The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 319 - Disasters Everywhere

Chapter 319 - Disasters Everywhere

Chapter 319 Disasters Everywhere
“Brother Xiao Chen! It’s your turn to receive the prize!”

Awaken, Xiao Chen walked to the stage. He first bowed to the awarding elders and then asked, “Where did Immortals’ League find this zither?”

The elder smiled and said, “It was found by a Chief of the Immortal’s League several years ago. Unfortunately, no one has been able to play it. The last time young hero Xiao was able to play this divine zither, it must have been that you’re fated to it.”

Xiao Chen silently took over Jade Zither and stoke the D sharp major with a finger. Immediately, rays of light covered the area and the surrounding vital force surged, even the podium was shaken. The two elders quickly said, “Young hero Xiao, stop!”josei

Xiao Chen then realized what he was doing, and gradually released the string and put the zither into the Divine Vessel. He once again bowed at the two elders and said, “I have to thank the Immortals’ League, for this zither is extremely important to me.”

The reason why he wanted the Fuxi Zither back was not only to slow down the speed of the Evernight Soul power dispersing. It was mainly because Fuxi Zither would be his last card when he ever encountered Qianyu Nishang in the future.

An elder stroked his beard and smiled, saying, “Young hero Xiao doesn’t have to be courteous, and this is what you deserve.” Several elders on the high platform also looked at each other and thought, “This boy is an unusual being and the only person able to play the Fuxi divine zither.”

Xiao Chen was about to turn around when another elder called out, “Wait, there is one more thing.” Then he handed him a moldy book and said, “This is a practice that was passed down from ancient times. “”

The crowd below all revealed the envious eyes when they heard it was a book of an ancient cultivation method. The Fuxi Zither was dispensable to them, but an ancient cultivation method was hard to come by. Since the last Cultivation Era, those exquisite methods had gradually disappeared. One would eventually become a hegemon if acquired a book of ancient Mystic Skill.

Xiao Chen accepted the booklet, bowed and left the stage. The award ceremony was over. Xiao Chen returned to the yard and read a few pages of this so-called ancient cultivation method. He was already studying the Mystic Cyan Sect skills and should not be mixing skills from other sects. Therefore he did not intend to practice the methods in the book.

However, he often saw the word “heartless” in the book. He wondered if this book was part of the Heartless Mystic Skill. Hence he started to study it in detail, but until sunset, he was still unable to find the solution for the Heartless Curse.

With a sigh, Xiao Chen put away the booklet. Xin’er recently had a huge change with her temperaments, and it must be because the Heartless Mystic Skill she studied was incomplete. As he thought of this, he stood up and went outside the yard.

Near the courtyard of the Heartless Palace, two female disciples stopped him, and one of them said coldly, “What are you doing here!”

Xiao Chen said apologetically, “I am looking for…”

“Leave. The Empress will not see you!” Another person shouted.

“What’s the clamor?” At this time, a girl in a green robe came from the back. It was Chu Lingjiao. Chu Lingjiao looked at the two and said, “Both of you step back first.”

“Yes!” The two female disciples bowed and immediately left.

Chu Lingjiao looked up at Xiao Chen and said faintly, “You should go; she won’t see you.”

Xiao Chen sighed. “Alright then.” Then he took out the booklet and handed it to Chu Lingjiao, said, “Please give this to her.”

Chu Lingjiao took the booklet, casually looked at it and said, “Sure.”

“Then I shall go,” Xiao Chen said as he turned around and went back the way he came from. After Chu Lingjiao could not see him anymore, she opened the booklet and read a few pages. She cried, “This!”

Then she quickly covered her mouth and looked at the left and right in a panic. When she saw that no one was around, she quickly pinched a spell and kept the booklet into her Divine Vessel.

The next day, a piece of shocking news broke away in Tianyuan City, and it spread like a fire. In less than half a day, it had spread to the various streets and alleys.

In the desolate area on the border of the five continents, a deep devilish abyss was discovered. The hundreds of kilometers around it were covered by Devil Qi. Those who went close to it were all infected by the Devil Qi before turning into a devil.

This was a matter that Immortals’ League was investigating. Recently, several disciples had returned. The Immortals’ League was strictly confidential, but it was leaked out somehow.

At this moment, in the Pure Harmony Hall, several elders were like ants on a hot pot. At present, it was impossible to conclude if that abyss was a branch of the Valley of God and Devil. Even if it was determined, it must not be made public. Because once words of Valley of God and Devil having problems spread, the entire cultivation realm would be in a panic. By then, chaos would happen everywhere, just like dozens of countries that had been peaceful for thousands of years, and suddenly they were launching a world war level of destruction.

