The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 451 - Bone-Eroding Ecstasy

Chapter 451 - Bone-Eroding Ecstasy

Chapter 451 Bone-Eroding Ecstasy
The air seemed to be frozen by a layer of ice in an instant. The temperature of the atmosphere suddenly dropped. Qingluan and Ziyun’er did not speak. Xiao Chen’s gaze landed still on Liu Liancheng’s face. This tension was only broken when a breeze came, which blew off several leaves.

Liu Liancheng smiled, bowed, and said, “I’m sorry. My teacher has been retired for many years and doesn’t want to be mentioned by people again. Why don’t you go to the Phoenix Pavilion in the back with me first, Brother Xiao?”

Ziyun’er walked over and said softly, “Lord, let’s go.”

Xiao Chen did not say anything. His gaze was still on Liu Liancheng’s face, and he seemed to see something profound between the lines of his words. He said, “Please lead the way.”

“Okay, okay!” Liu Liancheng laughed again and then looked at a few disciples and said, “You manage things here.” After that, he looked at a few other disciples and said, “In the back valley of Phoenix Pavilion, immediately prepare for me some hot water, heaven-star seeds, cassia seeds, spiritual cornel grass, energy-reviving plants…”

He listed the names of nearly 30 herbs in one breath and arranged everything before walking to the front of Xiao Chen and his company with a “please” gesture.

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and followed him. When he arrived at the back of the valley, he saw hundreds of rare herbs, many of which even Xiao Chen had never seen before. There were many rare birds and beasts in the distant pavilion, such as the Phoenix-crowned Crane and Three-tailed Fox. Presumably, they were reared to use their blood as an herb.

It had to be admitted that although Liu Liancheng’s skills were inadequate, Xiao Chen was still far behind him in terms of refining medicine. After all, the other party had specialized in this path for many years.

The three followed Liu Liancheng to a beautifully decorated, small building and entered the room. There was a faint scent of herbs in the air. Liu Liancheng had Xiao Chen lie on the couch and said, “There may be some pain in the treatment later. I will first weaken your five senses and six consciousness with the mystic arts.”

To put it simply, it was anesthesia. Xiao Chen’s eyebrows were immediately locked tightly. Qingluan said coldly, “You’d better not play any tricks. Even though you’re not afraid of death, I can make you feel more pain than death. And you’ll be unable to die even if you want to.”

Liu Liancheng smiled bitterly. “I admire Brother Xiao and would never do anything that would hurt him. Furthermore, today, you three are my lifesavers, how could I repay your kindness with ingratitude?”

When he said the words “repay your kindness with ingratitude”, he seemed to deliberately aggravate his tone. It seemed that in the future, he would need a favor from Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen would be the only one in the world who could do it. Seeing that Qingluan and Ziyun’er were still alarmed, he said, “If the two girls are uneasy about it, you can watch by the side, but there may be some inconvenience.”

“There’s no need. Let’s begin!” Xiao Chen said coldly.

Liu Liancheng gave a wry smile and lit two plates of special sandalwood at the bedside. The whole room immediately filled with a special fragrance. Liu Liancheng said, “Please take off your clothes first, Brother Xiao.”

Qingluan and Ziyun’er immediately turned around. Xiao Chen took off his clothes and grabbed a towel from the head of the bed to cover his lower body. He said coldly, “Okay, let’s get started.”

Liu Liancheng immediately walked over and began to massage him in a special way, leading the sandalwood into his body. After a while, Xiao Chen felt limp and numb all over his body. He thought that ever since he was a child, no man had pushed and rubbed his body like this except for his father. He frowned and said, “Are you done? You want to close my five senses and six consciousness, so just do it. What are you doing?”

Liu Liancheng said with a wry smile, “I am numbing you with medical skills. I don’t have the ability to seal your five senses and six consciousness by force…”

“Well, let me do it.” Qingluan frowned, walked over, and helped Xiao Chen. Liu Liancheng was guiding the acupuncture points at the side while she massaged Xiao Chen.

