The Transmigrator's Cultivation

Chapter 138 - Arc 10

Chapter 138 - Arc 10: The Affairs of Sword Cave | Chapter 138: Skepticism

Chapter 138 - Arc 10: The Affairs of Sword Cave | Chapter 138: Skepticism

Translator: Lynn

As Ji Rui and Wu Anyi heard his words, they exchanged a glance. Observing the young man’s evident embarrassment and noting his solitary presence, they found his story increasingly credible.

Subsequently, Wu Anyi spoke up, “It seems that Fellow Daoist Xu truly entered this place unintentionally. Well…” His expression displayed a touch of confusion before he sighed and continued, “In that case, why not accompany me, Fellow Daoist Xu? I will explain things in detail along the way.”

Xu Ziqing listened attentively, his spirits lifted, and he promptly nodded. “I’m grateful for your kindness, dear friends.”

With the decision reached, the two parties agreed to journey together. Although they retained a degree of vigilance, their goal was clear: one side sought camaraderie with disciples from prominent sects, while the other desired deeper insights into the current circumstances.

The trio advanced side by side, maintaining a gap of about a foot between them as a sign of mutual respect.

It was then that Wu Anyi began to speak slowly.

To understand the Heavenly Demon Cave, one must first delve into the concept of the Nine Thousand Worlds.

Legend has it that within the world, there exist nine thousand major worlds, each accompanied by innumerable minor ones. The vastness of the world is beyond measure, populated by ordinary people and cultivators akin to grains of sand along the Ganges River, a multitude without end.

Among them, cultivators pursue enlightenment according to the heavens, challenging fate in defiance of the heavens, and each nurturing their unique aspirations. At the core of these ambitions lies the desire to transcend the mortal coil, ascending to higher realms—the immortal realm.

Rumored to be a realm of refinement, the immortal realm is a place where the lives of the cultivators mirror those of immortals. Here, existence is eternal, and the beings are as luminous as the sun and moon. Immortality is embraced, radiating with the brilliance of celestial bodies. The domain of the immortals is intertwined with the Dao of Heaven, each breath born is a manifestation of the spiritual essence, offering nourishment to the ethereal, and bestowing boundless joy upon all.

Yet, as cultivators tread the path to immortality, they also recognize that if the most pristine qi resides above, its antithesis, the foulest and most polluted qi, inevitably exists below. Over time, these accumulations gave rise to a distinct realm—the Demon World.

Within the Demon World, myriad impurities converge to create an essence of corruption known as the “Heavenly Demon.” Through prolonged existence, these entities grow in power, eventually dominating the entire realm.

And where does the Demon World come into play?

Yet, wherever impurity resides, the borders of the Demon World touch it. In truth, the connection spans across all nine thousand major worlds and countless minor worlds.

Taken aback by this revelation, Xu Ziqing inquired, “Could it be that the Heavenly Demon Cave is situated within the Demon World?”

Wu Anyi chuckled and shook his head, replying, “No.”

Ji Rui joined in with a smile, “The demon energy pervades the entire Demon World. If cultivators from the Immortal Path were to be tainted by this energy, they would be turned to blood. On the other hand, practitioners of the Demonic Path can harness it. They possess unique methods to wield the dark energy.” She paused and added, “So, even though there is demon energy present here, it doesn’t necessarily imply the location of the Demon World.”

Hearing that the Demon World wasn’t the exact setting for the cave put Xu Ziqing at ease, and his curiosity regarding the Heavenly Demon Cave grew.

Wu Anyi, being a reserved individual, continued the conversation.

Heavenly demons originated in the Demon World, descending from the Blue Sky Demon—the most basic form. As one ascends the hierarchy, they encounter the Indigo Sky Demon, Red Sky Demon, Yaksha Sky Demon, Rakshasa Sky Demon, Asura Sky Demon, and even more menacing types of celestial demons. The exact reasons behind this hierarchy, however, remain unknown to ordinary cultivators.

