The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 491 - Broken Promise

Chapter 491 - Broken Promise

Eliza's gaze shifted back to Aarvi. She could guess Aarvi must have fought to save herself from Leon, then what about her? She was broken into tears as soon as she heard the orders. She couldn't even imagine how strong Aarvi had to be, to go against Leon.

Aarvi was young yet she was mentally mature and strong and Eliza felt weak and immature for throwing her years of frustration on her.

She had forgotten she was a woman first, before a wife of somebody. And she failed as a woman by blaming Aarvi and for empathizing with Leon for his fate. 

"I-I am sorry." She apologized to Aarvi at the realization that her silence means she is supporting Leon's unscrupulous lifestyle. 

Aarvi didn't want an apology, it doesn't set anything right. It wasn't a good time to speak to Eliza and she wasn't in the mood to stuff sense to her either. If Eliza doesn't realize the worth of life, then it would be her fate.

Aarvi rose, grabbing her wallet, she was going towards the main door but paused. When she turned around, the three were staring at her. She realized her cold and sharpness was too high causing them to freeze. She breathed relax her appearance. She gazed at Eliza when she stated, "I am glad I was born. Many girls are saved from your husband because of me." If Leon wasn't impotent, he would surely have continued his monstrous life for three years.

Aarvi turned around and left.

"" Sean tried to stop but his voice didn't reach her ears and she was gone.

Aeon looked at Eliza who was regretting her words spouted in anger. Tears rolled down her eyes that she wiped. He realized he doesn't know a few things about Leon which Aarvi and Eliza knew and Eliza doesn't know Aarvi's actions to help them.

Sean stood at the door, watching Aarvi escorted away by a few men. He had believed she was a simple working woman, now, she was a distant dream. He should have been angry at her for all her lies but he felt weird. A kind of hurt that was causing him hard to breathe, he couldn't describe. 

The time he had spent with Aarvi replayed in his mind. He understood why Aarvi acted like a girl in love. She indirectly told him she never liked him but tricked him with her extraordinary acting. She wasn't a weak naive girl but a strong, resolute woman.

She always highlighted him as rich and herself as poor whereas she was president of a conglomerate, employing hundreds of people. So what was her aim? 

He remembered her telling him he doesn't know the difficulties and he needs to work. 'Does she want me to work hard? Will she like me then?'

'Or did she use me against Brother Leon?' This thought hurt him the most. He inhaled sharply before closing the door and going inside.

Aeon had placed a tissue box next to Eliza as he briefed about Aarvi. Sean too didn't know about Aeon's encounter with Aarvi so he calmly heard, trying to know Aarvi better. Aeon also summarized Aarvi's intention behind her actions each time and his conversation with her on Sean's engagement... ...

"W-who saved her then?" Sean couldn't stop himself from asking that question when Aeon mentioned Aarvi at the warehouse.

Aeon shook his head indicating he had no idea about it.

Silence fell over, Eliza understood why Aeon respects Aarvi so much. She also got to know, the owner of the villa and the one who saved her out of Leon's clutch was actually Aarvi. Then she glanced at Sean before asking Aeon. "Why did she make him fall for her? Why is she taking Leon's revenge on him?"

Sean frowned hearing Eliza. 'Revenge?' But she had stopped meeting him. He too wanted to know the response so he turned to Aeon.

Aeon hoped Sean hadn't fallen for Aarvi other than having a crush. Aeon didn't hope that because he started doubting his feelings for Aarvi, he wished it because Aarvi already has a boyfriend or husband.

"Because Sean loves to play around and likes new things easily." As far as he could remember Sean speaking about Aarvi, he concluded easily, "She wanted to make him independent and separated from Leon"

'Separated from Leon!?' Sean realized the reason behind her actions at the restaurant. Even though he was scared of Leon, he acted normal to avoid Leon threatening him to kill or killing him.

Since Aarvi wanted him to be independent and away from Leon, Sean decided to learn cooking seriously. He stood up suddenly causing the two to turn toward him, "I will try a new dish today. I will cook lunch." He announced.

He ran to the study room to grab his brother's tablet and searched for recipes as he went towards the kitchen. 

Aeon wanted to tell him Aarvi might have someone she loves and he should give up but the result might not be in favor. If Sean feels wronged, he might again give up on thinking about himself or he might go back to Leon.

Eliza, who had fallen silent hearing everything, broke her promises hesitatingly. "Leon is impotent."

Sean was in the kitchen so he didn't hear and Aeon was shocked by the reveal. He didn't know how to react to it so he waited for her to speak.

Eliza continued as she fixed a puzzle, bridging how Aarvi might have reached the warehouse, "Aarvi must have kicked him and escaped. After Leon visited the doctor, he probably tortured her in the warehouse."

Aeon unthinkingly breathed a long sigh of relief. The thought of Aarvi helping him when his elder brother had violated her brutally was eating him for many days. 

He let out another sigh for his old thoughts on Aarvi. He had thought she had no worry in life when he had met her initial days. Now he knows she has gone through the worst phase of life.

Eliza made her mind, took a deep breath, and hurriedly said afraid of going back on the decision the next moment, "I will divorce, Leon."

Aeon was taken by surprise before he smiled. Aarvi's rough way and her intentions behind her actions actually worked.

Eliza smiled back nervously but the fear still lingered thinking about Leon's reaction to her decision.


At Skyarc Industries,

Dax was used to bombarding reporters, yet he was shocked to see reports camping outside Skyarc and asking almost everyone if they knew Aarvi Evans.

Dax got inside without answering any questions. He was passing by near the reception when his secretary collected the bouquet from the receptionsit and reported to Dax, "CEO Grant, the flowers are from Ms. Spencer." He had read Tia in the card, instead of mentioning it, he addressed it appropriately as per his knowledge.

Dax halted in his footsteps, the good mood he had from the morning was replaced with a deep scowl on his face, dark clouds slowly gathered at him. He turned to his secretary and saw beautiful blue, purple, and white Hyacinths bouquet in the Secretary's hand with a note between flowers. 

"She is dead." He snatched the bouquet, strode to the bin decisively, and dumped it inside before going towards the elevator.

'Dead?' The secretary, who had thought Dax's mood will be even better with the bouquet, cried in his mind as his day was going to be long and dreadful.

####  Edited: 00:00 19 Jul 2021 (EST) ###

Yay, we have crossed 2k votes on the previous week. I will be releasing an extra chapter in two days.

A new week; the same goal. Start voting for the bonus chapters.josei

2000 votes - 1 chapter

2500 Votes - 2 chapters

3000 Votes for 3 chapters


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