The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife

Chapter 140 - Zhenyi Is Dying?

Chapter 140 - Zhenyi Is Dying?

Before the car came to a complete stop, Long Jie jumped out, running toward the passageway that stretched to the left-wing of the Xin Mansion where his wife was supposed to be. Or this was what Xin Yichen had told him.

The route to Xin Mansion never felt as long as it did today. 

A phone call shattered his whole life. His wife. She was hurt. He didn't dare to ask Xin Yichen about her condition. 

  A man stood next to a door that led towards the area where the doctors were treating his wife. He followed him inside. He regretted leaving her there. Only if she was not stubborn to call her assistant! 

Stop it. She was just a little injured. Nothing else. 

'She is fine. She is fine. She promised me.'

He chanted underneath his breath. Deep down in his heart, he knew she was more than just hurt. Perhaps, beyond words. 

'Stop. Please. Stop,' he begged his mind. 

And then his eyes met Xin Yichen. He came to stand next to Long Jie, putting a hand on his shoulder, squeezing. Perhaps, he hadn't realized how hard he twitched until he touched him. His was a steady hand in a tilting world. No one uttered a word. The silence was killing him, suffocating even more. Each second felt worse than getting killed in that bomb attack himself. His heart felt like it was going to erupt from his chest. His brain, it was as if it had sworn to attract negative thoughts. 

She didn't deserve it. It was all his fault, neither he asked for the lunch nor the accident would have happened.

If something happened to her... No... No... Please shut it down. 

"Where is she ?" Long Jie asked him, his voice surprisingly steady but only he knew the storm brewing inside his him.

"Inside. The doctors are treating her," said Xin Yichen pointing to the closed door next to him. 

Long Jie walked towards the door when Xin Yichen touched his shoulder again as he said," You can not go inside. Let the doctors treat her." 

"I won't disturb them. I just need to be close to my wife. She needs me there. I need to be close to her," said Long Jie cynically as he turned towards him. "Please."

He was ready to beg today if he had to. 

"I can understand your pain, son. If she is your wife then she is my daughter too and I also wish to be near her but we both know it is not possible. We have no choice but to wait for the doctor," spoke Xin Yichen. 

Long Jie nodded.

They didn't know how long they stood there and after what seemed like an eternity the door to the room opened and out came a doctor. His face was devoid of any expression much to their distress. 

"How is my daughter?" Xin Yichen asked as he was the first one to notice and stepped towards him. 

The doctor looked at him with a complicated look in his eyes. He appeared to be having difficulty saying something and it making their heart shattered into millions of pieces. And bit by bit he was losing all the hope he had gathered. 

The doctor assessed the situation and said, "We can't say anything for now. Miss Xin's case is extremely complicated. Her pulse is getting weak each passing second. The patient has lost way too much blood. Hemorrhagic shock to be exact. Due to the loss of blood, the oxygen supply in her body is depleting. I'm sorry to say that if we can't stop it right away, her heart or brain can stop functioning. Moreover, she was in the early stages of pregnancy …" 

Long Jie didn't hear what else the doctor said further, it was as if he had suddenly lost the ability to hear and the doctor's voice cut through his thoughts, a jumble of words standing out: Weak pulse. Hemorrhagic shock. Complicated case. And pregnancy.

The words slipped into his mind, shutting out everything else, tarnishing his existence, as they discussed his wife and her state life.

It could not be. 

She couldn't die.

"Doctor, please come inside. We can't detect her pulse---"

Before the doctor could move, Long Jie ran inside the room where his wife was kept before anyone could stop him again. 

Why couldn't they get it that she needed him? It was such a simple fact.  josei

'Hold on, Zhenyi. I'm coming. Don't leave me.'

Someone shouted his name in the distance but he didn't stop. He couldn't until he saw her with his own eyes. Xin Yichen was running behind him, the illiterate doctor after him, if they couldn't save her, he knew someone else could.

And finally, he saw her. She was lying on the bed. Crazy people. Who said she was looking lifeless? She was just as beautiful as she was while sleeping! They just didn't know. Only he knew because he used to always stare at her sleepy face. 

'Look at her carefully. She is just asleep and messing with me. She will wake up if he asked her to.' 

"Zhenyi," Long Jie whispered as he carefully touched her face. He took out his handkerchief and wiped her face softly. 

"Zhenyi," he called out again. A little loudly. 

"Sir--" The doctor attempted to stop Long Jie. But in the distance, a figure held up his hand and shook his head as if telling him not to stop him. 

The doctor understood the meaning and took a step back. 

Hearing Long Jie's aching voice, Xin Yichen also turned to the doctor. But none of them dared to stop Long Jie. They didn't even know what to say. The scene was so heartbreaking that if he could, he would have cried. 

This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l. c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading 'The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife ' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam).

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