The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 767 - His Karma

Chapter 767 - His Karma


Aaron left the Avron mansion towards the city. He recalled Aarvi had asked a favor from Jaxon Evans to handle the last person. If he gets to know the favor, he probably could track her easily. 

Hence Aaron dialed Jaxon who was in the city to attend the wedding, "Jaxon, what favor did Cupcake ask you for the acquisition of Mercator company?"

Jaxon was confused about the out-of-the-blue question. He answered in a groggy voice because he woke up from sleep. He was still getting over the jet lag, "She needed to show some strong support to acquire Pagani. So I had accompanied her over lunch with the Pagani company representatives. That's it." 

Before he could ask why Aaron was asking that, the latter thanked him and ended the call in hurry, "Thank you."


He knew it wasn't her favorite car or dream company. And after hearing Jaxon, Aaron's doubts were confirmed and the reason behind Aarvi's odd behavior in the afternoon. She was afraid of how he might react. He felt like scolding her, he wouldn't have judged her, he will be on her side, whatsoever.

He didn't try to track where she was. He knew where she could be so he drove towards the destination.


Since it was Saturday, Zain was taking care of some work at home when he saw the message about Aarvi. After the conversation with Aaron, he swiftly went downstairs and checked Jose's bedroom.

Jose wasn't home. 

He asked Zara and Hayden who were playing with his 20-month-old son. "Zara, Grandfather, where is Jose?"

"Isn't he inside?" Hayden stood up carrying his great-grandson in an arm and held the cane in another hand. There was panic in the tone.

Zara was silent, trying to recall when she last time saw Jose. "He didn't come out for lunch. After breakfast, he is inside." It was so common for Jose to go on hunger strike so she hadn't bothered about him.

Zain instructed butler as he went upstairs, "Uncle, ask all the maids to look for him in the mansion. And ask gardeners to check in the estate. Quick."

Zain went to change his clothes, Zara wanted to follow Zain but didn't want to leave Hayden and baby alone without knowing what was Jose's intention. Jose was really angry at them for keeping him imprisoned in the mansion. 

"Grandfather, could you stay in the room for a while? I will check what's going on." Zara said as she helped them to a room where no one was there. 

Hayden stayed calm and didn't ask much. However, he could already guess what was going on, hence, he remained mute.

Zara went to her room and found Zain changing to casual warm clothes from the home clothes. "Zain!?"

Zain glanced at her and sighed. "I was right. The last person is Jose Kelly. Aarvi acquired Pagani because Jose requested the Pagani from Leon when grandfather turned him down from buying it and his parents didn't have enough money to gift him a Pagani."

For a moment Zara was all confused before understanding the incident that happened six and half years ago. "Zain, that time Jose was just over seventeen." After saying it, even she was shocked.

After digesting it, she asked again in shock, "Grandfather Hayden knew everything about Jose. Didn't he?"

Zain wore his jacket and turned around. He thought of it too. "I guess he knew. Hence Aarvi was unwilling to meet Grandfather, thinking sons are more important than daughters."

He cupped her face and his thumb gently caressed her cheek, "Take care at home. I will be back soon."

Zara knew what he meant. They couldn't trust Jose so she was going to be with Hayden and baby. "Take care of Aarvi. Tomorrow is her wedding… I am afraid..."

"Nothing will happen to her," Zain assured Zara and set off from there.

He didn't know how Aarvi managed to help Jose escape from the mansion and where they were going to meet. He asked a team to track Jose to reach Aarvi. 


At Kelly Villa,

Jose got down from the taxi and paid with the money he stole. He rushed inside without noticing a Black SSC Tuatara at the side.

The villa looked just like it always was in the winters. Covered in the layer of snow and cleaned at the pavements for walking. He ran inside to meet his mother without knowing she was in the asylum for more than three years. 

"Mom… Mom… Dad…"

He saw Shane in the living hall. Shane looked at his son and identified him in surprise. Turning the television off, he cued him, "Come here, Jose." His longing voice sounded. Unlike in the past, Shane had learned to live in simplicity. He was eating and staying home without causing trouble.

Nevertheless, Jose was irritated at the smile on Shane's face. If Shane was living a good life, why didn't he ever try to bring him out of the mansion or look for him?

"Are you even my father?" He roared. He looked around, "Where is Mom? Did you two forget me?" Jose was no more a soft-spoken, innocent, dumb. He was sharp and malicious.

He stomped towards the kitchen hearing subtle noises. "Mooom…" His voice fades out when he saw a lissom young lady in a black dress arranging freshly baked cookies on a plate.

She wasn't his mother. His heart thundered in his chest. His legs became jelly and stumbled back. His body turned cold as freezing ice. 

'Sister Ava.' His lips moved but the voice didn't come out. He had felt his time frozen for three years, when it finally ticked, he was standing in front of her. His karma.

He was already aware of what happened with the people who were the reason behind Ava's brutal state. He knew all along why his grandfather was keeping him in the mansion. When he had heard her voice in the Kelly mansion three years ago, only he knew he was hiding in a corner of the bathroom. But he never understood why Aarvi aka Ava is not seeing him. So he assumed Hayden was keeping him safe or Ava forgave him.

He knew Aarvi aka Ava was shifted to country S. He got happy to know she won't be in the city. Nonetheless, he didn't get freedom.

Since she was back and appeared where he reached, Jose just knew he should escape else he might end up like Leon. He started running towards the main door of the villa.


The door closed from outside, jumping his heart to his throat. He slammed on the door, begged to open it.

"Who closed it? Please open the door… Hello… Please open the door." No one responded to him.

He wanted to exit through a different door but the second door was in the kitchen. So he continued to beg and slam on the door.

Shane stood in the hallway without understanding what was going on. He went to the door of the kitchen, "Ava…" He shook his head and corrected himself, "Aarvi, what happened? Why is Jose crying?"

Aarvi held the tray and turned to her father. She flashed a faint smile, "Is he home? I don't know, Dad. Let's have some snacks." She pretended like she couldn't hear Jose's loud cries.

Entering the living hall, she called Jose, "Jose, snacks time. I baked your favorite cookies. I have also brought your favorite brownie. Come and have a taste." Her voice was devoid of any emotions. She neither sounded angry nor sweet.

Jose: "..."

Shane could feel Jose was scared of Aarvi.. He couldn't understand why Jose, who requested them to bring Aarvi home three years ago, was trying to run from her. 

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