The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 242 - Not Selling

Chapter 242 - Not Selling

Chapter 242 Not Selling
When the price reached more than 70,000, it was gradually stabilized, and a large number of bidders stopped bidding. The rest bidders mostly raised one thousand or two thousand once. Zuoqiu Ping and Chu Xuan were finally ready to move, but they were waiting, waiting for the other to bid first. What if the other did not bid? Then, the one who bade would take advantage.

The price became stagnant at 76,000, and no one bade again. Chu Xuan couldn’t hold it anymore. He was about to bid when the old man next to him pressed the back of his hand to tell him not to hurry.

“76,000 once!”

“76,000 twice!”

Chu Meng smiled and was about to announce. Zuoqiu Ping finally opened his mouth. “80,000!”

The old man next to Chu Xuan nodded and gently looked at Chu Xuan, indicating that they should give this pill to Zuoqiu family, and they should take the next two pills. But Chu Xuan suddenly said loudly, “100,000!”

The old man sighed and naturally knew that Chu Xuan was determined to get all three pills. But this would offend Zuoqiu family. “Xuan’er, Xuan’er, they are not minor in the Middle Continent. Although their loss this time is quite heavy, they are still one of the top ten families, not to mention that Zuoqiu Yang is also your senior brother. Why are you so…Alas!”

Sure enough, Zuoqiu Ping was not happy. He had a fake smile and said, “Your Second Royal Highness, there are two more pills after this one. Why should you compete with me? Are you afraid that the two pills could fly away themselves?”

Chu Xuan’s mouth curved upward. He opened the folding fan and shook it twice, saying with a smile, “In an auction, the one who gives the highest price wins. If Mr. Zuoqiu is interested in this pill, you can just bid. I’ll say nothing about it.” After saying so, he deliberately raised his hands.

The old man beside him continued to sigh in his heart.

Zuoqiu Ping smiled coldly, “Never mind, how dare I raise the price with His Royal Highness?” He thought that there were two more after this. Chu Xuan could not buy them all. After taking the pills, Chu Xuan would still be a loser, far weaker than his son, Yang’er.

Chu Xuan smiled proudly, waiting for Chu Meng to bring the pill up. Suddenly, a vague smile rose. “Wait, His Second Royal Highness. He gave it to you, but I didn’t.”

Everyone looked over and found it was from a middle-aged man. This person was also famous in the Middle Continent. People heard that his son was a talent in the family, but his cultivation suddenly stopped growing a few years ago for no reason. Moreover, his cultivation had been receding from peak Core Forming Realm to middle Foundation Building Realm. It was really weird. It seemed that this person was determined to get the Reborning Pill today.

Chu Xuan immediately fired two rows of cold light from his eyes to him and lightly said, “Oh? It turns out to be Elder Yang, Yang Tianfeng. I think that your son is hopeless whatever he eats. Humph. Are you gonna compete with me?”

Yang Tianfeng hated it the most if someone humiliated his son. But he could stand it and did not lose his temper. He waved his hand and said, “Your Highness just said that the one with the highest bid wins. I’ll give it 120,000.”

“Humph.” Chu Xuan smiled coldly. “150,000.”



Murong Xianer’s eyes turned bright, and she was getting excited. Xiao Chen just smiled and smelled the tea’s scent from the cup. After a while, he said, “Qingluan, who is this person? Do you know about him?” He thought that this person must have some background since he could offend the second prince of Xiyue State.

“This person is the elder of Yang family, one of the top ten families. He has a son named Yang Shaoyu, who was originally a talent in the family. At the age of 18, he reached Core Forming Realm. But only three years ago, his cultivation started to go backward. It seems his cultivation has receded to Foundation Building Realm now.”

“Oh?” Xiao Chen put down the teacup in his hand and whispered, “Is there such a strange thing? It’s a bit interesting…” He looked at Yang Tianfeng.

Suddenly, something flashed in his heart. Back then in Three Pure Sect, when Chu Hanyan came back, it seemed that she brought a fiancé called Yang Shaochen. He was one of the Yang family. Such a coincidence.



In the blink of an eye, the price reached 400,000, and everyone stared agape. Yang Tianfeng was no longer as calm as before. His hand, which was holding a cup, had begun to shake slightly.

He only took a hundred million Spirit Stones, which was granted by the other elders. His goal was an ancient cultivation method. He selfishly bade this Reborning Pill for his son.

