The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 329 - A Strange Boy

Chapter 329 - A Strange Boy

Chapter 329 A Strange Boy
“Meow! Holy meow! That was scary!”

Guifeng held a thirty feet crescent moon blade in one hand and the other hand blocked against the Snake Metamorphosis’ tail in midair. The devil ride of him stood on its hind hoofs and howled, and the river water rumbled.

The Snake Metamorphosis flew into a rage and growled. Then it attacked Guifeng with two thirty-meter-long water pillars.

“Without me, there will be no law. Devil Devours Three Thousand!”

Guifeng shouted, the black Qi that came out of his body armor was denser. A black hole appeared in a flash and dismissed the two water pillars.

The Snake Metamorphosis was so furious that it growled non-stop and swept its tail rapidly. The rocks flew all over. The earth shook as if it was about to collapse. Guifeng shouted, “Master, rise!” He reached out his hand and took Xiao Chen onto the horseback. Zhiluan cried, “Don’t leave me behind!” Then it flew and followed behind.

The devil horse raised its head and let out a neigh. It then turned and ran downstream. Its four hooves seemed to on thunder and lightning. Soon, it was several thousand feet away in a split second.

With one hand holding onto his blade, Guifeng protected Xiao Chen behind with the other hand. Xiao Chen sat on the horseback. He could hear winds howling on both sides of his ears and his face hurt from the strong wind that blew against him. This devil horse was so much faster than his Phoenix’s Wings that it shook off the Snake Metamorphosis in a flash.

In the endless darkness, only the galloping of a horse and the sound of river shaking could be heard. About 30 minutes later, a spot of light suddenly appeared in front of them. However, they came to see a rock wall that blocked their way when they drew closer. A faint light was passing through the wall.

“Those who stand in my way die!”

Guifeng bellowed and swung his blade and a thirty-meter-long black sword ray whooshed out. With a loud bang, the rock wall that was blocking them was smashed into pieces. Then a bright pathway appeared in front of them.

The sudden bright light stung Xiao Chen’s eyes, and he could barely open them. As the devil horse neighed, he felt himself in midair. The devil horse had leaped into the air and brought them out.

In front of them, they could see a valley surrounded by jagged rocks. Although it was still a little spooky, as compared to the ghastly hell river, it was so much better. Xiao Chen looked back and no longer saw the hell river. The Snake Metamorphosis had also stopped its pursue. He got down from the horse and bowed at Guifeng, said, “Thank you for saving us, General.”

Guifeng dismounted with him and bowed back, said, “I dare not ask for credit for my duty! Since the Master is safe, I will take leave.” Then he disappeared into thin air.

Xiao Chen looked at where he disappeared and thought that the aura of the underworld was so heavy that it made Su Xiaomei uneasy. However, Guifeng, who was also a soul body was unafraid. Presumably, the Guifeng was also a brave and invincible general when he was alive.

“Holy meow, what’s this place? We won’t encounter anything again, right?…” Zhiluan looked around alertly and spoke with caution.

Xiao Chen looked up into the sky. Under the strange clouds, he could not tell the time. But he thought it should be 7 a.m. He had no idea where the others were now and said, “Let’s go and see how to get out of here.”

A man and a cat walked for several hours, but they still could not find the entrance of rock valley, and there seemed to be some sort of restrictions here; they were unable to ride the sword or fly.

Twilight gradually enveloped, the strange rocks stood around, looking like evil minions. Under the complete silence, they looked even grimmer and frightening. Zhiluan sat down on the ground and cried, “I’m exhausted. I can’t walk…”

“All right, let’s take a break.”

Xiao Chen moved his dried lips and also found a clean stone to sit down. Since yesterday, he had not had a single drop of water. Not to mention that they had so many encounters along the way, even if he had reached such high cultivation, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Zhiluan pulled out two bright red immortal fruits from the baggage hanging at the back of its neck, threw one to him, and then chewed the other one up.

Xiao Chen took the immortal fruit and took a bite. A faint scent and sweetness spread in his mouth. If only there was a bowl of plain water as well. Then he thought about the rest who were yet to be found. He hoped that they were safe, after all, this place was full of strangeness. He had somehow guessed the source of the Devil Qi. Now, all he had to do was to find the rest of the people and report back to the Elders of the Immortals’ League.

