The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 413 - Strange Valley

Chapter 413 - Strange Valley

Chapter 413 Strange Valley
Xiao Chen saw that Su Lianyue’s expression was getting more terrible, so he immediately said, “You must stop talking nonsense! Predecessor Mo Xuan is one of the Jade Qing Seven. He’s an honorable man, so don’t spout nonsense!”

Su Lianyue was startled by his serious expression, but immediately recovered, and she said jokingly, “I was just saying it casually, why are you so nervous? Or did you think of what I was thinking as well?”

Xiao Chen’s eyebrows were locked tightly, and he remained silent. His impression of Moxuan Zi was carefree and graceful. Even when he refused to be his student in front of so many people, he just passed it off with a smile, and he was gentle. If it was someone like Yuheng Zi, he would have been displeased.

But now, Moxuan Zi suddenly appeared in the Corpse Refinery Sect and used Shen Qing as his identity. From the perspective of ordinary people, it is natural to think that Moxuan Zi had sneaked into the Corpse Refinery Sect for investigation, but… was it really so?

Now that the Immortals and Devils were indistinguishable in this world, it is difficult to really see through a person. If you change to another perspective, could it be that Moxuan Zi had always been on the side of Red Sleeve? And he took Orthodox Path as a cover.

If this was the case, then it would be terrible—everyone around anyone could not be trusted. Xiao Chen suddenly felt very confused. What about those people around him? Brother Yi, None-flower Dust, Brother Yifeng, and even the Hidden Fragrance Wafting Under the Moon…

Su Lianyue looked at him suddenly and said softly, “Although you have powerful cultivation, I see that you are still unaware of the ways of the world. What do you know about the sinister world? Take heed of my words, everyone around you may not be good to you. Maybe…”

“You shut up!” Xiao Chen cried suddenly and then took a deep breath. Yes, how much did he know the sinister world? In the previous life, he was a disciple of Mystic Cyan Sect and the first apprentice of Immortal Miaoyin. He could not see the evilness in people. Although he cared less in this life, as compared to those who were always scheming about others all day long, he was an amateur.

Su Lianyue suddenly smiled. “Well, did we just sidetrack from the topic? Take it that I was spouting nonsense just now. Moxuan Zi really did it for the sake of the world and the Orthodox Path, so he took the risk to investigate the Corpse Refinery Sect. Will you be satisfied now?”

Xiao Chen frowned as he listened to her slightly sarcastic words at the moment. It made him uncomfortable, but he had absolutely no reason to doubt Moxuan Zi as well. They were both in silence for a while before Xiao Chen said, “Not only Jade Qing Sect, I am afraid now all the sects in the world has pointed their finger at the Corpse Refinery Sect. Do you remember what Elder Song said that night? I’m afraid that your Fort Raksasa will be taking actions too.”

Su Lianyue smiled and said, “So you want to return to that Orthodox Path you were in?” “Are you in disdain to join forces with people of the Devil’s Practice like me?”

This sentence sounded sad, but Xiao Chen’s brows were so deeply locked that he did not immediately reply. With his knowledge of the Orthodox Path Cultivators’ sects, they would never allow such a big threat to exist. They would join forces to bring down the Corpse Refinery Sect in the name of removing Devil’s Practice.

But Red Sleeve was far stronger than they imagined. The Miasma Mountain Range would be awaiting the most violent battle between the Orthodox Path and Devil in the past millennium, blood would be everywhere. Just as what Fengxi said previously, in the first stage of the Annihilation Times, the Nascent Soul Realm cultivators would only serve as cannon fodder.

But this is not what he was most worried about but the connection between Red Sleeve and Weiyang. However, it was useless to worry about it now, and he could only take one step at a time…

“You’re not really going to return to Orthodox Path right!” Seeing that he was quiet for a long time, Su Lianyue frowned suddenly, and her words were a little upset, as if Xiao Chen had really betrayed their covenant and abandoned her.

Xiao Chen froze for a moment, and then smiled gently. “You thought too much. I’m accompanied by a beautiful lady, who cares about returning to the Orthodox Path?”

“You!” Su Lianyue’s face flushed and seemed to be too shy to know what to say. Xiao Chen continued to say jokingly, “I wonder if your words this morning are still valid? In the evening, we will find a clear and bright place to spend a good night together…”

“You!” Su Lianyue’s face was even redder. She gritted her teeth and threw the fruit in her hand at him. Xiao Chen tilted his head, avoiding the flying fruit, and laughed. “I was just kidding! It’s not wise to stay here for long; let’s go. ”

After they rested, they continued to move forward. They did not converse much along the way and seemed to be in their thoughts. But the same thing was that they both thought about how to leave this mystic domain. To leave the mystic domain, they had to find a breach, if not, no matter how unfathomable a person could be, there would be no way out.

Another thing was about the Corpse Refinery Sect. Xiao Chen said, “Soon after, the world will gather together, and the power of the two of us will be weak. If we can use their power, it may be better. After all, the Annihilation Times is here. So, people with cultivations like you and me can only be a stepping stone for others.”

Su Lianyue’s eyebrows were deeply locked, and she remained in silence as if thinking about something. The two walked for a while and came to a wide valley. But they saw signs of withering and decay in the surrounding vegetation, and there were no animals like white rabbits, fairy deer, and other animals inhabiting here. The valley was also dead and silent, and it seemed to be out of place.