400,000 Spirit Stones was not a small number for a family. He might be interrogated after he went back. Where did the money go? But Chu Xuan obviously wanted to take all three pills. What could he do about this?

Chu Xuan was still smiling and did not listen to the dissuasion of the old man. He lightly glanced at Yang Tianfeng, saying, “500,000.”

Everyone gasped. 500,000! What a price! The income for several years of a family! Enough to buy a Nirvana class weapon!

Yang Tianfeng took a deep breath and smiled lightly, saying, “Okay, it’s yours.”

Chu Xuan smiled lightly and took a sip of tea. “It’s just 500,000. I thought your Yang family has more money.” He then looked at Chu Meng and said, “Miss Chu Meng, please send me the pill.”

Chu Meng’s eyebrows were deeply furrowed, and she didn’t speak. Through the corner of her eyes, she paid attention to Xiao Chen. At this moment, she heard his faint voice sounded. “Wait.”

Chu Meng slightly sighed in her heart. What ought to happen was still going to happen in the end.

Everyone looked over and saw that it was the young man who had conflicts with Chu Xuan. He calmly took a sip of tea. Was he going to compete with Chu Xuan again? There’s a good show again.

Chu Xuan’s face sank and immediately fired him with two rows of cold light form his eyes. “What do you want? You don’t have that much money at all. Do you want to bid maliciously? Do you know the consequences?”josei

Xiao Chen smiled lightly and did not pay attention to him. He put down the teacup in his hand and said to Chu Meng, “As the owner of this pill, do I have the right to decide the buyer? I decided that I’ll sell this Reborning Pill to that uncle for 10,000.” He then pointed to Yang Tianfeng.

Everyone was shocked. Was he the mysterious refiner of this pill? Immortals Building said that even a level 4 Elixir Master could not refine this pill. Was he a level 5 Elixir Master?! It’s incredible!

Chu Xuan’s face turned blue. Apparently, he did not expect that his “big enemy” was actually the seller of this pill. He had just competed with the others intensely. But now, that guy was not selling it. It was really a huge shame on him.

The old man beside him frowned, thinking something.

Not far away, Zuoqiu Ping also saw Xiao Chen, and he couldn’t help but be shocked. Even Zuoqiu He could not decompose the ingredients of this pill. This person definitely could not refine this pill. Right, it must be Gui Xian who refined this! Thinking of this, he cracked his knuckles.

Xiao Chen smiled and picked up the gentleman’s stick, pointing at Chu Xuan. “I don’t want to sell it to him anyway.”

“You! How dare you!” Chu Xuan was so angry that his face turned black.

Chu Meng looked troubled. From the start, she was most worried that the two people would have conflicts. She said, “Mr. Li, I am afraid this will not work. This will break the rules of our Immortals Building.”

Indeed, if it was a free market, the owner of the goods could sell to one he wanted to at a certain price. But today, this was an auction house. So, the seller had no right to intervene in the transaction.

Hearing Chu Meng, Chu Xuan finally calmed down a bit. But before his anger was gone, she said, “But you can choose to temporarily cancel its sell, which will affect your credibility in our auction house. Are you sure you want to do this?”

Chu Xuan instantly became angry. What did this woman mean? Was she giving advice to that bastard? Was she with that bastard?

Xiao Chen didn’t think about it and nodded directly, saying, “I am sure to cancel its sell. In addition, the latter two will not be sold to him. If he insists to buy, then cancel the sell.”

Chu Xuan was so angry that he almost exploded. If he was not pulled by the old man beside him, he would want to kill Xiao Chen immediately.

“Okay, Xuan’er! Listen to me, this time we are coming for the ancient cultivation method. We can’t lose the greater for the less! In the future, I will find a way to refine this pill!” The old man said in a low voice.

Xiao Chen smiled lightly. Although he suddenly lost 500,000 Spirit Stones, he felt great. His eyes inadvertently swept the mysterious black-robed woman on the first floor. This person had been sitting still for a long time as if she was dead. People beside her talked to her, yet she ignored. What was she waiting for?

After a while, two waiters walked forth from the backstage. One person carefully held a box in his hands, while the other was watching the box as if he was afraid that the box would fall on the ground.

“As everyone expects, this item is an ancient Mystic Skill.”

Chu Meng smiled gently as the crowd boiled immediately. Many people came for this mysterious skill this time. An ancient cultivation method was a priceless treasure nowadays.

The finger of the black-robed woman finally moved again.

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