The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife

Chapter 178 - Her Cries

Chapter 178 - Her Cries

"I can't stop it," she said looking at him as if she was on the verge of collapsing. 

Long Jie understood that she was trying to say that she couldn't stop crying. 

But why was she crying? Did she know about the baby? 

"Why?" He wanted to ask her directly but couldn't utter the exact word. 

"I don't know, " she whispered. "But I don't want to cry either. It makes me feel like a weakling." 

He caressed her face and brushed the tendrils of her hair off her face that was peeking out of the dressing on her head. 

"You are anything but weak in my eyes, Zhenyi. Everything about your screams strength and bravery. Cry, Love, if you want to for whatever reason." 

He smiled at her. "No questions asked." 

Though she was attached to machines, yet he managed to hold her in his arms. Her face connected to his chest. And so she wept. For whatever reasons he didn't know and he had no intention of asking either. But he would be there accompanying her in her new fight against grief. 

She had so much to know but it was not the right time. She was hurt beyond words this time. But not just physically. 

Inside these four walls, she wept for all the things she lost. She wept for her mother. She wept for her sister. She wept for her father. She wept for the boy who shouldn't have saved her by sacrificing his own. She wept for herself who had to pick up her pieces all over again. And she wept for whatever fate had for her in stores. 

After her crying session, she fell asleep in his arms again. But this time, he knew that she was sleeping temporarily due to exhaustion. He laid her down on the bed, kissed her cheek, and left the room to call for the doctor. 


"Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere, princess?" Xin Yichen asked worriedly. "Should I call the doctor again to check you? Does it pain too much? Tell me if you feel pain somewhere?"


"Don't try to talk, okay? It's painful to even talk right now. Rest well. Sleep if you want to. Oh, no, don't sleep. Last time, you went--" 


Xin Yichen stopped blabbering as he heard her whisper yell. It seemed like he was on pins and needles as he tried to talk to her. Since when did he get so nervous even to talk to her daughter? He was feeling so guilty right now. He was hiding such a matter from his daughter and it was eating him slowly but he couldn't tell her either. 

"Bà, go out and rest. Please, take my husband with you," said Zhenyi as she cast a look in Long Jie's direction. 

"I'm not going anywhere!" Long Jie said stubbornly. 

"Bà, tell him that he is smelling depressing right now. Trust me, the odor is even worse than that of police and medicines." 

Long Jie glanced at her and she refused to give him her attention. "I'm not going anywhere and definitely not leaving you alone in this haunted room." 

"You look even worse than a puppy whose owner has left him, Jie. At least take a bath for my sake. By the way, when was the last time you even washed your face?" Zhenyi said, cocking her eyes in his direction. 

He pressed his lips in a thin line, refusing to answer. 

Thus, a few minutes later Long Jie left Xin Yichen's room to take the bath that he very well needed right now because he really stank. josei


Zhenyi opened her eyes abruptly as she heard the click of the unlocking of the window. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the thief-like entry of the visitor. Well, to be honest, she had been expecting him. 

"Did I disturb your beauty sleep, Angel?" Ryuu said, took the stool, and sat on it. He took an orange out of the fruit basket placed on the table near her and started peeling the orange. 

"Yes, you did. What are you gonna do to make it up to me?" She retorted.

He popped the piece of orange in his mouth as if it was a candy. "Take my life, Angel, if you want." 

"Shut up, big brother. How can you joke about your life so casually?" Hurt flowed from her voice as she choked on words. 

"Hey, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you. I swear on mom, Angel," said Ryuu instinctively as he saw tears flowing down her eyes. 

He wiped her tears away with the pad of his thumb. "Angel, what happened?" 

He really, really had a very bad feeling about it. 

She tried to shake her head. "Don't talk about your life casually again." 

"I will never. I swear," said Ryuu as he pinched his neck as if they were still kids. 

"I'm sorry, Big brother," Zhenyi whispered as she felt another caress on her skin. 

"What for?" Ryuu asked her back. 

"For everything. For making you worry. For disobeying you. For not taking your calls that day. For calling your instinct silly. And for making you stay with grandpa under the same roof for so many days," Zhenyi said, but the last one was an attempt at humor. 

"I've yet to meet the old man," Ryuu muttered under his breath. 

"What?" Zhenyi asked as if she had not heard him. 

"Nothing. And stop calling Big Brother. It's giving me sad vibes, Angel, and trust me I don't like the way you are looking at me with those teary eyes of yours," Ryuu said.

Zhenyi stifled a yawn but dared not to close her eyes. She was afraid of what nightmares she would encounter now. 

"Sleep, Angel. I will be here guarding you. No one can hurt you ever. I won't let them. I promise. Sleep as much as you want to. Your brother is gonna fight all the monsters." 

And truly she fell asleep in his presence soundly. 

This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l. c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading 'The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife ' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam).

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