The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 436 - 9 Destined Calamities

Chapter 436 - 9 Destined Calamities

Chapter 436 9 Destined Calamities
“Who doesn’t keep my people of Fort Raksasa?”

Suddenly, a woman’s cold voice came from the sky. Everyone was shocked and looked up. A ray of light approached from thousands of feet away. It was only clear to tell that it was a jade sedan chair flying over with speed when the light was near.

The jade sedan was decorated with jade green beads and it was extravagant. The sedan curtain was woven with colorful silk of the immortal silkworm, so it could emit gorgeous colorful rays under the sun. Meanwhile, four beautiful women lifted the sedan in air and arrived.

Everyone took a deep breath. The distance was at least ten thousand feet away, and that person was able to hurt people with such precision with a needle. How many people in the world could do that?

The silver needle was light and extremely difficult to control with precision. It was completely different from controlling a sword with telekinesis. The wind direction and other factors were to be considered as the force was being exerted onto the needle. It was imaginable how high the cultivation level of that person who controlled the needle was.

That colorful jade sedan was above the valley in a blink of an eye and was stationed in air. Through the curtains, a woman could be seen sitting in there. Su Lianyue was already pale, and cold sweats were all over her forehead. “Su Lianyue of Blue-water Altar greets the Empress!”

“Empress Raksasa!”

Everyone was in shock. At this moment, they were all deterred by a powerful aura that came from the sedan. Even the other people in the distance who were recovering through meditation were stunned as well. Qi Heng’s face changed dramatically. If that needle was directed at his vitals, he would already be dead at this moment.

Empress Raksasa, always come and go without a trace and was extremely mysterious. She had never been seen before, and no one had ever seen her face, including the people of the Fort Raksasa. She was like a myth, and some even did not believe such a person existed at all.

However, now that someone like this was in front of them, let alone their state at this time, even if it was their heyday, they might not be able to survive. At this moment, everyone had a layer of cold sweat on their backs.

In a distance, Perfected Immortal Qing Chen frowned. “Is that really Empress Raksasa?”

Tianyi Zi was concentrating on treating Yu Yifeng’s injuries. At this time, his fingers moved and the sword box on his back immediately made a soft cry. Although it was soft, the woman in the sedan heard the cry.

It seemed that the woman in the sedan also felt a powerful presence here, and said to Su Lianyue with a low voice, “Get up.”

“Th-Thank you Empress.” Su Lianyue’s voice was a little trembling. At this time, drops of cold sweats were all over her face. The droplets fell and soaked the ground, and she finally dared to stand up.

After Su Lianyue got up, she did not even dare to breathe loudly. She really could not figure out why Empress Raksasa would come to this rural place in person, which made her very puzzled, and what made her even more afraid was that she had helped Xiao Chen before to deal with Red Sleeve earlier. If the Empress knew about it, she would have a terrible, terrible death…

Under the pressure of this powerful aura, the people of the Orthodox Path were having difficulty breathing as well. Everyone turned to look at Tianyi Zi. At this moment, the 6 disciples of Tianyi Zi had their hands on the hilt of their swords as they stared at that jade sedan in midair.

On Xiao Chen’s side, he was still hugging Li Muxue, gently tidying up the white hair by her ears, and was blind to everything that was happening outside. The Levitating Dark Fragrance stood close and guarded him.

The atmosphere was extremely tense, and the air was full of murderous intent. At this moment, another gust of wind came from the southeast. Everyone looked up to see dark clouds rolled into the originally clear and cloudless sky. The dark clouds covered the sky, like a long river flowing in, and a large shadow was reflected on the ground. In that instant, the birds and the beasts were disturbed.

Suddenly, the dark cloud enveloped the entire valley, and gradually turned into a cloud of black mist suspended in the air. The crowd was shocked again as they felt a powerful Devil Qi.

The jade sedan shook a little in midair, and a woman’s ice-cold voice was heard, “Is the Nether Emperor here, or is it Custodian Feng You?”

