The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 483 - Reckless

Chapter 483 - Reckless

Aarvi was asked many questions about scams that she didn't even know about. Those officers didn't let her take a wink of sleep or sip an ounce of water. It was a kind of torture they were using on her as they didn't have permission to hurt her. 

They screamed at her, forced her, threatened her but Aarvi truly had nothing to speak for the whole night other than bearing the headache of their shrill voices. 

When she didn't know anything about what they were asking, how could she even respond to their questions?

Outside the four walls of the interrogation room, the whole country started discussing the issue. All the major newspapers had a name, 'Aarvi Evans.' The news channels were saying every rubbish thing about her, the social media was in an uproar.

Somebody released on social media that Aarvi Evans is President of Skylar and girlfriend of Aaron Rivas. It spread like wildfire affecting two companies and the Rivas family.

Aaron, Zain, Shawn, Dax were trying their best but they were of no use. They were struggling to find a way out but nothing was fruitful

The lost and hopeless eyes on their faces made her heart ache so badly that it started suffocating her.


Aarvi jolted up from her nightmare and breathed heavily. The drops of sweat trickled down her forehead while her eyes were still unable to focus. 

She forgot the most important thing. She forgot that her identity is finally known to Leon but not to the public. And Leon would make use of everything that she misses. 

She wasn't scared of what might happen to her if Leon took the upper hand and manipulated higher authority people. However, she felt her body turn cold recalling how the four men in her dreams, a nightmare to be exact, were hating themselves for not being able to help her.

She can't miss any details. She won't fall weak. She would never leave the four men in a position where they might feel hopeless. She has to and she will protect herself that will keep them at ease.

In the dimly lit room, Aarvi turned left to her bedside table and then right, before her eyes landed on her mobile at Aaron's bedside table. Her trembling hand quickly reached for it and sat back. She quickly pressed on the speed dial five as soon as she unlocked her phone.

Aaron woke up from her movements, turned on the lights swiftly. He noticed her quick breaths holding her phone to her ear. He didn't disturb who she was on the call or calling. He pulled the tissues and turned her to face him. 

Aarvi was still hearing the mobile at the other end ringing when she saw Aaron awake and completely cool. He gently dabbed tissue on her perspiration and the call was answered.

[Dum Dum, are you…] Dax was obviously panicked to answer Aarvi's call at three midnight.

Aarvi cut in. She desperately hid her panic while saying, "Dax, you have a live interview tomorrow, don't you? Could you please help me reveal my name? I had forgotten about it."

Dax breathed a sigh of relief understanding she was safe. [Dum Dum, relax. Don't worry, I will do as you say.] He didn't remind her what she hadn't realized yet, that's time.josei

Aaron heard her, slipped his hand to cup her face, "Cupcake, breathe… You woke up from a nightmare." He reminded her.

Aarvi nodded in acceptance that she had a nightmare before realizing it's night. "Oh… I…" She looked at the mobile and slapped her forehead, "I am sorry, Dax. I was…"

Dax wasn't expecting an apology. He knows she has a lot to worry and one step in delay might cause too much damage. He cut in to keep her worry-free and stop apologizing again and again "My Sugar mommy had me in her mind instead of her boyfriend. I am honored, Dum Dum. Now I can have better dreams."

Her anxiousness was replaced with a smile hearing Dax, "Ha ah, enjoy in your dreamland. Your drill will start tomorrow."

She deeply breathed in relief as she went to Aaron's embrace. The nightmare was an alarm to her, to remind her to be on alert since the open game started.

  "Are you alright?" Aaron caressed her head as he asked.

Aarvi wanted to nod her head to avoid worrying him but she shook her head promptly. She sat straight before telling him why she was panicked, "I had planned I would be alone fighting Leon but…" She pulled his cheeks, "I got you. So I am a little stressed that I might forget something."

Aaron looked at her in amusement. Even in panic, she could keep her thoughts calm and plan accurately. Pulling her hands down from his cheeks, he softly smiled to relax her, "It's alright. It's alright to make mistakes. We aren't super beings to plan out everything perfectly. Let's face all the uncertainties. Let's challenge the setbacks and fight back in full vigor."

Aarvi always thought a wrong step against Leon would cost her too much because he aims for innocent lives. But she forgot she was already keeping him in check and the one she cared about had the power to protect themselves.

Aarvi nodded in agreement. She never tried to be perfect but careful enough. She flashed him a smile to ease him up before telling him about the nightmare, "You know, as we see in movies, a group of men in uniform zoomed into your office, detained me without letting us talk, and kept me in interrogation pinning me with all the scams of the country."

Aaron: "..."

Her dreams are unique like her leaving him tongue-tied.  He wanted to ask which movie scene was that, anyway, he wrapped her in his arms as he pulled her closer. Bopping their heads, he let her know, "Even in that case, I have my ways to bring you out."

"Oops, I had forgotten my boyfriend is President Rivas. I can be reckless too." To spoil her more, he added his hum in approval.

He fished his mobile and opened a message window of Milo Wen. Aarvi was surprised that Aaron had already started preparation for her name reveal right after they had left the mall in the evening.

He had asked Milo Wen to call for a social media office to verify Aarvi Evans aka President of Skylar's account. And it was enough to announce to the world.

Her plan of Dax revealing her name at the interview and having the account by that time, blended perfectly. "You are so amazing." She complimented in total admiration. She wanted to check how many brains he had. As he had to take care of Rivas Industries, the hospital, and her.

"Let's end Leon quickly. Then there won't be so much work for us." She said sweetly. Stopping him from protecting her is impossible. So she would focus on plucking out Leon clean and square.

Aaron wasn't sure if he dozed off first or Aarvi, they soon rested holding each other with lightened hearts.


At the cemetery, in the morning,

Elder Harmon went to visit his wife on her death anniversary. He couldn't believe Leon sent ten bodyguards for him. 

He placed chrysanthemums flowers in front of a tombstone. He was straightening his back when he noticed a girl sitting behind the next tombstone and watching him

She was beautiful and unbelievably radiant, and harmless that brought a warm smile to his face. 

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