15 minutes later, Xiao Chen finally became unconscious. At this time, two pharmacy apprentices came in and said, “Young Master, the medicine bath is ready.”

Liu Liancheng nodded and looked at Qingluan. “I’ll have to trouble Miss Qingluan to take Brother Xiao over.”

At this moment, Qingluan picked Xiao Chen up and entered another room. There was a circular bathtub in the room, which was constantly smoking. A layer of bright-red petals floated on the water. Liu Liancheng said, “This is the Black Spirit Flower. It can relieve the pain that Brother Xiao will suffer later. You can slowly put him into the tub. Be careful, the water will not harm his skin. But if you touch even a drop of it, you can feel bone-eroding pain.”

Qingluan frowned and walked over with Xiao Chen in her arms. She slowly put Xiao Chen into the bathtub and was splashed on the back of her hand by the water. Immediately, she felt a sharp pain as if her skin had been scraped off by a blade.

Liu Liancheng smiled and said, “Next, I need to do a massage for Brother Xiao and help him absorb the drug effect. As a man, it’s inconvenient for me to do it, so I have to trouble you two ladies.”

This sentence pushed his task off onto them completely. The moment the water was touched, there would be bone-eroding pain. Of course, he did not want to suffer it for no reason. He said again, “One of you needs to utilize your power at the edge of the tub to trigger the efficacy of the medicine. Then the other person only needs to put their hands into the water to help him with the massage and absorb the medicine.”

Ziyun’er walked over and said, “Let me do it.” After that, she put her hand on Xiao Chen’s shoulder and ran the Mystic Skill in her body. Her palm slowly slid down along his chest. As soon as her fingertips touched the surface of the water, she felt a sharp pain in her heart. She could not help screaming and withdrawing her hand.

Qingluan frowned and said, “Can you do it? If not, I will.”

“No… It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt.”

Ziyun’er bit her lip, put her hand down again, and immersed it in the water. The pain felt as if the skin and flesh on her arm would be corroded by the water, and finally, even her bones. However, she still gritted her teeth and activated the Mystic Skill. Her arms and palms slowly slid along Xiao Chen’s body to help him absorb the efficacy of the drug.

Qingluan frowned and pressed her palms against the edge of the tub. As soon as she activated her Mystic Skill, bubbles immediately appeared in the water and turned into white smoke. With the activation of her Mystic Skill, the efficacy of the drug in the water became stronger. Ziyun’er could not help crying out and retracting her arm, but she finally gritted her teeth and held it back. She repeatedly told herself in her mind, “I don’t feel the pain.”

Liu Liancheng leaned against the door with his hands folded in front of his chest and a faint smile on his face. He looked at the two sisters with great interest. Qingluan saw that Ziyun’er was in so much pain that she had tears in her eyes. She turned her head and stared at Liu Liancheng. “Did you do something to the water purposely?”

Liu Liancheng immediately smiled, stood upright, and said, “How dare I? It’s just that if you don’t absorb the effects of this bone-eroding ecstasy grass, then I’m afraid that Brother Xiao will be more unbearable later. You can rest assured. After Brother Xi’s Body Refining Realm gone through this bone washing, his skill will definitely increase and his physique will be much stronger than before.”

“Sister, it’s okay. It’s not painful…” Ziyun’er gritted her teeth and ran her Mystic Skill over and over again to help Xiao Chen absorb the drug’s efficacy.

Xiao Chen finally let out a soft hum. The frown between his eyebrows grew deeper and deeper and he was sweating profusely. Although he was unconscious at the moment, he still felt very painful. In a daze, he seemed to feel two warm and soft arms moving around his body, which made him felt a little comfortable again.

30 minutes later, Ziyun’er was almost numb from the pain and could not even feel it anymore. Liu Liancheng nodded and said, “Well, the drug’s absorption is good. Remember that if he wakes up later, he can’t come out without my order. Otherwise, all the previous efforts will be wasted.” Then, he looked at Qingluan and said, “Miss Qingluan, please come out and help me obtain the blood of the spiritual fox.”

