The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 271 - The Gathering of the Powerful

Chapter 271 - The Gathering of the Powerful

Chapter 271 The Gathering of the Powerful

Xiao Chen punched the wall of the cave, causing the entire cave to shake and the dust inside to fall. His fist was so tightly clenched that his bones were creaking in protest. He asked coldly, “Which sect did this?”

“Fallen Immortals Sect,” Yu Yifeng replied, frowning.

“Fallen Immortals Sect…” A sinister smile crossed Xiao Chen’s face. He looked at everyone. “How are your injuries?”

Li Muxue shook her head. “We managed to escape in time thanks to Senior Brother Yifeng’s Teleportation Formation.”

Xiao Chen’s knuckles cracked as he clenched his fists. The Fallen Immortals Sect must have occupied the paradise-like land they were in yesterday as well. He said solemnly, “Very well. Let’s seek our revenge!”

Yu Yifeng stopped him. Shaking his head, he said, “The Fallen Immortals Sect is too powerful. We’ve been waiting for you to see if we can find some Hearts of Illusory Moon nearby on the last day.”

Xiao Chen didn’t reply. Could he tolerate the repeated provocations from the Fallen Immortals Sect? No!

Mu Shaoai stood up. “They’re strong but they’ve made many enemies. I think they’d be too busy fending for themselves now.”

Zhiluan, who sat on a stone, said serenely, “This great one agrees. Let’s rob and massacre them!” Either way, this didn’t concern him.

“Junior Brother Xiao, is the thing you chased after last night? A sentient thousand-year-old Immortal Lingzhi?” Yu Yifeng asked, looking at Zhiluan.

Zhiluan cast him a sidelong glance. “What thing? I have a name! I’m called Zhiluan!”

Mu Shaoai narrowed his eyes. “Nice. I can take this back as a pill-refining gift for my Master.”

Zhiluan shuddered in fear and hastily hid behind Xiao Chen. He pointed to Mu Shaoai and said, “I, I’ll have you know that I came to the Human World on the Jade Emperor’s direct orders…”josei

“Enough.” Xiao Chen frowned. “We can’t dally. Let’s leave now.”

They were quite a distance away from the cave yesterday and it took them two hours to reach their destination. When they arrived, two injured-looking people were sitting inside the cave.

One of them was the Eighth of the ten members of the Fallen Immortals Sect, Eight Scarcities Ghost. The other was the Ninth, Nine-patterned Dragon. The latter said, “Do you think that kid will come after we raided his sect yesterday? One-dot Red and the rest aren’t around.”

Eight Scarcities Ghost replied, “What are you scared of? I’ll kill him if I see him. Consider it as payback for last time.”

Nine-patterned Dragon said, “Don’t underestimate him. He has multiple Spiritual Meridians like us. Moreover, he’s the last survivor of that sect…”

Before he could finish, someone suddenly flew into the cave while coughing up blood. It was the Second Brother, Double-tailed Crane. Eight Scarcities Ghost was alarmed. “Second Brother! What happened?!”

Nine-patterned Dragon rose to his feet and shouted at the cave entrance. “Who?!”

“Xiao Chen!”

Just as an ice-cold voice resounded in their ears, Xiao Chen appeared at the cave entrance. A powerful force slammed into Nine-patterned Dragon before he could even whip out his weapon and sent him flying into the wall of the cave. He couldn’t help coughing up blood.

Eight Scarcities Ghost knew they were in trouble. He desperately recited a spell and eight mass of dark fog instantly winded around Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves nonchalantly and performed the Dragon-controlling Mystic Skill—a personal invention that combined the manipulative ability of his psychokinesis and the strength of his Dragon Roar Palm. Immediately, a golden illusory dragon more than tens of feet long charged at Eight Scarcities Ghost and slammed him onto the wall of the cave.

Double-tailed Crane and the other two lost their ability to fight back.

Outside the cave, Zhiluan watched everything unfold with gleaming eyes. “This kid is pretty capable! Looks like I found someone strong to latch onto this time.”

Xiao Chen stomped his foot as he radiated a sharp murderous aura. Double-tailed Crane said through gritted teeth, “Kid, have you gotten sick of living?!”

“I think you’re the ones who want an early death!” Xiao Chen made another palm attack and sent him flying once again. Double-tailed Crane crashed onto the wall while coughing up blood. The entire cave nearly collapsed.

On the outside, rocks and pebbles kept rolling down to the ground. Zhiluan clasped his paws over his eyes. “How violent!”

Suddenly, a purple light flashed and Double-tailed Crane found one of his ears cut off. His screeches pierced the air as Ziyun’er appeared at the cave entrance. Zhiluan pressed his paws harder on his eyes. “How bloody!”

“Second Brother!” Eight Scarcities Ghost and Nine-patterned Dragon yelled in unison. They whipped their heads around to glare at Xiao Chen and his team. “You… You!”

Xiao Chen took a heavy step forward and filled the entire cave with a thick murderous aura. He pointed to them and said solemnly, “Hand over the Hearts of Illusory Moon!”

Eight Scarcities Ghost clenched his teeth and tossed his Illusory Moon Pouch to Xiao Chen. Nine-patterned Dragon and Double-tailed Crane also followed suit.

Xiao Chen caught the pouches and examined them with his Divine Sense. There were more than two thousand Hearts of Illusory Moon inside. He said solemnly, “I warn you not to provoke me anymore. I don’t care if you’re the Fallen Immortals Sect or the Gate of Fallen Immortals. I’ll send you all to the Hell’s gates otherwise!”