Upon hearing the words “Feng You”, Xiao Chen’s face immediately seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and he pinched his phalanx loudly. Qingluan quickly squatted down beside him and shook her head gently.

In the distance, upon the people of the Orthodox Path heard the words “Nether Emperor”, they were even more horrified. The four legendary characters in the four great Devil Sects; Divine Corpse of Corpse Refinery Sect, Venerable Bloodied Devil of Bloodied Fiend Sect, Empress Raksasa of Fort Raksasa, and as for the Dark Shadow Hall, it was this Nether Emperor.

But these four rarely come out to the world and two of them were now here today. How could everyone not be surprised?

A deep voice emerged out of the billowing black mist, “Was it Empress Raksasa or was it the Dark-ocean Altar Master that has arrived?”josei

Su Lianyue was a little surprised. Was it not the Empress who came today, but the Dark-ocean Altar Master? The position of the Dark-ocean Altar Master in Fort Raksasa was not what her little Blue-water Altar could compare to. It was second only to the Empress Raksasa. Just like the four Great Custodians of the Dark Shadow Hall; Wind, Thunder, Water, and Fire. Feng You was one of the Great Custodian, and his status was second only to the Nether Emperor.

At this moment, there was no sound coming from the black mist and in the jade sedan, and the hearts of everyone below were strained to the extreme. Suddenly, a loud laugh came out from the black mist and the jade sedan at the same time, presumably because neither of them knew who each other was.

The woman in the jade sedan laughed loudly, “My daughter, Linglong is naughty by nature, presumably has caused a lot of trouble to your hall lately?

The man in the black mist laughed again and said, “You’re being too polite, Empress. Princess Linglong is very well behaved, and she has been bugging Custodian Feng You to teach her the Embodiment Duplication Skill these few days.”

The relationship between the four Great Devil Sects was interesting. On the surface they seemed to be peaceful and even very close, just like how the Bloodied Mad Swordsman of Bloodied Fiend Sect could be very close to Yu Linglong, and Fort Raksasa could also send Yu Linglong to Dark Shadow Hall to play. Yu Linglong also affectionately called Feng You as her uncle, and Custodian Qing Luo as Aunty Qing.

However, there was an undercurrent within the four Great Devil Sects. At this moment, the two were still unsure of the identity of each other, and they were trying hard to probe each other’s identity.


The two laughed again. They could laugh and joke freely, but this made the people of Orthodox Path below them more and more nervous. The woman in the sedan said, “I wondered why the Emperor is here today?”

“So why is the Empress here this time?” The man in the black mist asked as well.

As the two spoke, they did not care if the people of the Orthodox Path were there, and after they were done speaking, they seemed to let out a Divine Consciousness at Xiao Chen at the same time.

With their high cultivation level, the moment their Divine Consciousness reached over, the faces of the Levitating Dark Fragrance immediately turned pale and could not resist it. Especially Ziyun’er, who had been badly injured earlier, spat out a mouthful of blood.

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and immediately built a Barrier, blocking the Divine Consciousness of these two. However, he suddenly felt a sense of emptiness in his Sea of Qi and exhaustion and found it hard to support Barrier.

The two withdrew their Divine Consciousness. The woman in the sedan laughed and said, “Did the Emperor also come to this place for the Ghost Meridian?”

“Ghost Meridian!”

The people of the Orthodox Path were startled. When heaven and earth first opened, they were accompanied by twelve Earth Spiritual Meridians which were scattered to places. Some of these Spiritual Meridians would branch out, then the branched out meridian would eventually leave the main meridian. If it was met with darkness, a Ghost Meridian would be formed. Just as how a bewitched man could become a Fallen Devil.

The faces of the people changed again. Unexpectedly, the two laughed once more. The man in the mist said, “So in the opinion of the Empress, what should we do to these people below?”

Everyone was shocked. At this moment, their vitalities were at the lowest. How could they deal with these two leaders of Devils’ sects? The woman in the sedan laughed and said, “The Crape-myrtle Pavilion Perfected Immortal is here.”

