The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 455 - The Northern Mad Emperor

Chapter 455 - The Northern Mad Emperor

Chapter 455 The Northern Mad Emperor
The cold wind whistled, the temperature around seemed to lower, and everyone was in silence. Xiao Chen and Mo Jinyan looked at each other as if in a silent confrontation. The atmosphere was getting tenser. Some people with low cultivation levels had begun to move slowly to stay away from these two people.

They looked at each other in the eye and resigned to playing second fiddle. Only until after a while, Chu Lingjiao pulled Mo Jinyan’s sleeves, then Mo Jinyan took back his gaze and not look at Xiao Chen anymore. After this, they went to the direction of the mountain summit.

It was not until Mo Jinyan walked far away before the atmosphere on the mountain road finally eased down. Many people started whispering, and some people carefully walked around Xiao Chen and headed for the mountain summit.

After a while, Qingluan went to Xiao Chen and whispered, “Lord, let’s go up.”

Xiao Chen nodded, got up and greeted Xiaoyue. He said with a faint smile, “Well, I’ll take leave first.” After that, he went to the mountain summit with the others.

Xiaoyue stood still and watched him leave. She held the duster sword in her hand tightly. The growth rate of this man had exceeded her expectations.

In the distance, Zuoqiu Yang pinched his phalanx so tight that it crackled. Now, besides Xiao Chen, there was another Mo Jinyan that surfaced and he could beat neither of them. He was extremely reluctant to accept this.

“Lord, were you angry just now?” Ziyun’er suddenly asked as they walked along the road leading to the mountain summit.

Xiao Chen smiled and said, “What’s there to be angry about?”

Ziyun’er frowned with her willow-liked brows, and muttered, “It was obvious that you had given the book to Empress Huangfu and that woman just now had…” At this point, Qingluan immediately glared at her and said, “Shush.”

“Oh…” Ziyun’er stuck out her tongue and stopped talking.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath. He was careless. How could he pass such an important thing to someone like Chu Lingjiao? He was afraid that Xin’er won’t give up that easily, but that was not what he was most worried about. Chu Lingjiao now had the Mo family as a backer and was familiar with Heartless Palace, so she could hurt Xin’er for the other booklets.

Qingluan whispered, “Lord, shall I send someone to notify Empress Huangfu and tell her to take precautions early?”

Xiao Chen shook his head. If this was to be told to Xin’er now, she would definitely come immediately and things could be bad. But that Heartless Palace method belongs to her, and he would do whatever it take to get it back anyway.

As they chatted, the party was near the top of the mountain, where the wind was cold, and in the air, there were pieces of snowflakes that cut on everyone’s faces like ice blades.

The snow on the peak of Wuyue Peak stayed the same all year round. The mountainside and summit were like two different worlds. The rocks are covered with a thick layer of snow with only a few cold-resistant plants like cypress and plum trees as a decoration. At times, there would be immortal cranes that passed by above the sky, dropping a few pure white feathers.

The higher you go, the lower the temperature, and some steep places required the sword-flying to pass. It was almost a world of ice and snow in even higher grounds, and there were little to none cypresses, almost like the Thousand Summits Mountain.

Qingluan took out a fox fur collar from Divine Vessel and put it gently on Xiao Chen’s shoulder. Xiao Chen looked at her with a smile and nodded.

After walking for a while in the blizzard, flat ground on the mountain summit could be seen. Five huge stone swords that were more than 100 feet long were inclined into the ground and were chained together by the handle. Under the five great swords, there was a man in a black robe.

The man was sitting against one of the giant swords. His hair was dancing wildly on his shoulders, with a shocking scar on his face, and his eyes were even colder than the snow at this moment. With just one glance, it seemed to make millions of people submit to him. It was Gu Feng. Beside him, there were more than 10 large wine jars, and his black Raging Dragon Blade was also slanted into the snow.

Many people had exclaimed from below, “It’s the North Peak Emperor of a thousand years ago! It’s the Northern Mad Emperor!”

It was such a thrilling event to be able to see the legendary character of a thousand years ago with their own eyes. It was unthinkable. Gu Feng did not release his aura at this moment. However, with just the scene where the snow passed through his hair, and with those two cold, sharp eyes, it was enough to amaze people. Even those arrogant Cultivators’ sect Sect Leaders were also gazing at the man sitting under the giant sword in awe at this moment.

Everyone held their breath and looked up at this legendary character thousands of years ago. Even if there was a cultivator of the Grand Completion Realm, he could easily destroy that person with single-handedly.

Gu Feng sat under the giant sword, even with the wind roaring or with the people below making a noise, he did not take a closer look. This was a contempt of the strong. He was not of the Devil Clan, he only practiced the Devilish Skill. Coupled with his arrogant temperament, he made nothing of the Immortals’ League, and that was how he won the title of Northern Mad Emperor and Great Devil.

In the distance below, Mo Jinyan squinted his eyes, thinking that this man was indeed mad to even move the great swords on the other four main peaks over. “Does he mean that he is the only emperor in the world?”

On the side of Xiao Chen and his party, Ziyun’er said excitedly, ” Lord, look! It’s Senior Gu Feng!” Xiao Chen looked at her and said teasingly, “What? Why are you so happy that he is here?”

Ziyun’er stuck out her tongue and grinned. “I’m not. I just want to see who is better between him and Brother Xiao Ning.”