He flicked his sleeves and walked out of the cave, where he handed Yu Yifeng the pouches.

“Let’s go. We can’t stay here. The rest will return at any time,” Mu Shaoai said.

Even though they were on their last day, there was still time before the deadline. If their jade notes were crushed and they were teleported outside the forest, they would still be eliminated. The team immediately departed. When they walked about twenty miles away, a monster that resembled a wild boar appeared. It looked vicious with its sharp tusks. It stared fixedly at Zhiluan as it growled.

Zhiluan jumped in fright. He pointed to the monster. “Hurry up, kid! Hurry up and help me chase it away!” His fear of the monster was apparent.

Xiao Chen cut the monster with two blades made of Qi in silence and created bloodshed following two swooshing sounds. Zhiluan laughed heartily as he ran over to the corpse. He was no longer afraid when he spotted several similar monsters around. He placed his paws on his waist and guffawed. “That’s for bullying me in the past! Kid, hurry up and kill all of them for me!”

With strange-sounding screeches, the wild boars lifted their hooves and swiftly escaped. Zhiluan was left laughing like a madman. Suddenly, a purple light flew toward him, scaring him so much that his neck shrank. The purple light brushed past his head, nearly slashing the Lingzhi plant growing on top.

“Meow! Who? Who dares to ambush the great one?”

The purple light wasn’t aimed at him, but Xiao Chen who stood behind him. Xiao Chen immediately raised his sword to block the attack. His limbs instantly felt heavy and both his arms were numb. He tumbled backward before regaining firm footing.

“Do you think you can just run after injuring my men?”

Just as a frigid voice resounded, a person materialized in front of them. The man had a red dot between his eyebrows. It was the First Brother of the ten members of the Fallen Immortals Sect, One-dot Red.

Having experienced this man’s strength yesterday, Yu Yifeng and the rest cautiously raised their swords. Xiao Chen said coldly, “You came right on time!”

His Unsullied Sword sprang forth, turned into a blade of white light, and flew toward One-dot Red. One-dot Red pressed his fingertips together and followed suit with a blade of purple light transformed from his Purple Ying Sword. With loud clanging noise, the swords interweaved in midair while basked in a blinding halo. Both refused to give in.

Qingluan and Ziyun’er exchanged glances before jumping into action and attacking One-dot Red from both sides. One-dot Red scoffed and freed one hand to nonchalantly cast a seal. Instantly, two golden rays of light materialized and slammed into the girls. Following loud collision sounds, they were both sent flying while spitting out blood.

“Stay put if you don’t want to die!” One-dot Red said coldly. It was evident from his words that he thought Xiao Chen was the only worthy opponent here.

“Meow!” Zhiluan unfolded his wings and hid behind Luo Shangyan and Li Muxue as Sword Qi dashed back and forth inside the forest. Right then, six human silhouettes appeared out of the blue. They were the six other members of the Fallen Immortals Sect.

Traceless for Ten Miles’ gaze landed on Yu Yifeng after a quick scan of his surroundings. His sect members also moved to crowd Xiao Chen’s team, who instantly knew they were in trouble. While they weren’t weak, the truly capable fighter among them was Yu Yifeng alone.

Xiao Chen’s brows furrowed as he dealt with One-dot Red’s persistent attacks. His opponent kept him busy, preventing him from helping his friends. Suddenly, a piercing cold slowly crept into the forest until it enveloped the entire area.

No one noticed when a young woman in red appeared on top of a large tree hundreds of feet away. Her hair was decorated with a red-colored accessory and a red flower imprint sat between her eyebrows. Her clothes billowed in the wind. Her face was as cold as ice as if she was trying to freeze the air around her.

One-dot Red narrowed his eyes and said indifferently, “Heartless Fairy, you’re an ally of our Fallen Immortals Sect. Don’t tell me you’re here to cause trouble for us.”

Hearing the familiar name prompted Xiao Chen to sweep the area behind him with his Divine Sense. He found a young woman with her clothes fluttering in the air atop a tree. Who could it be if not Huangfu Xin’er?

“You can try,” Huangfu Xin’er said. Her lips barely moved but her ice-cold voice still reached their ears.

Sneering, One-dot Red took a heavy step backward. “Since that’s the case, please show yourself too, Fairy Xiaoyue.”

A human silhouette moved, materializing into a young woman in cyan bearing a horsetail whisk sword. She stood hundreds of feet away with her clothing fluttering in the wind. Compared to Huangfu Xin’er’s coldness, she appeared tranquil and otherworldly. She was none other than Xiaoyue of Thousand Feathers Sect.

Xiaoyue smiled. “Why don’t you show yourself as well, Brother Zuoqiu?”

The moment she spoke, a bellow erupted in the distance. “Where is Xiao Chen?!” Then, a man emanating a suffocating murderous aura flew and landed in front of them.

He was, naturally, Zuoqiu Yang. When he saw Xiao Chen, he thrust an earth-shattering palm at him without another word. Xiao Chen immediately raised his palm to block the attack. The sound of the collision pierced the air. Xiao Chen tumbled backward as he felt half of his body go numb. Their combined forces turned the plants around them into a puff of fine powder.

Xiao Chen’s heart sank. Zuoqiu Yang had become many times stronger than when he was in Canglan City.

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