The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 388 - Fox Demons

Chapter 388 - Fox Demons

Chapter 388 Fox Demons
“Young Master, why aren’t you speaking anymore…” Su Lianyue’s voice reverberated inside the forest, so soft and gentle it seemed like she was trying to melt the entire place.

Xiao Chen must have inhaled something, for he was becoming increasingly dizzy. Staring at the woman’s snow-white neck, all he wanted to do was take a bite out of it. Her neck… Her neck… Wait, something was wrong!

“Take this, you evil creatures!”

Xiao Chen pushed her aside with tremendous force and instantly whipped out his Unsullied Immortal’s Sword. The sword flared with a dazzling white light, scaring Su Lianyue so much that she turned pale. Before she could run, the sword whizzed, transformed into a white light, and flew toward her. It pierced through her with a sharp cutting noise.

“Su Lianyue” immediately turned into a three-tailed fox. The creature made a panicked escape, disappearing amid the fog. Xiao Chen put away his Unsullied Sword. He was still dizzy, so he pressed several pressure points on his chest with force to circulate his True Energy and expel the fox demon’s Qi that he inhaled earlier.

Moments later, the fog shrouding this part of the forest began to dissipate. Xiao Chen was still recalling what had happened earlier when the scene before him made him take a sharp intake of breath. Before him, the floor was covered in bones of the dead. It was an endless sea of white bone. Moreover, the bones were all fairly large, indicating that they belonged to men. This reminded him of the fox demon that impersonated Su Lianyue and tried to seduce him. It must be a creature that absorbed men’s vital essence.

This made Xiao Chen raise his guard. Holding the Unsullied Immortal’s Sword, he carefully continued moving through the forest. The white fog began gathering again when he had walked 500 meters and he could faintly hear the sound of women laughing and playing nearby.

“Evil creatures!” Xiao Chen scolded under his breath. With his sword in hand this time, those fox demons wouldn’t dare to come close to him. He continued walking for a while longer until he heard someone behind him yell, “Young Master Xiao!”

Xiao Chen spun around. “Swoosh!” The Unsullied Sword, moving according to his heart, transformed into a white light, flew toward the person who called him, and stopped an inch away from the latter’s neck.

The person emerging from the dense fog was none other than Su Lianyue. She looked at the Unsullied Sword and then at the man standing ten feet away from her. “Young Master Xiao?”

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes to stare at the faint red mark on her neck, the trace that his Unsullied Sword left behind that night. He flicked his sleeve and retrieved his sword. When he recalled how the fox demon transformed into her, he felt an inexplicable unease to see her now. He turned his head and said coldly, “Where were you?”

Su Lianyue spread out her hands. “You’re asking me that?” “I’m the one who should be asking you. I couldn’t find you after you dashed into the forest!”

Xiao Chen frowned. He was the one who first entered the forest? He had obviously followed her after seeing her enter. Sure enough, this forest was permeated with strange demonic forces. Su Lianyue walked up to him. When she saw the bones of the dead everywhere, she let out a muffled yelp. “Why didn’t we see this sea of skeletons when we came here earlier?”

“Humph!” Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves, turned around, and led the way for them. The two of them had walked another 1.5 to 2.5 kilometers when they saw a dozen or so male corpses lying on the ground. These men must have just died last night. Their faces were twisted with horror and tainted black, their eyes were caved in, and their bodies were greatly famished. They looked as if they had their five visceras and six bowels sucked out.

The clever Su Lianyue immediately knew what happened to these men after seeing their condition. She sneered. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Men, oh, men. You men truly deserve this. Such death isn’t pitiful at all. Humph.”

Coupled with memories of what happened earlier, Xiao Chen felt angrier after hearing her words. He scoffed and said nothing. Su Lianyue became intrigued after noticing his strange expression and reluctance to look at her face. She teased him, saying, “I told you this forest is haunted by demons. Did you happen to encounter a fox-spirit earlier? Could there be a woman in this world capable of enchanting a block of wood like you, Young Master?”

“You!” Xiao Chen became even more furious after hearing her obvious sarcasm. Su Lianyue burst into laughter. “Oh my, I was right. That woman capable of enchanting you must be very pretty. Why don’t you tell me who she is?”

Xiao Chen slowly eased his clenched fingers and masqueraded his anger with a smile. “Hehe. Do you really wish to know?”

“Of course. Please tell me, Young Master.” Su Lianyue looked at him with great interest. Xiao Chen turned around and grinned. “Who could it be if not a great beauty like you?”

Su Lianyue turned pale and her expression instantly transformed. “You said that fox demon turned into me?!”

Xiao Chen shrugged. “Yeah, she stood right in front of me, all bare…” Before he could finish his sentence, a purple light charged at him. He moved aside, dodging the attack. Su Lianyue had lost all of her calm and her expression was filled with a murderous aura. He yelled, “What are you doing?!”

“I’m going to rip your eyes out!” Su Lianyue cast one spell after another. The Reed of Frosted Blue-Violet Jade, as if it had spiritual nature, turned into rays of purple light and charged at Xiao Chen. He evaded each of them, but these series of actions consumed a lot of his energy. He yelled, “Hey, are you sick, woman? I even hugged her! Are you going to chop off my hands as well…?”

“You!” Su Lianyue’s expression turned even ghastlier. She attacked him with everything she had, be it purple fog, purple light, or her Cyan Radiance Umbrella. He dodged in a panic, running in all directions to avoid being hit. In an instant, half of the forest was destroyed.

