The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 255 - The Enemy of My Enemy

Chapter 255 - The Enemy of My Enemy

Chapter 255 The Enemy of My Enemy
Recovering his senses, Xiao Chen looked in her direction and saw about a dozen or so people bearing white-colored badges blocking Huangfu Xin’er and her group. Behind Huangfu Xin’er was Chu Lingjiao and a few others. Evidently, this was a situation where the majority was bullying the minority.

Many had gathered around to watch the commotion. Xiao Chen frowned in annoyance. He was about to step forward when Qingluan stopped him.

“Don’t go, Master. She’s that woman at the Myriad Immortals Pavilion that day.”

Suddenly, a cold aura permeated the square. Xiao Chen felt a chill run down his spine. The aura came from Huangfu Xin’er. It was the same aura from the mysterious black-clothed woman who won the auction for that book of ancient cultivation method at the Myriad Immortals Pavilion. No wonder he had found it to be so familiar. How could it be her…?

Everyone around felt this cold aura as well. Silence instantly fell over the dozen or so disciples from the Middle Continent. No one dared to provoke this cold, heartless woman anymore. It was as if her glance alone was enough to obliterate them.

Huangfu Xin’er remained expressionless as she continued moving without fanfare.

Cold sweat formed on Xiao Chen’s back. He recalled his experience of Unity of Nature and Human that day, where he seemed to have seen her practicing some demonic cultivation method.

She had looked like she had adopted the Devil’s Practice back then, with lips so red that they were borderline black and nails that grew several inches long. She looked as if she was suffering from Qi Deviation.

“She’s no longer Huangfu Xin’er from before. Can’t you tell?” Li Muxue said softly, tugging on his sleeve.

Xiao Chen didn’t reply. Meanwhile, three old men with white hair and beard were standing atop a hovering island above the Jade Terrace Mountain with their sleeves swaying in the wind. They looked like the very picture of Immortals. One was dressed in cyan, another in grey, and the last one in purple.

The cyan-clothed old man said, “Xiaoyue of the Thousand Feathers Sect, that girl from the Heartless Palace who just walked past, and rising star Xiao Chen. The East Continent has sent some formidable contenders this time around. Looks like you two are about to lose everything.”

“Hehe. Who do you think is the strongest of them?” the grey-clothed old man asked.

“Thousand Feathers Sect has the longest history and the Coalesced Colors Equal to Dust is invincible. Of course, it’d be Xiaoyue,” the cyan-clothed old man replied.

The grey-clothed old man retorted, “I think not. Didn’t you see that girl from Heartless Palace? Even I could feel her ice-cold aura.”

The purple-clothed old man was turning a Tier Six Spirit Stone in his hand. With a grin, he said, “Looks like you two are the ones who are about to lose everything.”

Many had come to participate in the assembly this time. Xiao Chen spotted disciples from the Widespread Wintriness Sect as well as some disciples he had gone to Wuwang Wind Cloud City with.

He then saw disciples from Sword-breaking Manor House, which Ouyang Yu seemed to have established. Its disciples were mostly former disciple of the Skygale Sect, such as Qian Yeli and the others.

Ouyang Yu walked up to them and smiled at Li Muxue. “A Xue, you’re here too. Have you been doing well?”

“Yeah…” Li Muxue nodded.

After saying hello, Ouyang Yu left with a smile.

Xiao Chen couldn’t help sighing on the inside when he saw that young man’s melancholic smile and his desolate back. The young man had long lost his former high-spiritedness. Once a little prince in the mundane world, he suddenly found himself involved with the Skygale Sect.

He had heard with his own ears that his most respected Master was his father’s foe and then had to watch as Patriarch Guanshan brutally killed his father. Later on, he couldn’t do anything but see his sect destroyed.

Sword-breaking Manor House: the word “sword-breaking” was imbued with a hint of bitterness.

The arrival of midday signaled the peak of the clamor in the square. Suddenly, a gale swept the place and blinded everyone with the sand in the wind. Then, a burst of laughter rang in the distance.

Everyone turned their attention in the direction of the voice, where they saw ten people treading through the air in a row. Their speed was astonishing. In a flash, they landed on the public square.