Qingluan retrieved her powers and glanced at Ziyun’er before leaving with Liu Liancheng. The Koo-chee beast also followed after her. There were only Ziyun’er and Xiao Chen left in the room. Xiao Chen’s brows remained tightly locked and his consciousness was hazy, with him only humming occasionally.

Looking at his current state, coupled with the fact that there was no one else in the room, Ziyun’er’s mind could not help becoming active. She thought to herself, “Last night, Sister Qingluan said that I had fallen in love with the master. Could it be true? No, no, it wouldn’t…”

Thinking of this, she shook her head suddenly, and then quietly looked at the person in front of her. She thought that it was because her master was very good to her and others, so… Otherwise, if he was a person like Chu Xuan, the second prince of Xiyue State, or Liu Liancheng, she would not care about his life and death, hmph.

The more Ziyun’er thought, the more active her mind was. She frowned softly and whispered, “But what if I do like my master?” With that in mind, she seemed to think of something, and her eyes turned around. She snickered, “They say that when kissing a person, if you feel it, then it means you like that person; and if not, you don’t. Hehe, I know…”

At this point, she crept to the front of Xiao Chen as if she was going to do something bad. At this moment, Xiao Chen’s eyes were closed and his lips were slightly open. Ziyun’er’s heart beat faster and faster. She slowly leaned forward to meet his lips. She could almost feel his breath. Suddenly, Xiao Chen opened his eyes and asked blankly, “What… what are you doing?”

“I…” Ziyun’er was also stunned. She did not expect her master to wake up suddenly. She slowly reached out her hand, plucked a piece of herb leaf from the hair on Xiao Chen’s forehead, and then handed it to him.

Xiao Chen looked at the grass between her two fingers and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart. His flesh and blood seemed to be about to be corroded. He was about to get up immediately. Ziyun’er exclaimed and hurriedly pressed him down. She said urgently, “Master, you can’t do that! Valley Master Liu said that you can’t get up, otherwise, all your previous efforts will be wasted!”

“Ah!” Xiao Chen could not help yelling out, thinking of the time when Bai Ying had made him take a medicinal bath and deliberately put some extra herbs in it to make him suffer. But this time was 100 times more painful than that. Gnashing his teeth, he said, “That bastard Liu Liancheng! He must have intentionally tampered with the water!”

“No! No! Valley Master Liu said that it only works if you absorb the effects of the bone-eroding ecstasy grass!”

“Ah! Let me go! I want to get up! Ah! Bastard! I must kill him! I want to tear the bastard to pieces!”

Xiao Chen’s eyes were completely bloodshot, the veins on his face bulged, and his expression was terrifying. Ziyun’er was scared and did not know what to do. Suddenly, she leaned forward and kissed him.

At this moment, the world seemed to be quiet. Xiao Chen was no longer throwing a tantrum and stopped moving. He could smell the faint breath of Ziyun’er, he could feel the tenderness on his lips, and he could taste a touch of sweetness.

After a while, Ziyun’er slowly withdrew her body. Her face was as red as rosy clouds. Xiao Chen was also completely stunned. It seemed that he could not even feel the pain. He just looked at her blankly.

Zi Yuner’s heartbeat was getting faster, and she did not feel any different from before, which meant that she did not fall for her master. Thinking of it, she could not help feeling a little ecstatic. Xiao Chen saw that her expression was weird, and because of what she had done suddenly just now, he asked, “What are you… what are you doing?”

Ziyun’er blinked her big, watery eyes. She looked at him and said, “Do you still feel pain, my Lord?”

Xiao Chen came back to his senses and felt a sting again. He could not help hissing and saying, “It’s still a little bit painful, but not as strong as before…”

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt suffocated. His lips were warm and soft. Ziyun’er had closed her eyes and pressed her lips onto his again.

The room was quiet. Xiao Chen held his breath, but he could still sense the sweet scent. He could see the blurry face and long eyelashes of Ziyun’er when she closed her eyes.josei

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded at the door. “What are you doing!

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