The green-skinned evil creatures that Xu Ziqing had encountered earlier were of the Blue Sky Demon category—relatively weak, as even a Qi Refining Stage cultivator could contend with them. Yet, the Indigo Demon, faced by Wu Anyi and Ji Rui, was formidable, requiring Foundation Establishment cultivators to face it. The Red Demon’s numbers were sparse, forcing one to venture further into the Demon World to encounter them. This type was considerably powerful, and a lone Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator might barely manage to confront it. As for the other celestial demons, the siblings hadn’t encountered them and couldn’t provide answers.

Evidently, the heavenly demons in the Demon World were not only ferocious but also existed in great numbers. If the connection between the Demon World and the human world were unobstructed, how could cultivators possibly cultivate with confidence?

Heavenly demons are drawn to humanity, and they once launched massive invasions into the human world in ancient times. Numerous cultivators fell victim to the demonic influence, leading to widespread destruction and near-collapse of the human realm.

Eventually, the heavenly disruptions in the fairy world prompted the intervention of celestial beings. Employing supreme fairy methods, they sealed off the Demon World, preventing significant communication between it and various human realms, ushering in a semblance of peace across the land.

Henceforth, the realms of humanity and demons remained disconnected, shielding them from the demonic disturbances.

However, this arrangement also gave rise to a different predicament.

After contemplating for a moment, Xu Ziqing inquired, “But doesn’t the impure energy within the world accumulate?”

Wu Anyi smiled in acknowledgment, responding, “Friend Xu has a perceptive mind.”

Indeed, while spiritual energy exists within the heavens and earth, the purest and most untainted aura can only be found within the Immortal Realm. In the human realm, due to ceaseless conflicts, substantial impurities accumulate and disperse into the surroundings, polluting the aura of the heavens and earth over time.

Yet, in times past, the immortals refrained from intervening in human affairs when the human world was not on the brink of collapse. Now that this corrupted atmosphere has come into being, it falls upon humanity itself to address the issue.

During this period, discussions among venerable beings from prominent sects ensued. Ultimately, they devised a collaborative spellcasting effort to channel this impure energy underground, creating numerous subterranean caverns in specific areas and regions.

As the impure energy accumulated, subterranean caves teemed with the birth of countless heavenly demons, which were subsequently sealed within. To prevent these demons from maturing into heads that the human world couldn’t counteract, an accord was reached: they would not be allowed to prey upon each other. Therefore, disciples from the sects were dispatched clandestinely into these underground caverns at regular intervals to exterminate newly spawned demons.

Passed down from one generation to the next, these underground caverns earned the name “Heavenly Demon Cave.” Furthermore, owing to the presence of magic crystals within these demons, they became valuable resources that sect members could exchange for various provisions or trade with external parties. These crystals also served as essential components in the crafting of certain magical artifacts. Even today, numerous disciples venture into the Heavenly Demon Cave, either honing their skills or seeking resources for their sects through demon-slaying practices.

It took a solid half hour to meticulously unravel this matter. Wu Anyi’s throat was dry, but he still managed to chuckle, “You must have been a newcomer for quite some time; otherwise, you wouldn’t be in the dark about the happenings within the Heavenly Demon Cave.”

With a nod and a reciprocal smile, Xu Ziqing replied, “Thank you, Daoist Wu, for dispelling my confusion. It’s true, I only recently joined the Wuling Immortal Sect. From there, I dedicated myself to ardent training within the sword cave, and yet somehow found myself in this unexpected situation.”

Wu Anyi surmised, “There must be a ‘Heavenly Demon Gate’ within that sword cave, which many disciples use to hone themselves at any time. Given that you’ve inadvertently entered here, you probably haven’t come across the speed movement command talisman.”

Xu Ziqing’s wry smile followed, “Indeed, I haven’t encountered such a thing before. It’s entirely unheard of for me.”

Wu Anyi sighed, then produced a palm-sized talisman with a swift motion, explaining, “This is the speed movement command talisman. The spiritual pattern on it is linked to the sect’s aura. In case of unforeseen danger, tearing it apart will trigger a retreat. Whenever I venture to the Heavenly Demon Cave, I ensure I possess one of these talismans, as my life would be at risk without it.”

