The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife

Chapter 276 - I Hate You!

Chapter 276 - I Hate You!

Zhenyi pressed on the accelerator, and the car ran even faster than before. She didn't realize for a moment that she could get herself hurt for driving the car at the lightning speed. All the voices inside her head were reminding her of the misfortunes that had befallen her. And adrenaline was the only way to shut it up. 

It was so frustrating, so tiring and so fucking depressing that Zhenyi couldn't help but feel the urge to let out a cry of help. But who would help her? The people she loved and trusted betrayed her. She didn't know where and whom to go... She was all alone in a world full of people. 

Suddenly, a black car appeared before her, and to stop the two cars from colliding, she pressed on the brakes abruptly, causing her car to crash into the pole. Thankfully, she wasn't hurt anywhere. 

She took heavy breathes to calm herself down. Looking around and she found herself on a secluded road, and when her eyes fell on the GPS, she found out that it wasn't working anymore. Very well. She was now stuck at God knew where! She rested her head against the steering wheel when she sensed someone unlocking the car door. 

"Come out now!" As she heard the familiar voice, she looked up to see her husband's angry face. Oh, so he was angry at her? You know what she was f.uc.k.i.n.g angry at him too! She wanted to punch his beautiful angry face. 

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked straight. Seeing her behaving as if he wasn't there, Long Jie kicked the tire in frustration, anger, and misery. The vein on his forehead was bulging and could erupt anytime. He understood that she was hurt and angry, but still, it didn't give her any right to put her life in danger. And she did so, that too twice. 

He couldn't save or bring back what they lost. But he could surely protect her at all costs. He got a call from Xin Yichen when she left the mansion an hour ago. He had been dying with worry since then. Well, he deserved it. 

 Frustrated, he slipped one of his arms under her legs and another on her back, and picked her up. 

"What the hell are you doing? I'm telling you, Long Jie leave me the hell alone. Or I will surely kill you," Zhenyi screeched, kicking him in the process. 

'Her threats never change!' 

Once they were close to his car, he positioned her on the ground. She punched him in the stomach as her feet touched the land. She didn't stop just there, she punched his jaw next, and seeing that he did nothing to stop her, she punched his car, but before her fist could touch the metal, his hand caught hers. 

"You can punch me all you want but not the car," H

he said to her. 

"Since you love your car so much, I'm going to destroy it right in front of you!" With this said, she headed towards her car and after a while came back with a steel rod in her hands. 

Long Jie stood by the side of the road and let her destroy the car. If it helped her to cool down, he would buy her ten more to break or destroy. 

She knew that she was being petty and childish but did she care? Absolutely not! 

After fifteen minutes, when the car looked unrecognizable, she turned to find Long Jie staring at her intensely. She had done a great job on her jaw and whenever for the next few days, he would look in the mirror, he would find her mark right there on his now purple jaw. 

She was so angry, so frustrated and depressed that she first unleashed her wrath at him and then at his car. But he hadn't said a word since then. She hated him for standing so calm. He should shout at her! He should blame her!

And then, she would accuse him of lying to her. But first, she wanted him to call her all the names that he should. 

She walked in his direction and stood before him. She raised her hand and he looked into her eyes anticipating for the pain to come, rather soft and salty lips touched his lips but not so softly and gently. 

It was not a kiss. It was her pouring her anger at him. What couldn't be said in the words, she told him by aggressively moving her lips against his. She gave him all the anger she had accumulated inside and he took it as of he was thirsty for centuries. She kissed her way down his neck, leaving her bites and bruising kisses all over him. He snaked an arm around her waist and the next thing she knew was that she was inside the backseat of her car half-naked beneath him.

A moan escaped her mouth and he snapped back to reality.

"We need to talk," he said in a hoarse voice as he closed his eyes, and held her wrist to remove her hands from his body. 

"Ah, how badly I think that 'we need to talk' is your way to ask me to break up," Zhenyi spoke in a taunting voice and Long Jie tightened his hold on her wrist. 

"You don't," his voice raspy with desire and anger. 

"Oh, I absolutely do." 

"Talk to me," he begged her. 

" I hate you," was her reply. 

"Me too," he whispered, pouring cold water on her burning anger. Yeah. He hates him too. Perhaps, more than she does. 

This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l. c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading 'The Typhoon's Dangerous Wife ' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam).josei

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