The Transcendent Immortal

Chapter 463 - Northern Dark Mystic Ice Sword

Chapter 463 - Northern Dark Mystic Ice Sword

Chapter 463 Northern Dark Mystic Ice Sword
With a sneer on his face, Xiao Chen performed his swordsmanship with impressive precision, attacking Mo Jinyan in the next second. He thrust his sword just once, yet produced a whirlwind of sword silhouettes whose momentum came pouring down like the rain. Every attack was quick and accurate, leaving Mo Jinyan no room to even raise his hand to block.

The crowd clicked their tongue in wonder. Even the elders who looked down on Xiao Chen were watching in shock. Cultivators these days tended to pursue absolute strength, neglecting their swordsmanship until they were far inferior to cultivation sects of yesteryears. If they were to meet a similarly powerful cultivator with exquisite swordsmanship, their loss would be inevitable.

Most of them also lamented about their inferiority compared to Xiao Chen after seeing his polished swordsmanship. They thought he was some boy from the boonies who only knew brute force and not swordsmanship from the cultivation sects, only to be surprised by his splendid use of the sword and aura that didn’t lack to disciples from famous clans. This time, their impression of Xiao Chen had been renewed.

Xiao Chen was still sneering as he commanded his sword like a rain of blades. He used one of the styles of the Green Flute Swordplay, “Undiscovered Talent”. This time, his blade was aiming for Mo Jinyan’s throat. He wasn’t giving him any more chances.

Mo Jinyan raised his sword and forced Xiao Chen’s sword out of its trajectory, allowing him to escape from the fatal attack on his throat. Only a strand of his hair was cut. Before he could recover, however, Xiao Chen was already attacking him from behind with his increasingly pressing swordsmanship, forcing him into a corner. Mo Jinyan kept retreating. He knew that a single lapse in judgment could cost him his flesh, but that wasn’t the worst of it: the Mo family couldn’t afford to lose face!

Suddenly, he triggered the True Energy inside him. Not concerning how the Sword Qi would hurt him, he flew backward until he was 100 or so feet away. The strange sword made of mystic iron in his hand was also beginning to tremble, showing signs of exploding. Strange wisps of cold air continued to emanate from within.

He landed back on the ground, his clothes now ripped in certain parts by Xiao Chen’s Sword Qi, making him look rather pathetic. Xiao Chen smiled. “How did you like it? Is the swordsmanship of a nobody from the Human World like me still passable?”

Mo Jinyan clenched his hands so hard that his bones creaked. Rage was shooting through his brain, but he swiftly calmed down. “One move isn’t enough to demonstrate the strength of a person. Your swordsmanship might be exquisite, but the Mo family has never relied on opportunistic traps like swordsmanship to secure a victory. What we rely on is absolute strength, strength powerful enough to make heaven tremble!”

The crowd held their breath and watched with rapt attention. Chu Lingjiao’s palms were sweating. She couldn’t help but be worried. Mo Jinyan shouldn’t have had a sword battle with Xiao Chen. She had witnessed the latter’s swordsmanship and knew how impressive it was. Perhaps, besides the disciples of the Kunlun Sword Sect and Mount Shu Sword Sect, no one or sect in this world was his match in swordsmanship.

The three youngsters watching from a distance were already celebrating what they saw as a certain victory. They shouted, “Good luck, Brother Chen! You’re the best, Brother Chen!”

Xiaoyue and the rest wore decidedly different expressions. On the Su family’s camp, Su Ying was nodding. “His swordsmanship is impressive, but it’s a pity that…” He shook his head, looking rather regretful.

“What’s a pity?” Su Zimu asked, looking confused. He considered Xiao Chen’s swordsmanship to be direct and powerful, carrying the boldness a man should have. He thought he performed very well and did nothing that should be pitied.

“It’s a pity that he’s too hasty. His swordsmanship is rushed, and excessively bold. Is that so, Father?” Su Yue looked pretty and sweet in her purple clothing. She coiled her hand around Su Ying’s arm and questioned him with a soft voice.

Su Ying nodded. “If he had slanted the attack earlier ever so slightly, Mo Jinyan wouldn’t have been able to dodge it.”

