The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 726 - It's Showtime.

Chapter 726 - It's Showtime.


"Never heard before. New money?" There was contempt in James Crawford's tone to provoke Nikun.

Initially, James had no plan to know about Aarvi through Nikun. When James went through the profile of Aarvi, he got to know she was the wife of Aaron Rivas. James recalled Aaron was Nikun's friend as he occasionally saw them together in the past years. If he wanted, he could have called Nikun and spoken but he hadn't.

Since Nikun appeared in front of him, James thought to make use of the situation and agreed to eat with him. It wasn't because Nikun was his ex-apprentice.

Nikun never lets anybody look down on his friends so he instantly countered, "Skylar is a domestic brand. It is planning to enter the global market soon." Even though he was displeased, he was polite as Skylar really wasn't known globally.

He sipped his wine to cool himself and watched from far away at the tower. The logo stood out in shades of blue among many towers and a good distance. "The President isn't new money. She is from a well-reputed and rich family." Even though he had sold his brain, he knew how much to speak and how much not.

"She!?" James purposefully appeared surprised. "Interesting. Tell me more." James had already read about Aarvi. Bold, confident, straightforward, shrewd, tactful, and a beautiful lady. He didn't have her family background and got to know she started her company from buying a bankrupt company. 

What he truly felt was arrogant. How dare she mail him straight without contacting him through assistants? How did she get his personal email? He didn't even read her email and rejected her in just a line of words.

"If she was in our field, I am damn sure you would have called her best. She is far-sighted and accurate. Her swift deduction and analysis are amazing. Just when you think you understand her, she will give you another pack of surprises and shock you." He chuckled recalling how the innocent Ava Kelly, became a strong Aarvi Evans. 'Cupcake Monster.'

James's lips culled behind his wine flute. He knew he couldn't ask the questions directly to Nikun. The latter might look playful, easy-going on the surface, if he gets a hint he would deduce everything and scorn him on the face.

Placing his flute down, James mused, "Looks like you know her too well."

Nikun didn't lie, "Yes Master. She is…" He paused and smoothly took a sip of wine. He almost said she was his schoolmate. "She is well known to me... Do you remember my doctor friend? Aaron Rivas? She is his wife."

James nodded and looked at the building again, "Could a woman be so strong and smart to build a company that big?" He questioned like he was asking himself. 

James Crawford was so much career-oriented when he was young that the women he dated dumped him after a date or two. The woman he married left him after two months, because he had no time for anybody but his books and cases.

It was such a peak time for his career that he didn't care about anything. By the time he realized he was alone in his successful life. He hadn't given any time to friends so neither did they bother about him.

Nikun didn't say much to his question, "Well, they could."

Nikun felt his mobile beep. He wanted to ignore it but there was another beep. He first excused himself and pulled his mobile out of his pockets.

He saw Aarvi's name and recalled the surprise she was speaking about. He had forgotten about it. Clicking open on the message, [James Crawford and his team is hired by Leon Harmon.]

Nikun's eyes widened in disbelief. This was Aarvi's surprise. Meeting his mentor was a surprise whereas he was blown by the news she broke to him. 

'Aaron Rivas, your wife is insane.' He thought and continued to read the messages.

[Knowing the enemy is a good way to start the battle.]

Nikun's shock dissolved after reading her second message. It was encouraging and inspiring. He gave work to his witty brain. The media was guessing Mr. Larson could be the lawyer Leon but Larson had turned down the media. So nobody knows who he appointed.

Likewise, nobody knows who was Aarvi's lawyer because she asked him to be behind the scenes until the first court session. 'Slyness.'

However, if James Crawford was taking up Leon's case, he must have definitely read about Aarvi. That meant James knew Aarvi was Aaron's wife and Aaron was his friend. Nikun realized why they were speaking of Aarvi just a few seconds back. Extracting any critical information on Aarvi.

Out of all the buildings out there, why did James have to pick the building which had the Skylar logo? There was a city tower to watch the city from the highest point. There was a twin business tower which was apparently a photogenic spot. 

Recalling back, James was the one who chose the table when he had chosen a table that gave a better view of the far mountains and colorful night city.

If Aarvi dared to send him near James, she trusted him. She gave him a chance to decide if he would like to move forward or take a step away due to James against him. 

Who would like to compete against a man who never lost a case? 

Well, it thrilled Nikun. One, Aarvi was on his side. Two. Aarvi was a mastermind. Three. He had Aaron as complimentary. 

If Aarvi was doing all this due to Leon, Nikun got his driving force - His mentor. 

Nikun read another message, [Don't get played. Play their game in their way.] She simply meant to trick him with his confidence.

Nikun typed a reply, [It's showtime.]

He left his mobile aside and looked at his mentor who appeared to be still interested in a woman who built her empire. James noticed Nikun leave his mobile aside. He shifted the topic to avoid suspicions, "Girlfriend?"

"Aarvi." He promptly responded. "She was encouraging me for my new case." It was also the truth.

James doubted if Nikun could be Aarvi's lawyer. He couldn't pick Aarvi and Leon's case as it might give away. So he questioned, "Is it a tough case? I can provide guidance."

Nikun sounded frustrated, "No Master. I still have a long way for such cases." Even though Leon's case seemed like a tough battle, he had every possible information and proof he needed so he wouldn't say it was tough. Rather, tricky.

"One of my friends is a victim of physical violence at the workplace. We got all the proof and history of that bastard. My friend trusts nobody so here I am." His every word was true. But he stated it so simple that James failed to read between.

Nikun asked back, curious about how James might answer, "What about you Master?" He sounded fun and lively like before. "Any new interesting cases?"

James picked the flute and sipped his wine, "Nothing new. All boring."

'Lie me more.' Nikun faked a grin.

The server came and served them the dishes. Pouring wine to empty flutes, He wished them and backed away.

"Your city, Dinner is on you." James tries to lighten up before he takes Aarvi's topic.

Nikun, who could already see through him, pretended like he hit a jackpot, "That's my honor, Master."

James put on an annoyed face to his loud voice in the silence, "Eat."

While eating Nikun noticed now and then the topic was diverting to Aarvi or else the topic he was taking was ending up with Aarvi. 

Nikun pitied the old man, 'Tsk, tsk, you are facing the wrong woman this time, master.'

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