“Enough! You must be sick! It’s that fox demon who turned into you! What does it have to do with me?!”

“How dare you! If it weren’t for your wicked intentions, how would the fox demon…” Su Lianyue thought of how disgraceful the scene looked with the fox demon taking on her appearance. She felt even more humiliated. “I’m not going to the Corpse Refinery Sect with you anymore! I’ll kill you first!” In a flash, countless purple lights rained down on Xiao Chen.

Purple lights swept the forest like a storm. Though Xiao Chen had unleashed his Immortal-override Steps in its entirety, he was still nearly hurt by those rays of light. He yelled, “Enough! I’m just joking with you…”josei

“Joking? I don’t have the mood to joke with you! Speak! What else did you do?!” At the tail of her sentence, several rays of light charged at him again.

“I didn’t do anything! If I really did something, do you think I’d be alive to talk to you?!” Xiao Chen tried to speak as he dodged.

It took a while before Su Lianyue finally calmed down. With a red face, a heaving chest, and rapid breathing, she glared at Xiao Chen who was hiding behind a large tree far away.

“Is, is it over?” Xiao Chen carefully poked his head out. “Thump!” The large tree snapped at the spot where the top of his head was.

“I’m going to wipe out all the fox demons here sooner or later, lest they harm the humans of this world!” Su Lianyue still looked like she was ready to kill.

Xiao Chen coughed and walked out of the forest. Why did he have the feeling that he was bullying her? But this demoness’ unexpected side was something he didn’t think he would see.

After this little incident, their mood seemed to have taken a somewhat strange quality. Neither of them said anything throughout their journey. Every time Xiao Chen thought of how that fox demon seduced them, he would shiver for no reason. How could the quick-witted Su Lianyue not be able to guess what he was thinking from his reaction? She could only gnash her teeth in anger.

It was nearly two hours later when they entered an area of the forest shrouded with even denser fog. When they faintly hear the pleasurable moaning of men and women in front of them, they quickened their pace. What they saw was seven to eight men suspended in the air, their bodies entwined by several foxes’ tails as their vital essence was repeatedly absorbed. Their faces, however, were filled with intoxication.

“Take this, you evil creatures!”

“Swish!” The Unsullied Sword turned into a drawn-out ray of light and flew in their direction, cutting off the foxes’ tails. With a yelp, the foxes immediately ran and disappeared among the fog. The men fell to the ground, their faces a frightening shade of white and their eyes glazed over. They didn’t even have the strength to stand.

Noticing the sudden appearance of a pair of man and woman, one of them asked weakly, “Wh-Where is this… Wh-Who are you…”

These men’s messy clothing and their bewitched expressions earlier made Su Lianyue even more resentful. She flicked her sleeves and her purple rays of light immediately drew blood, claiming these men’s lives.

“There is no good man in this world!”

Xiao Chen shrugged, pretending he didn’t see anything. These men had most of their vital energy absorbed, so they wouldn’t live long either. Su Lianyue glared at him. “You’re no different either!”

He didn’t argue with her. They continued going for another five kilometers or so, where they saw no less than a hundred corpses. These people had all died from the depletion of their vital essence. Even more ironic was the fact that most of them wore the apparel of Orthodox sects’ disciples. On the contrary, there were only very few Devil’s Practice followers among the body count.

Su Lianyue sneered. “This is your so-called Orthodox Path.”

Xiao Chen frowned deeply but didn’t argue with her. These people all died in bliss, so none would harbor malicious grudges. Besides, they had their vital essence absorbed. Not even the Corpse Refinery Sect would want these corpses. That was why this forest would accumulate its sea of bones over the years.

“I’ve long heard of a Cave of a Thousand Foxes near the Mountain of Myriad Caves, with countless foxes and a nine-tailed fox with thousand-year cultivation. You have to be very careful, Young Master.” Su Lianyue’s gaze lingered on his face but a faint, curious smile crept onto her face when she saw him standing in place like a block of wood. She snorted and continued walking.

“Thank you for the reminder, Fairy.” Xiao Chen followed her and they continued walking until the fog gradually began to clear up. However, that was only because the Negative Qi around them had gotten denser. 500 meters ahead of them was an expanse of white fog.

Over there, the white fog rolled and shifted incessantly as if monsters were pulling strings from within. The place formed a zone with gravitational force, looking like a deep and unmeasurable whirlpool on the seabed.

When they went near, they instantly felt an enormous spatial force. Xiao Chen couldn’t even use his Divine Sense to get a feel of what was going on inside. Frowning, he said, “It must be the Ghost-wailing Hill inside, the origin of the unnatural phenomenon last night.”

“Be careful.” Su Lianyue’s voice was rather emotionless. She titled the tip of her foot and flew into the whirlpool at the heart of the white fog, her purple dress fluttering around her. In a split second, as if the whirlpool had sucked her in, she vanished without a trace.

Xiao Chen cast a spell and the white glow coating the Unsullied Sword brightened sharply, shrouding him in it. He also followed suit in flying into the whirlpool. The moment he stepped inside, he felt a great restrictive force that made it difficult to breathe. He felt as if a tremendous, incorporeal force was dragging him into a different place. The white fog filled his vision so much so that he couldn’t see anything else. It was like he was hovering in the sky.

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