The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 1201-1205

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 1201-1205

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 1201-1205

Chapter 1201


Yue Wuya was shocked when he saw the Overlord’s Hammer over 200 meters high! Unspeakable shock! Indescribably excited!

“Overlord’s Hammer, Overlord’s Hammer, you become smaller!” Yue Wuya pressed his excitement and tentatively said.


Yue Wuya’s voice fell, and he saw that the Overlord’s Hammer quickly doubled in size!

“It’s still too big, Overlord’s Hammer, make you smaller and the smallest!” Yue Wuya raised his head and said.

Sure enough, when the voice fell, the Overlord’s Hammer instantly became smaller and became the size of an embroidery needle, falling into Yue Wuya’s palm.

“Good baby, good baby!” Yue Wuya jumped and held the Overlord’s Hammer, and couldn’t put it down and played with it.

The spirit beast was not found, but unexpectedly got the Overlord’s Hammer, it was a pleasant surprise!


However, just when Yue Wuya was excited, he heard footsteps coming from behind.

Yue Wuya hurriedly looked back, and his expression changed suddenly.

I saw dozens of people from all corners of the world, who came in at some point, staring at the bully hammer in their hands, their eyes full of greed and shock.

Obviously, the overlord’s hammer just got bigger and collapsed the top of the mountain, and the vibration caused by it attracted these people! At this time, nearly a hundred people surrounded Yue Wuya!

“Artifact, what this kid is holding is definitely an artifact!” In the

crowd, I don’t know who shouted, and the eyes of others became hot.

“Such a magic weapon, found by a little baby, is simply a waste.”

“Whatever you say, whoever grabs it will get it.”

For a while, everyone shouted, and at the same time urged their figures to rush towards Yue Wuya.

“You old birds, you still want to snatch my hammer, it’s shameless.” Yue Wuya snorted, watching everyone rush, and ran away.

“Kid, stop!”

“Little boy, give me the hammer, I will not treat you badly!”

“Don’t listen to them, I am the head of the Holy Sword Pavilion, as long as you give me the hammer, I will give you one Blue-tier weapons.”

Hearing these words, Yue Wuya immediately laughed. Others are big devils, how can they believe their words!

“A bunch of stupid birds, come after me!” Yue Wuya turned around and laughed, running away quickly.

This kid Yue Wuya, compared to his father, is even worse than his father, and his words are not serious.

Hearing Yue Wuya’s words, this group of people from all corners of the world turned red and almost exploded with anger. Among this group of people, there are many prominent figures, but at this time they were ridiculed by a child and felt greatly humiliated.

“Good boy, dare to scold me?”

“Boy is courting death!”

In anger, these people pushed their inner strength out one by one, and in an instant, the surrounding air was distorted, and the power was amazing.

If it was seven years ago, Yue Wuya would have been so panicked.

But in the past seven years, Yue Wuya had obtained the true biography of Lu Jiechen, so he did not panic at all, and led the people behind him to make a circle in this huge ancient battlefield ruins.

the other side!

Earth-round continent, Mount Emei.

Chapter 1202

The deepest part of the Emei Sect is the dormitory of the head Han Ran. In the fragrant room, Han Ao Ran sat on the edge of the bed in a dark purple dress.

I have to say that Han Ao Ran is worthy of being recognized as a goddess in all corners of the world.

Seven years have passed, and Han Aoran has become more sexy and charming, but the years have not left any traces on her face. Her face is as beautiful as ever, and her body is still tight and graceful, just like a fairy in the sky, not eating fireworks on earth.

On the bed, a little girl carved in pink and jade was lying there and sleeping soundly.

The girl looks seven or eight years old, wearing a pink Xiao Luo skirt, very playful and cute.

This girl is Han Aoran and Yue Feng’s daughter.

Han Ao Ran named her Han Bing, making her like himself, cold and arrogant, thriving and arrogant in the world.

At this moment, Han Ao Ran quietly looked at Han Bing, his eyes were full of love and tenderness. Since becoming a mother, Han Ao Ran’s state of mind has become much gentler than before.

Of course, Han Aoran can only have this gentle side when she is alone with her daughter. In front of outsiders, she is still the head of the Emei Sect.


At this moment, the door was gently pushed open, and a woman walked in slowly. It is Mrs. Miaoyuan.

Like Han Aoran, seven years have passed, and Master Miao Yuan is still too beautiful and full of charm.

“Senior Sister, is Bing’er sleeping?”

When she got to the front, Master Miao Yuan looked at the ice on the bed, and said with a soft smile, “This girl is very talented, and she practiced very hard. She practiced swords in the back just now. , I haven’t rested all the time, I must be exhausted.”