He paused for a moment before continuing, “I’m guessing that it was a woman who invented this swordsmanship. In her swordsmanship, what should be soft ought to carry a steely strength, pressing on the opponent with incorporeal force. But, he made every move so forceful that he lost its essence. It’s a pity indeed. Perhaps, it’s like the performer of the swordsmanship himself. It follows his bold and outspoken temper to a tee.”

Su Yue burst into laughter, revealing a rare feminine temperament. “You’re right, Father. This kid’s temper resembles my sister’s. If he could’ve kept his cool at Tianyuan City, then he wouldn’t have been easily goaded by other’s few words and ended up suffering so much afterward.”

Su Yue turned around to tell Su Zimu, “Heard that? Your Heavenly Thirteen Swords swordsmanship isn’t mature enough. It’s far from Yu Yifeng’s Dance of the Arcing Rainbow.”

Su Zimu saluted her with a smile. “You’re right, Aunt.”

Snow swirled all around the summit arena. Mo Jinyan had received more than ten of Xiao Chen’s storm-like sword attacks in a row. His clothes were in tatters. He decided to just take it off, revealing his well-built body and bronze-colored skin. He was like an angry beast staring down Xiao Chen, his eyes revealing the ominous glint of a wild wolf. The strange sword made from mystic iron in his hand was cracked in all sorts of places. Even the iron blade was beginning to fall off.

Xiao Chen’s gaze was as cold as ice. “Here’s another move for you, Jade For A Thousand Miles!” He leaped into the air and swung his sword down, sending snow churning for a thousand miles. Four jade-green sword lights attacked Mo Jinyan from four directions, their momentum incomparably fierce.

The crowd below was stunned. That was clearly just one attack, yet it produced four Sword Qi. It was too unbelievable. Mo Jinyan’s pupils shrank rapidly, but he couldn’t determine which Sword Qi was the real deal and which was fake. He had no choice but to hastily block the top of his head with his Mystic Iron Sword, warding off the four jade-green sword lights.


A loud sound resonated. Mo Jinyan found his feet sinking an inch into the snow-covered ground. The Mystic Iron Sword in his hand was experiencing changes after taking on a powerful hit. Countless iron pieces began dropping off the blade and along with it, wisps of bitterly cold aura started seeping out of it.

The crowd was shocked speechless. Even though this battle wasn’t as momentous as the battle between East Peak Emperor and Northern Mad Emperor, it demonstrated the true meaning of the word “sword” beautifully. Many present here, including the older cultivators, were secretly grappling with their astonishment. Xiao Chen’s swordsmanship was indeed a wonder to witness.

The arena was quiet, with only the sound of the wind whistling in the air. With a look of concentration, Xiao Chen cried, “Cloud-destroying Storm!” The sword light coming off his Unsullied Sword became multiple times brighter. Xiao Chen spiraled toward Mo Jinyan, attacking him with such force that the onlookers gasped in shock. This attack might very well decide the victor of the battle!

Chu Lingjiao held her breath, her eyes wide open. Her heart was lurching. The three youngsters standing in the distance began cheering. Ziyun’er clapped her hands, yelling, “Well done!” However, Qingluan was frowning instead.

“Clang!” Another loud sound rippled through the air as the two swords collided once again, sending the snow flying everywhere. Xiao Chen’s attack was extremely powerful and violent. The Cloud-destroying Storm style was meant as a final, decisive attack against opponents. The move nearly sank half of Mo Jinyan’s body into the snow.

The wind in the distance came to a standstill. The crowd widened their eyes. They dared not to even blink, for fear of missing any amazing moments. However, their anticipation didn’t materialize in reality. They watched Mo Jinyan’s blade shedding off iron pieces, until a cyan light emerged and struck Xiao Chen so hard that he was sent flying.

“Oh!” Quite a few people cried out in surprise. Xiao Chen, who seemed like he had victory in his grasp just moments ago, had been sent flying.

When Xiao Chen’s feet touched the ground, he had to tumble backward numerous steps before he was able to regain his balance. A burst of unparalleled divine power had thrown him into the air just now. Once he steadied his footing, he looked at Mo Jinyan. His opponent had climbed up from the snow and gotten back on his feet. The Mystic Iron Sword in his hand had turned into a cyan-colored Immortal’s Sword.

The Immortal’s Sword was emanating cold air all over. Many of the older cultivators cried out, “Northern Dark Mystic Ice Sword! It’s the sword ranked fifth on the Tome of Legendary Weapons!”

