The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 41 - A Loser

Chapter 41 - A Loser

Seeing Aaron waiting, Aarvi nodded and wrapped her arms on his shoulder. Aaron found something amiss when she had conflicted expression and by her voluntary move.

"Aarvi, are you alright?"

Aarvi nodded her head on his shoulder with a hum. To get in the car from the rain, he helped her to wrap her legs around, "Hold me tight." Then he held the railings descending carefully on the swaying ladder piggybacking her.

Secretary Wen quickly held an umbrella for them when Aaron reached the ground, "Ms.Evans, are you alright?" He wanted to know it because his boss wouldn't be fine if she isn't fine and his job is at stake with it.

Aarvi responded before sitting in the car, "I am fine."

As soon as Laze saw her, it stopped purring and curled on her lap to sleep without letting her remove the wet outer coat.

Playing with Laze without letting it sleep, Aarvi smiled hearing it meow again and again getting bullied by her. When she first saw Laze, it was wounded, it reminded of herself. Alone and hurt! So she brought, nursed and looked after it but her Laze was really lazy, it doesn't like others and doesn't go out much.


In Avron mansion

Aarvi and Aaron were welcomed by the housekeeper who used to be Aaron's nanny and caretaker if his mother wasn't around.

Aarvi always saw them interacting like mother and son even though Aaron was aloof. Aarvi had heard about how he was taking care of her when she was in a coma by the housekeeper. Aarvi too respected her because she always took care of her preferences.

"Young master, Miss, you are back." Her soft gentle voice could remind anybody of their mother or wished to have such a caring mother.

Aaron hummed while Aarvi greeted, "Aunty Melia."

The housekeeper Melia quickly took them to the living area, "Come in, I have prepared hot water steam for you... Quickly sit." Melia always preferred her own steaming from a big bowl of hot water and her natural medicines than the electrical steamers.

Aarvi thought it was for Aaron who was dripping wet in the waterfront villa but Aaron took Aarvi near it. She spoke, "You need it. I'm fine."

"Aish, I prepared for both. Sit quickly." Melia said gently pushing Aaron to make it quicker. Then she uncovered the lid of the porcelain bowl and covered both of their heads with a towel lowering their head to take steam.

For Aarvi, Melia always reminded her of her mother who never cared if she was alive or dead, ate or not, well or unwell, in the home or out, safe or unsafe. She only cared about her own social life, son, wealth, and husband.

Aarvi always doubted if she was an adopted child or some other man or woman's child but unfortunately, they were her biological parents who just needed her at the age of twenty-one to marry a man to get a business partnership. Aarvi even obliged thinking at least her parents would love her but again she had to end up with a tag called 'Jinx' doing nothing wrong.

After 5 minutes, Aarvi and Aaron went out of steam and received a wet towel to dab on their faces. "Now, go and sleep."

Aarvi nodded and Aaron spoke, "You two go to bed, I'll go to the hospital."

Melia was worried due to downpour but she didn't dare to stop him. Aarvi who hadn't stopped him in the waterfront villa held his jacket while he was passing by.

Aaron thought she was unwell and checked her temperature asking, "What's wrong?"

Aarvi wasn't sure if she should stop him or not because he is a doctor and it's his duty. She still voiced out, "Can't you go in the morning after breakfast? The headlights of the car hardly penetrate in the dark due to rain."

Aarvi then left his jacket and carried sleeping Laze, "Do whatever suits you." Then she left without showing any emotions on her face.

Melia and Aaron watched her taking stairs till she disappeared from their sight. The former spoke first, "Miss has changed a lot. She is worried about you, Young master... Haha, good improvement."

Aaron couldn't understand why she was sad and what was bugging her. He spoke looking at daydreaming Melia, "Aunty Melia, I will leave after breakfast. You should go to bed."

Melia happily returned to her room on the same floor. Aaron instructed his secretary before going to his room thinking about Aarvi. The latter left the Laze on its bed and removed the layer of jackets before snuggling under the duvet.

Her mobile started buzzing continuously once it caught the network. There were lots of messages of Shawn, Dax, Tia, and her Apple pie. After reading messages she got to know Aaron's secretary had sent Shawn and Dax a message and Tia got to know from Shawn. Her Apple pie had sent a message as, [Don't live in Waterfront villa. Be safe]

She didn't retort and sent her current location even though she knew he already knows her current location. She also dropped messages to the other three. josei

She was never lost in thoughts so much and was always determined about everything but Aaron started to be an exception. She wasn't sure if she started to have expectations or Aaron was changed but he didn't get off her mind easily.

She decided to stay away from him and let the weather clear up before planning about her stay.


Everything was in halt for the entire week and Mocon city lost quite a lot of life, wealth, and properties. Dax had managed to help in the fundraising with other few companies and helped the needy people.

Shawn had shifted to Avron mansion to keep her company knowing she doesn't like rains. Aaron who was going to Avron mansion after nearly 20-30 hours of work every time realized soon Aarvi was avoiding him staying in the same mansion but he ignored thinking that as his busy schedule.

Aarvi thought Sean Harmon turned out as a loser as she didn't get his call for the whole week. So getting back with her plan, she countered a plan for Sean and decided to show Aeon who is the boss.


Aeon received an email from a brand partner writing they can't cooperate with him. Aeon had approached and finalized it a long time back. He couldn't understand why the partner backed off while signing the contract.

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