone.

Detecting a murderous aura pressing close, the mysterious woman immediately retreated. From under the hood of her mantle, she glared at her attacker. “Xiao Chen, have you gone mad?!”

Deep inside, Xiao Chen was startled. The woman used her True Qi to coat her throat, making it difficult for him to recognize her voice. But how did she know his name? Before Xiao Chen could explain himself, Su Xiaomei manipulated his body into throwing the halberd again.

In Xiao Chen’s hand, the power of the Spirit-annihilation Halberd became astonishing. Not even a Nirvana Realm cultivator would dare to utilize the halberd in such an aggressive manner. The mysterious woman also noticed this. She ran all around, choosing not to confront Xiao Chen head-on.josei

Seeing Xiao Chen throwing his halberd again and again at the mysterious woman, the rest knew that he was determined to take her life. However, the woman was evidently an orthodox cultivator; why was he changing sides at this time and choosing to help those from the Devil Clan? No one understood what was going on or why his cultivation inexplicably skyrocketed.

Yi Tong hastily yelled, “Brother Xiao, what are you doing?!” Murong Xian’er also cried, “Brother Xiao Chen, come back immediately!”

Bai Susu narrowed her eyes. “No, someone’s using the soul-swapping technique to control him!”

Deep inside, Xiao Chen was crying about his fate. To think that someone finally understood what happened to him. Bai Susu glared at him and asked, “Who are you? What are you trying to do?”

Ye Wuxin sneered. “To think you have the mood to meddle with someone in the middle of a battle with me! Do you think I’m dead?” He launched an abrupt attack at Bai Susu.

Bai Susu didn’t have the luxury of being distracted. Moreover, Xiao Chen couldn’t reply because he was under Su Xiaomei’s control. He continued to attack the mysterious woman, who seemed to have noticed his strangeness. No longer having any misgivings, the woman kept hitting Xiao Chen with the magic power rising from her palm.

The vital force in the air surged so violently that it nearly leveled the entire Zuoqiu family estate. Xiao Chen was trapped inside a whirlpool of force. Even though Su Xiaomei protected him from harm, it didn’t mean that he felt no pain!

The Bloodied Mad Swordsman sneered. “Ye Yuexuan, looks like I’m not the only one who wants your life!” He manipulated his Full Moon Bloodied Blade to attack the mysterious woman.

The mysterious woman was at a disadvantage now that it was two-against-one. Danger sprang up all around her. Whether it was Xiao Chen’s Spirit-annihilation Halberd piercing her or the Bloodied Mad Swordsman’s Full Moon Bloodied Blade hitting her, all attacks dealt severe damage on her soul.

In the distance, Yu Linglong and the Corpse Puppet were turning the world upside down with their battle. Everywhere they passed would surely leave a trail of destruction in their wake. Bai Susu and Ye Wuxin’s battle high up in the sky was so intense that it seemed irresolvable. The scene was a complete mess with saber radiance, sword shadows, Devil Qi, and Demon Qi weaving across each other in the air. The entire Zuoqiu family estate had turned into a battlefield for the experts.

The onlooking cultivators had long become stupefied. The rest being powerful was one thing, but Xiao Chen cleaving the mysterious woman’s layers of Sword Qi without being harmed was another. He could even carve a place for himself in this massive battle between experts. This was far beyond what they had imagined.

Zuoqiu Yang loathed every minute of this development. He was the VIP of the younger generation of the Zuoqiu family as well as the direct disciple of the Divine Mist Sect Leader. Yet in the face of a true battle between experts like this, he could only run far away to avoid the aftermath. Once he got close to the battlefield, he would surely perish.

But he couldn’t accept this. To him, it wasn’t fair that a nobody like Xiao Chen could rise in a battle between experts while he was forced to run far from the battlefield. He both hated and envied Xiao Chen for this.

Out of the blue, he fished out a red pill and popped it into his mouth. He then started reciting a spell. Zuoqiu Que, who stood next to him, spotted this and cried in alarm, “Where did you get that Fate-transforming Pill? That will take a hundred years off your lifespan! What are you trying to do?! Don’t you want your life anymore?!”

“Leave me alone! I’m going to help Lord Ancestor deal with those from the Devil Clan!”

Zuoqiu Yang’s eyes were filled with fury, so much so that blue veins were even protruding on his face and neck. It made him look like he had suffered Qi Deviation. Roaring in anger, he grabbed an Immortal’s Sword that was lying on the ground and turned into a swift radiance that flew toward the battlefield.

Having sustained grave injuries from Xiao Chen’s soul power, Zuoqiu Qitian was currently circulating his energy to heal himself. When he sensed his disciple approaching, he immediately looked over and saw Zuoqiu Yang speeding over. He yelled, “Who are you?! Return at once!”

