The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife

Chapter 150 - Right And Wrong

Chapter 150 - Right And Wrong

Aww." Long Jie teased him with a grin. " But your eyes speak something else." 

The owner looked miserable, and at this moment, Long Jie agreed that he would be, too, if someone of his status would be setting fire to the only means of his livelihood. But what he could he do? This man brought it upon himself by giving the shelter to someone he shouldn't. 

Sir, please---" 

"Gu Tian, lit cigarette for the owner. Make him taste what you like," said Long Jie. His eyes were still fixed on the owner's face. 

Long Jie saw his expressions transforming from guilty to dreadful and lastly the defeat. How long it had been since he had enjoyed someone else's misery? 

Gu Tian lit up the cigarette and handed it to Long Jie. Long Jie positioned the cigarette in his fingers as if he had inserted a pen in his fingers. And then slowly and slowly, he brought it close to the other man's lips and said," Don't worry, I won't kill you because killing you means wasting my time and I don't have time to waste. Your death doesn't interest me nor does your existence but it doesn't mean I won't make sure my men remain entertained, at least, when they are sleep deprived and on a mission."

"The boss gotta take care of his men's pleasure and health. " Long Jie grinned, but it was not a grin of tease or pleasure it was wicked and so devilish that the owner could feel fear creeping up to his heart via his legs and nose as the smell of gasoline entered his nostrils. 

"Suck it." Long jie said. His voice full of authority and terror "And puff it out."

He choked on the smoke but managed to puff out the smoke. Tears were streaming through his eyes but Long Jie's face was devoid of any emotions; there was not even a line of discomfort or pleasure on his face.

Long Wei glanced at Long Jie and sighed inwardly. 

'What have you made him Zhenyi?' He pondered. 'Perhaps, Song Lily was right she will be the destruction of Long Jie.'

Perhaps, Long Wei didn't realize what he was thinking. Like this author once said, humans are hypocrites.

Back to the man who was forcefully smoked a cigarette. He continued till the cigarette reached its half. 

"Stop." Long Jie command. 

A twinkle of hope entered his eyes as if there was a chance that perhaps he and his restaurant could be saved. 

"Throw it on the floor," said Long Jie and he was quite aware of the thoughts running in his culprit's mind. 

He tried to speak but Long Jie didn't let him finish the sentence. "Sir--"

"I said throw it on the floor," Long Jie's voice rang in the corridor. 

As ordered the man tossed the remaining lit cigarette on the floor. 

 "Run, if you want to save your life but if you want to cry for the loss of your pretty restaurant and your friend inside you are more than welcome." 

The moment Long Jie stepped out of the place along with everyone else, the gasoline caught the tiny flicker of flame, and in a few minutes, the tiny flame transformed into an outburst, just as Long Jie expected. josei

The restaurant burned like fireworks in the sky. The cry of pain and loss of hope didn't escape his eyes. If he was asked it was his current favorite sound.

The sound of the demise of his Cat eyes's culprit. 

A smile bloomed on his face, nothing more. It didn't make everything all right. Or it didn't make anything at all alright but it soothed the blaze in his heart. The blaze of vengeance. Even a slightest achievement was an achievement. 

Long Jie caught the bomber and he would soon catch his accomplice. And he was so sure it was someone insider because no one else would be able to dupe the security. Whoever let Eros finished his work must know the ins and outs of the security. What surprised him the most was that he could outwit his bodyguards which he deployed for Zhenyi's security after their marriage? 

Long Jie turned around and the glint of fire flashed in his gray orbs. 

'Do you know now what it means to burn in fire? 

You burned her hands and arms and I burned you whole. I didn't break my promise, I didn't shoot you. I just burned you alive. I am a man of words but it didn't mean I won't twist my words. You really think you will hurt my wife and I will sit still and watch you killing her? You took our child from us and it is an unpardonable sin.' 

Long Jie felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to find Long Wei standing behind him.

"Are you satisfied now?" questioned Long Wei. 

"No. I thought his death will satisfy me but it didn't. Even the sound of his wails and cries is doing nothing to my charred soul. It should be music to my ears, isn't it? Well, it was for a moment and then everything seems distant and inadequate," said Long Jie. Wei saw a look of sadness flashing in Long Jie's eyes. " He burned her body but seeing her dying before my eyes burned my soul, Wei. You won't understand. You were always given everything on a silver platter, but I have to burn myself piece by piece to get everything I have. Her skin will heal with time and medication but the scars on my soul will always be obvious and fresh. You have everything, a wife, a child on the way, and most of all, 'your own' family, but I never had anyone to call 'my' family. And when I thought that I finally have some to call family, the prick tried to take her away from me and he succeeded in taking a part of us. Tell me, Am I still wrong? Or my approach is still not right? Because right now, I can't decipher between right and wrong. It appears the same to me." 

This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l. c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading 'The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife ' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam).

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