At this moment, Tianyi Zi finally turned around. He was full of righteousness that stood along with heaven and earth, and no demons or evil could come close. Everyone immediately moved closer to him.

“Oh, it turned out to be Kunlun Crape-myrtle Pavilion Perfected Immortal. Sorry for being disrespectful.” The man in the mist let out a loud laugh before turning into a dark cloud and moved towards the main peak of the Summit of Mystics.

After that man left, the woman in the sedan seemed to be staring at Su Lianyue coldly, making her tremble.

“Let’s go.” The woman said coldly and the jade sedan immediately went towards the main peak of the Summit of Mystics but in another direction. Su Lianyue did not dare to say more and immediately flew up and followed after.

It was not until the two disappeared completely before everyone felt relieved. Then they greeted and thanked Tianyi Zi. Tianyi Zi turned to look at the Yu Yifeng who was unconscious and said, “I will take Yifeng back to the mystic domain to heal.”

“This…” Qing Chen Perfected Immortal frowned, but nodded, after all. Tianyi Zi then walked over to Xiao Chen. There seemed to be a strange flash in his eyes after seeing the appearance of Xiao Chen, but he soon recovered. Then with two fingers together, he pointed at Li Muxue’s eyebrows. After a while, he said, “Her three spiritual and seven physical souls have not yet left the body. I’ll take her back to the mystic domain, and there may be a still a way.”

Xiao Chen suddenly looked up at him and said, “You mean Muxue can still be saved!”

Tianyi Zi said, “She has nine destined calamities, and in the previous life she had managed to resolve two of them. This is the third calamity… Whether it can be resolved or not is dependent on her luck.”

The others also walked up. Yanluo anxiously said, “But I saw her Destiny that year…” Tianyi Zi immediately put his finger in front of his lips and said, “The mystery of the Natural Law, don’t speak lightly.”

Fengxi of Xianyong Sect coughed and looked at Xiao Chen. “This is the Sect Leader of Kunlun Sect; you can rest assured.”

“She has nine destined calamities, and in the previous life she had managed to resolve two of them. This is the third calamity…” Xiao Chen’s face was bitter, but nodded in the end and said, “Thank you, Perfected Immortal…”

Tianyi Zi sighed and said to the people behind him, “Ruoxuan.”

“Here!” A female disciple immediately stepped forward and took Li Muxue from Xiao Chen. Tianyi Zi said to everyone, “Farewell.” Then he picked up Yu Yifeng and immediately turned into a sword radiance and left. His six disciples followed after. A cry of a crane was heard, and several sword radiances disappeared into the sky.

Looking at the sky where the sword radiances disappeared, Xiao Chen took a deep breath. Why did Muxue look so much like Weiyang? By no means was she Weiyang’s reincarnation, but why was she born on the same day as Weiyang…

He took a deep breath. It was useless for him to think more. He just hoped that Muxue and Brother Yifeng would be fine…

“Qingluan, go pick up a Corpse Puppet. Let’s go.”

“Yes, my Lord!”

A lot of Corpse Puppets were left here. Qingluan immediately found a corpse sack and picked a Corpse Puppet up. Xiao Chen looked at the others and said, “What’s here is over now. I’ve something to attend to, we shall bid farewell here. ”

“Junior Brother Xiao…” Luo Shangyan stopped him.

Xiao Chen paused for a moment and finally shook his head. He would be going to Wuyin Monastery to rescue Xiao Ning next. At that time, he would be committing the taboo of the Orthodox Path again. It would not be appropriate to have a close relationship with them now, so as not to let them have his weaknesses.

As he was about to leave. In the northwestern sky, a strong wind blew and the clouds gathered. Four sword radiances came at a rapid speed, and in an instant, they landed into the valley where everyone was and transformed into four middle-aged men with uniform clothing. On the sleeves of these four men was an identical logo, the logo of Immortals’ League.

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