The hot discussion lasted for three days, and the devil abyss was like a comet crashing into the ancient Cultivation World. In just a few days, it has caused the uproar in the Violet Manor. The messages were passed everywhere, and the rumors had even alarmed many ancient cultivators’ sects that had been secluding in the mystic domains.

In the past few days, many cultivators had arrived at Tianyuan City because this incident was transmitted from Tianyuan City. Soon, Tianyuan City had gathered more than 100,000 cultivators.

Many took this opportunity to make trouble. They made the incident as huge as possible. They spread rumors everywhere to confuse people. As of today, Immortals’ League had sent thousands of envoys to suppress the rumors and had asked for immediate help from the other continents with spiritual messages. But it was useless.

The Jade Terrace Mountain was even more chaotic. Numerous cultivators forced themselves onto the mountain, and some even destroyed the defensive formations. They all criticized the League for not announcing such important matter and clamored to see the Chief of the Immortal’s League. Many cynical youths even took the opportunity to vandal and incited people who were unclear about the situation.

At this moment, the entire square was crowded with endless people. Even the mountain roads were blocked by thousands of cultivators. Everyone wanted a saying from the Immortals’ League. They wanted to know what was going on and why such a huge matter was hidden from the public.

The Immortals’ League could no longer cover it. If the matter was not handled well, there would be people with bad intentions taking this opportunity to cause trouble. The First Elder, Guyang Perfected Immortal flew onto the high platform and told the crowd to quiet down three times. But the ten thousand cultivators were irrepressible.

One of them took in a deep breath and shouted, “Where is the devil abyss! What is going on! Is it related to the Valley of God and Devil!”

The moment Valley of God and Devil was heard, the square started a hubbub. It was rumored that the ancient war between the Immortals and Devils had almost led to the collapse of the six realms, thus creating some gaps. This Valley of God and Devil was one of the gaps between the human world and the devil. The consequences of it were imaginable.

The crowd has already lost control, even someone amiable like Guyang Perfected Immortal felt the urge to slap the heck out of the man who just mentioned the Valley of God and Devil.

Just when the crowd is about to get out of control completely, a powerful voice was heard in the distance, “Whoever dare to spread rumors here will be sent to the Immortals’ League for punishments!”

It was the unsmiling red robe elder who arrived. It was obvious that his words were more deterrent. Immediately the crowd shushed as the force of Nirvana Realm broke out.

Guyang Perfected Immortal raised his hand and said, “Please be quiet. The devil abyss is definitely not the Valley of God and Devil, and the Valley of God and Devil will never have any problems in a thousand years. You can rest assured…”

But before he could finish, someone from below asked aloud, “Then what is this devil abyss? Is it related to the Soul-consuming Evil Flower? You have investigated the Demonic Flowers for so many years, and now there still isn’t any news about it. Countless people had been dying from this Demonic Flowers recently. Aren’t there any explanation at all? If even the basic safety of everyone can’t be assured, then what is the establishment of the Daoist League of the Five Continents!”

Then that man yelled to the people nearby, “Don’t everyone agree?”

Immediately people around raised their fist and agreed. “Yes! We want to see the Chief of the Immortal’s League! See the Chief!”

“The Chief! The Chief!” Countless people in the square all raised their fists and shouted loudly. They were no longer irrepressible by the ten more elders.

Guyang Perfected Immortal’s brows tangled in a frown. Chief of the Immortal’s League had gone to investigate the Demonic Flowers 100 years ago and had not yet returned. Another Chief had also gone for an investigation 20 years ago and did not return as well. Now it was even more difficult to announce this matter. Announcing it would only make the five continents more panicky, but where could he find a Chief now?

“Please listen to what I have to say… The Chief has been exhausted lately and is not feeling well. I am here to act as a sole in-charge. Please be patient…”

The people below did not care about what he said at all. They continued to raise their fists and shouted, “See the Chief! See the Chief!”

As the situation became more and more uncontrollable, the crowds on the mountain road started to squeeze their way through. It was as if they were about to dismantle the Immortals’ League. At this moment, a voice in a distant was heard, “The Chief has arrived…”

An imposing middle-aged man behind the square was gradually making his way over. Two disciples followed closely behind him. The middle-aged man was dressed in a blue robe, his brows sharp like a summit and his face being stone cold. The man was majestic and it was as if with only one look, one could not help but worship him.

Several Immortals’ League elders and disciples looked at each other puzzledly. However, they immediately bowed and said, “My Chief!”

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