The two stopped at the same time. Su Lianyue frowned and whispered, “Have you noticed that the temperature here is much lower?”

Xiao Chen nodded his head, staring at the front and said, “Dead Qi, a Dead Qi is coming in through the Mountain of Myriad Caves.”

“Dead Qi?” Su Lianyue was a little surprised. She just felt a lot colder here and nothing of Dead Qi at all, why did Xiao Chen… She looked at Xiao Chen with a little doubt in her eyes. Xiao Chen did a shush gesture and whispered, “There may be a breach in front, where the Dead Qi infiltrated; go, let’s go and take a look.”

Xiao Chen led the way and Su Lianyue followed him carefully. They kept their footsteps light, for the fear of alarming something. As they moved forward, the colder it became the denser the Dead Qi was.

Finally, after walking for nearly two hours, they arrived at the deepest part of the valley. The place was shrouded by Dead Qi. There were no living creatures within kilometers of radius, and there were no plantations, just rocks, and gravels lying everywhere.

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and stopped Su Lianyue. He then released his Divine Sense cautiously and explored carefully where the Dead Qi penetrated from. Following the position where the Dead Qi penetrated, Xiao Chen bypassed several stone forests and found a small chaos breach in front of a cliff wall.

The Dead Qi was infiltrated bit by bit from here. Just like that mystic domain in the Immortals’ League, the Spiritual Qi in Tianyuan City had also penetrated through a small breach previously. However, the breach in front was significantly smaller.

Su Lianyue was shocked. Firstly because of the breach in this mystic domain, and secondly because Xiao Chen was able to find it accurately. She whispered, “Was it made by the Corpse Refinery Sect?

Xiao Chen pondered for a moment and shook his head, “It should be caused by the mystic domain itself after a long time. Maybe the Corpse Refinery Sect not even know about it.” After speaking, he stared at the breach for a long time, and said, “Let us work together and try to see if we can open it.”

Su Lianyue nodded. Then the two of them joined forces to urge their True Energy to strike a Mystic Power at the chaos breach. However, a strong force bounced back instantly and the impact sent them both flying…

When they landed on the ground, both of them looked pale. Xiao Chen supported Su Lianyue and frowned. “Are you alright?” Su Lianyue shook her hand. She panted as she looked at the chaotic breach, and asked, “What’s going on?”

Xiao Chen thought for a moment and said, “Some mystic domains are like this. It seems that we are not strong enough now. If we are of the Nirvana Realm cultivation, we can open it in one shot. Otherwise, even if with the help of foreign objects, we will also be bounced back by the force.”

“What then?” Su Lianyue’s eyebrows were locked deep and she sounded anxious. Xiao Chen said, “Don’t worry, wait for our cultivation to improve a little more and we’ll try again. For now, let’s leave first.”

Su Lianyue finally nodded. It seemed that after what happened last night, she has become more obedient to Xiao Chen.josei

The two of them then memorized the position of this Death Valley and left. They traveled 50 kilometers northward and reached an Emerald Valley with beautiful clusters of flowers and trees. The scenery was radiant and enchanting and it was full of Spiritual Qi. There were many emerald lakes afar. Many five-colored fairy deer were drinking by the lake. There were hundreds of flowers blooming in the vicinity, and they were brightly colored with a pleasant fragrance. There were also many birds in the woods. It was like a fairyland on earth.

“This place… isn’t that too much Spiritual Qi here?” Su Lianyue seemed very surprised and excited. Xiao Chen also felt a sense of rejoicing. The Spiritual Qi was indeed abundant here. He had more Spiritual Meridian veins in his body than Su Lianyue and could naturally feel more than her. This was a holy place for cultivation.

“I’ve decided that I’ll wait until I reach the Nirvana Realm before I leave!” Su Lianyue looked very happy, even faintly a little carried away, then she hurried into the valley after speaking.

Xiao Chen frowned and said, “Be careful.” Then he chased after her.

The valley was bright and scenic. Su Lianyue felt at ease. She looked at the sparkling lake, the colorful exotic flowers and plants, the trees full of fairy fruits, and the friendly fairy deer and rabbits. She could not help but say, “I have been in Blue-water Altar for more than ten years and I have never seen such a beautiful place. Do you think it is beautiful here? ”

Xiao Chen thought she was being a little fussed and said indifferently, “Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Then let’s just stay here and don’t leave. There is a beautiful company, ain’t I happy? Why should I go out and be in fights again? ”

“You!” Su Lianyue glared at him gently, but she was happy at the moment, so she did not bother to argue with him. With a glance, she saw a cave behind the vegetation not far away. The cave seemed to have traces of artificial excavation. She could not help feeling a little strange and ran over.

Xiao Chen shook his head and did not want to follow her anymore. Just that as he watched the flowers and trees in this valley, he suddenly had some subtle feelings in his heart. There was an ancient saying that stated that if there had been a place in the previous life and this life you came to it again, then there will be a feeling of Deja Vu, which was what he was feeling now.

“Young Master! Come and see! What is this! ”

Xiao Chen was distracted when he suddenly heard Su Lianyue’s exclamation came from the cave not far away. Xiao Chen regained his focus, and he frowned and quickly walked over to the cave. As he went into the cave, he saw that the stone walls on both sides of the cave were carved with text, and they looked aged and ancient.

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