Xiao Chen continued to tease her and said, “So, do you want Bother Xiao Ning to win? Or him?” Ziyun’er held her chin and thought, then she smiled and said, “Of course it is Brother Xiao Ning!”

Xiao Chen shook his head and smiled, and looked at Gu Feng who was at the top of the mountain. Today Gu Feng seems to be stronger than that night. He was a little worried, Brother Xiao Ning was sealed for 1,000 years. At this moment, his vitality was probably not fully recovered.

At this moment, Gu Feng finally moved. He turned his head and found him accurately in the crowd. With a voice like a giant bell, he said, “Good boy, you are here!”

It was as loud as a clap of thunder that the snow on the nearby branches fell, and the crowd exclaimed again, “The Northern Mad Emperor has spoken! Who is he talking to!”

The crowd followed his gaze and finally set their sights on Xiao Chen and his party. Xiao Chen grinned a bit and took a few steps forward. He also used his inner energy and said loudly, “I have come as you asked, to watch the seniors battle. ”

Everyone was shocked. He was invited by the Northern Mad Emperor? Who is this boy? Gu Feng looked up and smiled. “Good boy! You’re brave! Come up!”

Xiao Chen grinned bitterly. He leapt, stirring up the icy ground, and flew towards the flat ground on the mountain summit. As he landed into the snow, he bowed and said, “What does the senior need from me?”

He also admired Gu Feng very much. Although Gu Feng was a devil, he was fair and square. Despite his arrogance, he was far better than those hypocrites in the Orthodox Path.

Gu Feng stretched out his hand, grabbed two big red wine jars in the air. With his palm strength, he sent him a jar, saying, “Xiao Ning is not here, you can drink a jar with me first. Do you dare or not!”

Ziyun’er and Qingluan saw the size of the wine jar, it was at least to be loaded with more than 5 kilos of spirits, they were all shocked. Knowing that Xiao Chen could not drink too much alcohol, and could not possibly outdo Gu Feng, they shouted hurriedly, “Lord! ”

Xiao Chen smiled and looked up. “Why wouldn’t I!” Then he broke open the mud seal and pushed it forward. “A salute to the senior!”

The two were in the midst of the snowstorm, drinking in front of the heroes all over the world. Everyone below was stunned, wondering who this kid was to be drinking with the Northern Mad Emperor of thousands of years ago. Of course, there was also a small group of people who recognized Xiao Chen, and they exclaimed, “!t’s Xiao Chen! That Xiao Chen who created havoc in Tianyuan City!”

The crowd was even more shocked, and those who had sucked up to Mo Jinyan earlier now all took a deep breath. In a distance, Mo Jinyan frowned slightly, as if in thoughts. Chu Lingjiao also frowned, she pulled his sleeve and shook her head.

Ziyun’er said with a smile, “The Northern Mad Emperor is drinking with our lord. Those Sect Leaders of the individual Cultivators’ sect factions are nothing! Hee hee, and there will be Brother Xiao Ning later, let them all be dumbfounded. We’ll see who else dares to make trouble with the Lord today.”

Ziyun’er talked endlessly, with a look of excitement, while Qingluan was silent, frowning, and a little worried.

“Boom! Boom!” Two bangs were heard, Xiao Chen and Gu Feng had thrown the empty wine jar to the side of the giant swords forcefully, smashing them into pieces. Both of them looked up at the sky and laughed. Then Gu Feng reached out wanting to pick up another jar of wine, Xiao Chen said hurriedly, “Senior, wait up! I’m not good with alcohol. I’m afraid that if I were to drink more, I won’t be able to focus later to watch the battle.”

This jar was seven or eight times larger than an ordinary jar. One jar contained at least 5 kilos of wine. Xiao Chen could not drink more anyway. Gu Feng was also gracious, he stretched out his hand and said, “Alright then, when I fight with Xiao Ning later, you shall watch carefully! See who is the best in the world! ”

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly. He didn’t think that he took his radical speech on that day so seriously. He said, “Sure. However, I’ve something to ask for. I only hope that Senior Gu Feng will fight with Brother Xiao Ning today for the winner and not life and death.”

To this day, Xiao Chen did not want Gu Feng to fight with Xiao Ning to death. He even hoped that they could make up. Also, there were many people present today, and there must be many people in the dark with ill intentions. If they were serious today about battling to death today, things could be bad.

“No way!” Gu Feng reached out his hand and said in a firm tone, “This is a thousand-year feud between us. Today, it’s only a matter of life and death. Regardless of the outcome! You don’t have to say anymore; go down!”

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly. He knew that it was impossible to persuade him anymore. He bowed and leaped, and landed at the place where Qingluan and the others were.

Landing into the snow, Qingluan and Ziyun’er immediately supported him, saying, “Lord, are you okay?” Xiao Chen’s face was red, and he shook his hand, saying, “I’m fine, don’t worry.”josei

The people in the distance were still discussing and pointing at him. While on the mountain top platform, Gu Feng sat back again, and at this moment, there was a gust of wind suddenly that was blown from the east.

The crowd immediately looked over. At the end of the eastern sky, a black spot was getting closer and closer. It was a man in green walking in the air with a war halberd in his hand. Without the help of any magic treasure or flying sword, he was traveling in the sky that was tens of thousands of feet above the ground. Everyone took a deep breath and exclaimed then, “East Peak Emperor! It is the East Peak Emperor! East Peak Emperor is here for the battle!”

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