Zhiluan nibbled the immortal fruit while nagging, “We were good staying in the Immortals’ League. The stupid girl had to drag me out into this muddy water. D*mn it. When we go back, we will see how I will deal with you …”

After they were rested, the man and the cat were on their way again. This time, it lasted for two days and two nights. The stone valley seemed endless. Fortunately, the Devil Qi had all rushed up to the top. By the third morning, both of them were tired of walking. They had also finished all the immortal fruits they had. Zhiluan sat down on the ground and cried, “No, I can’t do this anymore. Get your General of Soul out quickly. His horse runs faster…”

Xiao Chen ignored him and thought, “How can I bother Guifeng with such a trivial matter?” Then he smiled and said, “By the way, this is the second time we have shared weal and woe right? The last time was at the Thousand Summits Mountain.”

Zhiluan said angrily, “You still have the guts to smile, Kiddo. I have told you before that you’re an unlucky star, whoever is with you will be in bad luck!”

Xiao Chen looked up and laughed. “Haha! I wondered who cried and wailed while grabbing tightly onto my shoulder 3 days ago when we fell into the hell river?”

Zhiluan was blushed. It was so angry that it started to scratch hard on the ground. Suddenly it felt something hard. It picked it up, looked at it, and then asked curiously, “Huh? What’s this? ”

Xiao Chen peered at it and saw that the thing was half a palm-sized, full-bodied purple-black, shiny, with black Qi flowing inside. He shouted, “Throw it away!”

Zhiluan shuddered and immediately threw it out. The amethyst smashed into pieces on the hard rock and immediately a dense Devil Qi spread out. In that instant, Xiao Chen immediately formed a True Energy shield to keep out the Devil Qi. Zhiluan trembled in fear and exclaimed, “What the hell!”

“Follow me!” Xiao Chen pulled him towards a stone forest not far away. The rock wall was covered with countless same amethysts of just now. The small one was of palm-sized, and the large one was like a millstone. It packed so densely that one would get goosebumps just by looking.

“Holy meow! What are these?” Zhiluan opened its cat mouth big, looking very surprised.

“Devil Energy Amethyst.”

Devil Energy Amethyst, formed by gathering the Devil Qi. It is like the Spirit Stone, just that a Spirit Stone contained a large amount of Immortal Qi which was beneficial to the immortal cultivators. The devil amethyst, on the other hand, was for the devil cultivators. However, it was forbidden to have it in the Violet Manor. One could only obtain it in the black market. Not only that, the price of a devil amethyst was way higher than a Spirit Stone of the same level.

“The Devil Energy Amethyst? Oh, my meow! We’re going to be rich! Rich!” Zhiluan cheered and ran to pick up the devil amethysts. Xiao Chen scolded, “Do you want to die? If the Immortals’ League found out that you’re hiding devil amethysts on you, you will go straight to jail for 20 years! ”

Zhiluan’s retracted his hand in horror. “Not, not that serious right? I’m not under Immortals’ League’s control anyway! ”

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, “Let’s go, this place is not suitable to stay for long.” Just as he was about to turn and leave, at the corner of his eye, he saw a figure underneath a large rock not too far away.

That person was dressed in red and was not tall. He looked like a teenage boy. He stood with his hands behind his back and was also looking at the devil amethysts on the rocks.

“Little brother?” Xiao Chen asked exploratorily.

The person turned around. Indeed, it was a ten-year-old boy, just that his features were just about to define. His eyes were like stars and his eyebrows were sharp. Most importantly, as he faced Xiao Chen, his hands were still behind his back and his eyes were without a trace of panic.

“This place is dangerous, little brother, why are you alone here? Are you a villager from above? ”

Xiao Chen probed and asked again, he did not notice any cultivation on the boy. The boy did not have any Devil Qi on him as well. He was just an ordinary teen. But he could not figure out why he was in such a dangerous place with Devil’s Carnage. It also did not make sense to say that the boy had lost his way.josei

The boy in red did not answer. Zhiluan flew over and asked, “Oi! Little boy! We’re asking you questions! Are you mute? ”

The boy remained silent. Xiao Chen looked around and said, “Little brother, this place is dangerous. Do you want to come with us?”

The boy still silent, but moved slowly towards him with hands behind his back. An hour later, they were finally out of the rock valley and in front of them was a deadwood forest. Flowers and trees that were within dozens of miles had withered; it was lifeless.

Along the way, Xiao Chen carefully watched the young boy behind and found that he was indeed without any cultivations. With his current Divine Sense, even Grand Completion Realm cultivators could barely escape his eyes. It seemed that this young boy was just an ordinary person, just a little too mature for his age. He asked, “Oh right, little brother. What’s your name?”

Along the way, the young boy in red spoke nothing. At this moment, he was still not answering. Xiao Chen smiled gently and stopped asking questions. He thought he was probably mute.

Right this moment, they suddenly heard a voice coming from the dense forest ahead, “Why? Is it that only you’re allowed to be here, and not us?” After a pause, the person laughed again. “Brother None-flower, these little dolls are so interesting.”

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