“I’m Zuoqiu Yang! I came here to help you, Lord Ancestor!”

With that said, a cold glint flashed in Zuoqiu Yang’s eyes and he swiftly attacked Xiao Chen who was suspended in midair.

“Xiao Chen, hand me your life!”

Xiao Chen, who was being controlled to fight the mysterious woman, sensed the danger and said in alarm, “What’s that flying over?! Su Xiaomei, hurry up and look!”

Su Xiaomei ignored him and continued to battle the mysterious woman. Xiao Chen knew danger was coming but he was unable to control his body to resist that ambushing murderous intent.

Right then, a red glint flashed in the Bloodied Mad Swordsman’s eyes. Noticing the ambushing Zuoqiu Yang, he bellowed, “Where did this nobody come from? Do you think you have a place in a battle like this? Scram!” He flicked his wide sleeve, sending a boundless force slamming into Zuoqiu Yang.

A loud explosion resounded. Zuoqiu Yang was sent flying more than a hundred feet away. While coughing up blood, he cried, “Why?! I have power close to the Nirvana Realm…!”

Xiao Chen sighed in relief. On the other side, Yu Linglong was finally growing impatient with the battle against the Corpse Puppet. She placed her hands on her hips and seethed in anger. “D*mn it! Why can’t I kill you? I’m not playing with you anymore!”

The battlefield was growing increasingly chaotic. Right then, three old men with an intense immortal air to them were observing the battle unfolding in the Zuoqiu family estate on a high platform in the distance. They were Perfected Immortal Fengxi, the Elder of the Pavilion of Swords, and the Elder of the Pavilion of Thoughts of the Xianyong Sect.

“I’m getting confused; is the kid being controlled? Why is he confusing an ally for his enemy?”

“Looks to be the case… Then do we make our appearances?”

“Make no haste. Let’s watch for a while longer. I have the feeling that someone even stronger will be coming from the Devils’ sects.”

“Hold on! That Corpse Puppet is ambushing that kid!”

Out of the blue, the Corpse Puppet that was fighting Yu Linglong switched directions to attack Xiao Chen instead. Meanwhile, fifteen minutes had passed and Su Xiaomei’s soul power was finally running out, forcing her to return to the jade pendant.

Having finally recovered control over his body, Xiao Chen couldn’t be bothered with how intense the battle between the mysterious woman and the Bloodied Mad Swordsman was. He immediately unfolded his Immortal-override Steps and fled the battlefield. Little did he expect that the Corpse Puppet would target him and give chase.

“D*mn it! Scram, you dead thing!” He hastily circulated his True Energy and thrust his halberd straight into the Corpse Puppet’s chest. The only sound he heard was a clanging noise. To his surprise, the incomparably sharp blade of the halberd couldn’t deal even the slightest bit of harm on the puppet. On the contrary, he was the one who got hurt by the puppet’s eruption of power. The power was so explosive that it sent him flying.

Xiao Chen was alarmed. Not even a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator would be able to easily take that hit earlier. Just how outrageously strong was this Corpse Puppet? Before he could think about it, the puppet suddenly launched a palm attack at him and formed a huge palm print where he stood. Instantly, dust scattered everywhere.

“F*ck! What a monster!” Xiao Chen cursed. He turned around to run, but the Corpse Puppet wasn’t just great at offense and defense. Its speed was also not beneath his. Even more terrifying was that it knew no pain or fear of death.

For some reason, the Corpse Puppet wouldn’t launch a deadly attack each time it caught up with him and would just slam its palm on his side, causing an eruption of Qi wave that sent him flying. He wasn’t sure if it did this on purpose, but he was nonetheless left battered and exhausted.

Before long, Xiao Chen was filthy from head to toe. His clothes were in tatters and covered in dirt as if he was an ancient treasure that was just dug up. In the distance, Ye Wuxin sneered repeatedly as if he was the one who had ordered the Corpse Puppet to do so.

Naturally, Xiao Chen noticed him sneering. He cursed inwardly, “D*mn the Corpse Refinery Sect! I’m declaring war against you today!”

He put away the Spirit-annihilation Halberd and took out his Blood Lotus Demon Blade. Wiping the blade with his palm, the blood from his wound swiftly flowed into the veined pattern on the blade and then downward.

“F*ck! I’m going all out! I know you can understand me. Right now, I want you to cut that monster in half for me!”

He didn’t know how much blood he fed the blade, but the Blood Lotus Demon Blade seemed like it finally had its fill. The blade trembled nonstop as it emanated a blinding red light, dyeing nearly the entire sky above the Zuoqiu family estate red. Everyone watched in utter shock.

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