The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 31 - Ava Kelly

Chapter 31 - Ava Kelly

Aeon who had left the Harmon group headquarters went straight to Amiah Entertainment. He called some people who could buy his Amiah's shares and sold some. He dropped the cheque at Skylar International before going to the cemetery where his ex-girlfriend Amiah was buried.

He sat there talking to the gravestone and himself. He cried for some time without caring who was calling him nonstop.

He made one promise that even if he has to work as an employee in his company, he would do anything and everything to protect it. He decided he wouldn't step in the Harmon Mansion or family again. He didn't want to have a connection with them.

He didn't leave even at night and dozed off there itself.


At Rivas multispeciality hospital

Sean was frozen when Aarvi left. He didn't have any wrong thoughts in mind like he always had for other girls. He genuinely wanted to comfort her.

'Was her past relationship so horrendous?'

'I have to help her out. She has all the right to love and to be loved. I have to be patient with her.'

Then he realized he didn't ask her contact information again. He slapped his head and prayed he should get her again.

He was zoned out thinking about Beauty in Black, Dylan patted his shoulder, "Your brother is awake. Come and meet him."

Sean nodded and went towards Leon's ward.

Tara and Eliza acted in front of each other as if they cared about Leon whereas both were disgusted by him which Leon didn't bother at all.

As soon as Sean entered, Leon put on a painful expression in his black eyes due to the bruise. His voice was meek saying, "Sean, don't listen to Dylan, ok? Don't confront Aeon. Let him mull over, he will be alright."

Sean widened his eyes, "Bro, you mean Brother Aeon did this to you. I... I am going to ask him..."

He turned to leave but Leon held him and his voice started ailing, "No, please don't. Do me favor alright. Your brother just didn't think it through and believed it. That's it."

"No, That's not right. He is from the entertainment industry, how could he believe just anything?"

"Sean, don't be rash, listen to me please."

Sean unwillingly nodded hearing his weak voice, "Fine..."

Leon achieved his goal. Until he cleans up the mess, he can't let Sean know it was Aeon's ex-girlfriend and he was fooling around even after marriage. "Now go home and rest. I will be discharged tomorrow."

"Alright." He put on a somber face and left.

Leon's voice turned cold and overbearing, "You two, get out. I don't want to see your faces."

Tara and Eliza left leaving Dylan with Leon. The latter asked "Who?"

"Proxy IP, no clue. Dead end."

Leon breathed heavily and said, "Somebody is targeting us. Keep an eye on these two brats, especially Aeon."


"Clean up as much as possible and release a statement as I'm being slandered and I hurt myself to prove my innocence to my wife." He was sure that Aeon wouldn't bother about the media.

Dylan: "..."

He knew Leon would do anything to keep his image clean even if he had to act like he was dying or if he has to act while dying, "I will do it. I have kept your laptop here, dinner will be served soon. Your security is increased and I will discharge you tomorrow."

Leon motioned his hand to send Dylan away. He needed time to think who could be against him. He knew well, the attacker wasn't against his brothers but him. josei


In the waterfront villa

Aarvi was tired of sneezing even after a hot water bath. After the steam, she calmed a lot before dinner.

She went to bed early feeling her head heavy but Aaron didn't sleep. He somehow felt she wasn't going to sleep for even a few hours. He sat on the day bed of her room and worked on his laptop silently.

He glanced at her curling under her black comforter. He knew her nightmares started but he just wished she could fight it back and get some sleep.

He sighed remembering her first words to him after she woke up from the coma. She hadn't spoken for three months and just screamed, threw things at him or others, and always tried to run away from his mansion or whenever he took her out.

With a deadpan face, he always brought her back even if she hit him. At some point, all thought she lost her memory but Aaron always doubted it.

One day she had successfully escaped from the hospital with some money and hailed a taxi. When he found her, she was standing in front of Kelly International looking at the big hoarding.

He was very scared she might leave him and stood in front of her but saw her eyes red filled up with tears. She opened her lips to say, "I want Ava Kelly dead."

Ava Kelly, Aarvi Evan's real identity. The real successor of Kelly International.

That day he understood she killed herself and became a shell without a soul.

He managed to get an unrecognized body and declared Ava Kelly as dead with the help of her grandfather. He gave her a new identity and then she never escaped from him instead she heard him so that she could get well soon.

But only one thing she couldn't make her mind to say was what happened in that week when she went missing. How did she end up in an abandoned place shot on her chest, beaten up to death with innumerable wounds and internal injuries?

Many nurses, doctors had fainted seeing her when he brought her to the hospital. She needed a heart transplant urgently and he was glad his father suggested using his sister's heart who was brain dead and on a ventilator for more than a week even though they knew she would never wake up.

He felt like they were preserving his sister's heart to save Aarvi else he would have lost her too.

When he returned to Mocon, he lost his mother followed by his sister found brain dead on the street and Aarvi missing. Only he knew how he was still able to stand to save his last lifeline. Probably if he had lost Aarvi, he would be living like a lifeless doctor without any zeal in life.

Now he had a purpose to live.

Aaron heard her groans becoming louder with her cry and quickly went to her. "Aarvi... Aarvi..."

Aarvi jolted up, her face streaked with tears breathing irregularly, she held Aaron's t-shirt blurted out, "They are beating me, they want to torture me and kill. They, they..."

Aaron asked hurriedly, "Who are they?" He wanted to hear who exactly is behind her state.

Aarvi pointed her trembling hand around to show who was beating her but realized it was a nightmare and she was sleeping in her room. She buried her face in her knees and burst into tears without speaking. How much ever she repeated to herself that it was all over, it just doesn't leave her.

Aaron's heart ached to see her suffering even after three years. He embraced her tight caressing her head gently letting her cry so that she could at least fall asleep.

The day he gets to know who is actually behind her state, he would do anything to show them how the hell feels like.

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