Shock once again took hold of the crowd. To think that the Northern Dark Mystic Ice Sword would be wrapped under mystic iron! Moreover, it was in the Mo family’s hands. This sword was unlike its counterparts. It was forged using the Northern Dark Frigid Fire, which was why the entire sword emanated cold aura. It was difficult to command control over this sword. In the yesteryears, this sword once slew a true Immortal.

Xiao Chen could feel right at this moment the terrifying cold force coming from the sword. The Unsullied Sword in his hand couldn’t help but tremble, continuously emitting weeping sounds.

The surrounding temperature fell significantly. Many onlookers could feel the coldness that tore into their very bones. Mo Jinyan had his chest bare and his long hair flying behind him. His face was marked by a terrifyingly dark expression. He glared at Xiao Chen. “Have you thought about how you’d like to die? Let me show you the pressure that comes with absolute power!”

Like a gust of wind, he stormed toward Xiao Chen. When he was about 100 feet away from the latter, he suddenly leaped and swung his sword down. “Heaven-exterminating Strike!”

Snow flew everywhere. Cold Qi the color of cyan and the length of nearly eighty feet struck Xiao Chen. Right at this moment, the world seemed to be experiencing monumental changes. With Xiao Chen at the center, the land for 30 meters began to freeze and swiftly cut off Xiao Chen’s movement.josei

“Clang!” A loud explosion resounded. Xiao Chen was sent flying. His Unsullied Sword was not at all a match for even one of the Northern Dark Mystic Ice Sword’s strikes. The onlookers watching from a distance turned pale. Such strength was simply expected of the Northern Dark Mystic Ice Sword. The three youngsters were about to cut their nails into their palms after seeing Xiao Chen’s repeated losses.

As soon as he was back on the ground, Xiao Chen adjusted his breathing. His hand that was holding the Unsullied Sword was trembling nonstop, however. The skin between his thumb and forefinger was also seeping blood.

A sneer flashed across Mo Jinyan’s face. “What does it matter how fast your swordsmanship is? No swordsmanship can stand up to absolute power! That’s why my Mo family has never focused on swordsmanship! Because it’s just useless and ostentatious!”

“Is that so…” Xiao Chen’s voice was low. Suddenly, he jumped into the air and yelled, “Boundless heaven and earth, universal Storm of Swords!”

The weather immediately changed. The light from the Unsullied Sword grew multiple times brighter and produced countless sword illusions that danced around Xiao Chen. The tightly condensed sword lights bounced off the whiteness of the snow. The crowd below gasped in shock. The Storm of Swords was one of the most abstruse sword arts among the cultivation sects. A perfected spell could alarm even gods and ghosts in the world. It was capable of turning opponents into dust at once.

Everyone watched, dumbstruck. Never in a million years did they consider that Xiao Chen had polished his use of the Storm of Swords of the cultivation sects to this degree. Using Storm of Swords required extremely pure Immortal’s energy. No devil’s sect cultivator would be capable of this. The White-brow Solitarian couldn’t help but be stunned as well. He couldn’t help but lament inside, “What great aptitude.”

Those who had heard of Xiao Chen were even more astonished. They thought all Xiao Chen knew was hacking people indiscriminately with his bloody saber and relying on brute strength. However, the truth taught them something else. Xiao Chen’s grasp of the Immortal’s Sword was not at all inferior to theirs; in fact, he could nearly rival the Sword Immortal of Kunlun.

Mo Jinyan continued to sneer, his expression unchanging still. Xiao Chen’s eyes were bursting with sparks as he kept casting spells. He yelled, “Go!”

Countless sword lights speedily formed a neat line and charged at Mo Jinyan with the surging force of the sun. The summit arena began to shake as well. The force was so strong that it threatened to tear heaven and earth apart.

The myriad of rainbow-like sword momentum made Mo Jinyan sneer. He tossed his sword into the air and swiftly recited, “Northern Dark Divine Sword!”

Suddenly, the cyan light coming off the Northern Dark Mystic Ice Sword brightened and started turning into a twenty-feet-long divine bird the color of cyan. The bird’s cry rippled through the air as it shot myriad of sword lights at Xiao Chen.

The mystic energy in the entire mountain started surging. Everyone cried out in surprise, “Sword Spirit! It’s a Sword Spirit! He can summon a Sword Spirit!”

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