Many gasped in shock when they recognized that those ten were from the Fallen Immortals Sect. These people had built a reputation for themselves by going around challenging various sects. It felt everyone had heard of their names. It was to the point that many sects considered them to be a bad omen and avoided them.josei

The crowd began whispering. “They’re here at last. Looks like the Immortal’s Sword Assembly this time will be quite a challenge.”

“Just what monsters are they to be that invincible? Sigh.”

“I even heard that all of them have at least six Spiritual Meridians. Even nine Spiritual Meridians are common among them. It’s completely unheard of.”

The ten people looked smug after hearing these conversations. When One-dot Red walked past Xiao Chen, he sneered and said, “Clean your neck and wait still. I’ll be taking your life soon enough.”

He wasn’t exactly quiet, so many disciples nearby heard him. Some who had heard the rumors about Xiao Chen looked excited. On one end was the mysterious youngster who recently shot to fame. On the other was a sect no one had ever heard of. Just what kind of sparks would their collision create? Many began to anticipate their fight.

Frowning, Xiao Chen watched those ten making their way to the registration counter. Compared to a few days ago, these people seemed to have gotten even stronger.

Suddenly, a silhouette stopped the members of the Fallen Immortals Sect. Everyone was alarmed. Who dared to provoke those people? They saw that person wearing a white badge on the chest, with the words “Divine Mist Sect” carved on it. So it was someone from the Divine Mist Sect.

Of course, quite a few recognized him to be Zuoqiu Yang. His plan was to cultivate behind closed doors for three months before battling Xiao Chen. Under his father’s persuasion, however, he ended up coming out ahead of time. Even though he hadn’t reached the Nascent Soul Realm, his cultivation was now in the quasi-Nascent Soul Realm. It was enough to make him one of the strongest youngsters in the Violet Manor.

One-dot Red glanced at him. “What are you doing?”

“Fallen Immortals Sect?” Zuoqiu Yang asked coldly.

Behind One-dot Red, Double-tailed Crane sneered and said, “Since you know who we are, hurry up and get out of the way.”

“You don’t have the right to speak!” Zuoqiu Yang retorted. The eruption of his quasi-Nascent Soul Realm aura was astonishing. He continued to look at One-dot Red. “Do you dare to fight me?”

Zuoqiu Yang must have wanted to recover his sect’s reputation after the provocation the Fallen Immortals Sect made.

In the platform east of the square, Perfected Immortal Feng Lan was wearing a tight frown. Perfected Immortal Zhong Li smiled and said, “Is that the distinguished disciple from your sect, Zuoqiu Yang? Not bad. Not bad at all. He’s able to step into the quasi-Nascent Soul Realm at such a young age.”

If this was any other time, Feng Lan would laugh merrily after hearing such words. Right now, he remained frowning. He forced a smile without replying.

In the public square, One-dot Red glanced at Zuoqiu Yang and said nonchalantly, “You’re not worth my time.”

The onlookers were stunned. Zuoqiu Yang was in the quasi-Nascent Soul Realm; wasn’t the Fallen Immortals Sect too egotistical and conceited?

“What did you just say…?”

Zuoqiu Yang’s voice was terrifying low. He had never experienced such scorn in his entire life. A dense murderous aura extended from him, making everyone felt as if cold sweat was beading on their back.

One-dot Red smiled. “I said, you’re not worth my time. I’m not interested in you either. Come back when you can win over him.” He pointed to the faraway Xiao Chen.

Zuoqiu Yang looked in the direction he was pointing at and his expression instantly darkened. Under the cover of such dense murderous aura, many in the crowd felt as if they had fallen into a nightmare. His eyes looked like fire was going to explode from within. Xiao Chen defeating him two times in a row at Canglan City was the greatest humiliation of his life. He had sworn to avenge himself.

Now that his other enemy was comparing him to another of his enemy, he was burning with extreme rage. He said solemnly, “The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy. The two of you will die by my hands!”

He turned his head and glared daggers at Xiao Chen, his gaze venomous and fierce. Even those standing near Xiao Chen could sense the hatred in his gaze and they all distanced themselves.

Xiao Chen was surprised too. Zuoqiu Yang had become considerably stronger than before. Did he spur this? Now, it would be impossible for him to defeat Zuoqiu Yang as easily as he had before.

It seemed that the Immortal’s Sword Assembly wouldn’t be as simple as he had previously thought it would be.

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