Ji Rui shook her head, adding, “To return, Daoist Xu, you must have this talisman. Finding someone from the same sect within the Heavenly Demon Cave is essential. Moreover, merely encountering a fellow disciple isn’t enough, since there’s only one speed talisman. The other person would likely hesitate to part with it. They would need to consult the sect first and then come back to meet you if more talismans are available.”

Considering this perspective, the situation was indeed complex, and the outlook appeared dim.

Within the vast expanse of the Heavenly Demon Cave, how would he locate fellow disciples? Xu Ziqing was truly grappling with a headache. josei

Adding to his concerns was the looming threat that someone within the Heavenly Demon Cave harbored ill intentions toward him. Time was running short, and regardless of his considerations, finding a solution seemed arduous. Yet, while the situation was perplexing, at the very least, he now knew his whereabouts and had a goal in mind. This was preferable to aimless wandering, as he had done before.

Following this, Xu Ziqing continued to journey alongside the two senior disciples. With their invaluable information, he couldn’t simply part ways. However, their presence also constrained Rongjin’s utility. It took considerable effort for Xu Ziqing to present Rongjin as an endearing decoration rather than a formidable force.

As they ventured deeper into the cave, the population of sky demons grew denser. Though the Qingtian demons were frail, they congregated in packs. Xu Ziqing adeptly dispatched them with his “Four Seasons Sword Art,” an act that left the two sibling pairs of disciples staring in astonishment.

Ji Rui glanced at Wu Anyi, transmitting her thoughts privately: “Brother, what’s your impression of this man?”

Wu Anyi responded: “His swordsmanship is refined, and his demeanor is sincere. I believe his words hold truth.”

Ji Rui nodded in agreement: “Then, we should draw closer to him.”

Wu Anyi concurred, “Befriending him could indeed boost our standing within the sect.”

After a brief pause, Ji Rui added, “If he’s merely an outer disciple, his utility might be limited. Brother, your thoughts?”

Wu Anyi grinned and responded, “Junior Sister, do you possess a suspicious mind? Observe his extraordinary swordsmanship and potent true essence. The techniques he wields must be of high quality. It’s unlikely he’s just an outer disciple. Moreover, consider the significance of the Heavenly Demon Cave. Our Zixiao Sect is a sixth-rank sect, well aware of the cave’s advantages and drawbacks. We even established the Heavenly Demon Cave in our inner sect’s secret domain. The Wuling Immortal Sect is a second-rank sect. Would it easily admit outer sect disciples here? His claim of inadvertently entering the sword cave during diligent cultivation is quite believable. I’m well-informed that the sword cave within the Wuling Immortal Sect is restricted to inner disciples. Given this information, it’s highly plausible.”

Ji Rui comprehended and responded, “In that case, there’s a strong probability that his identity is genuine. We should invest in this friendship.”

Wu Anyi smiled approvingly, “Exactly. Even if he’s an outer disciple, achieving his cultivation level in such a demanding environment speaks volumes. Establishing rapport with him can’t possibly be a poor choice.”

Ji Rui, an exceptional disciple of her master’s sect, had considered cultivating favor with an inner disciple of a significant immortal sect. However, if her attempts at ingratiating were directed at an outer disciple, her enthusiasm might wane. Yet, now, upon hearing her senior brother’s assessment, she felt reassured.

Wu Anyi was content to see his junior sister’s relief.

Heavenly Demon Cave wasn’t a benign place; danger lurked at every turn.

In the vast Great Falling World, each cardinal direction—east, west, north, and south—hosted a Heavenly Demon Cave. Zixiao Sect and Wuling Immortal Sect belonged to the same Eastern Region, thus finding themselves in the same Heavenly Demon Cave by chance.

In the vast Qingyun Great World, second-rank sects were scarce, placing them among the elites. Encountering a member of a major sect stranded within the Heavenly Demon Cave was a rare stroke of luck for these siblings.

For the two pairs of disciples, this was an auspicious opportunity.

If they could extend their support to Xu Ziqing here… Consider the resources within a prominent sect; could they not reap substantial benefits?

Observing Xu Ziqing’s demeanor, it was evident he wasn’t one to disregard favors.

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