Han Ao Ran hummed softly, a bit of relief on his face. Indeed, his daughter is extremely talented. At the age of seven, she has mastered her own unique skill, the Great Ice Dragon Palm.

Master Miaoyuan continued: “Our Emei sect has disciples like Bing’er, who will surely be able to carry it forward in the future. Senior sister, I think we can train Bing’er to become the next generation’s head of Emei. As for Zhou Qin that Girl, we can’t count on it.”

When Zhou Qin was mentioned, Master Miao Yuan was disappointed.

Zhou Qin was originally the eldest sister of the Emei faction. She has always been held by Han Ao Ran and Miao Yuan Shi Tai, and has high expectations. She is also a candidate for the next generation head.

But since Zhou Qin got to know Yue Feng and experienced so many things, the whole person is decadent, and he doesn’t care about cultivation at all, and he is absent-minded all day long.

Hearing this, Han proudly smiled and did not respond.

In her heart, she also intends to train Han Bing to be the head of the next generation, but the child is still young, and Han Ao Ran plans to talk about it in a few years.

“Senior Sister Sect Master!” At this time, Master Miao Yuan looked at the sleeping Bing, and said curiously, “Bing’er looks more and more like Senior Sect Master you, this child grows up, too She must be a beautiful embryo.” After speaking

, Master Miao Yuan couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Senior Sister, sometimes I wonder, Bing’er, could this child be your lost daughter!”


Hearing this, Han Ao Ran’s face flushed, and he said coquettishly, “What is the lost daughter? Bing’er is the child I picked up back then. I can’t say this again in the future.

” Can’t panic.

That’s right!

The fact that Han Bing is his daughter, Han Ao Ran has been keeping it a secret. Except for Mr. Hongye, no one in the whole of Emei knew that Han Bing was the daughter of Han Ao Ran.

Han proudly declared to the public that Han Bing was the child he picked up.

At the beginning, Han proudly became pregnant and married Mr. Hongye. After thinking about getting married, he said that he was pregnant with Mr. Hongye’s daughter. However, Han Ao Ran thought about it. In the future, his daughter will get older and older, but she doesn’t look like Mr. Hongye at all. People on the rivers and lakes will definitely make irresponsible remarks.

So Han proudly decided to declare to the public that Binger was the child he picked up.

Originally, Master Miaoyuan had no doubts about this matter. However, as Han Bing grew up year by year, Master Miao Yuan noticed that this child became more and more like Senior Sister in charge, especially the beautiful face, which was exactly the same as Han Ao Ran.

“Senior sister in charge, Bing’er, this child really looks a lot like you…” Mrs. Miao Yuan said in a low voice.

“Junior Sister Miaoyuan!” This time, Han Ao Ran’s face was completely straightened, and he looked at Master Miaoyuan and said, “I’ll say it again, don’t say it again in the future! Do you hear me!”

Chapter 1203

Seeing Han Ao Ran was angry, Master Miao Yuan had to nod his head, and his voice changed: “By the way, Senior Sister Head, I heard that there is an ancient battlefield in Tianqi Continent. Recently, a spirit appeared in this ancient battlefield. The traces of the beast. Since Senior Sister is going to train Binger to become the next generation leader, do you want her to experience it?”

Hearing this, Han proudly pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, “Well, let Binger go to the ancient battlefield. , it’s good to practice it. Maybe if you are lucky, you can catch one or two spirit beasts.”

Although Han Bing was his own daughter, Han Ao Ran did not dote on her too much.

In the future, Bing’er is going to take over the Emei faction, so let her suffer a bit and practice more.

After a while, Han Bing woke up from sleep.

Under Han Ao Ran’s arrangement, Han Bing followed Miao Yuan Shi Tai, left Mount Emei, and rushed towards the Tianqi Continent.

After a few days of traveling, finally, Han Bing and Master Miao Yuan arrived at the ancient battlefield.

When Han Bing went out for the first time, looking at the ancient battlefield in front of him, his little face was flushed, and he was very excited.

“Bing’er, since it’s an experience, I can’t follow you all the time. You can go to the ancient battlefield by yourself, and I’ll be waiting for you outside.” Master Miaoyuan said with a smile: “If you encounter danger, you will send a signal. , I will rush over as soon as possible

.” Han Bing nodded obediently: “I know! Aunt Miaoyuan, wait for Bing’er to catch the two spirit beasts and come out.” The

voice fell, and Han Bing walked towards the depths of the ancient battlefield. .

Along the way, Han Bing looked from east to west, this huge ancient battlefield was full of rubble and bones. After walking for a long time, I did not see the shadow of the spirit beast.

“There are no spirit beasts here..” Han Bing said to herself. After walking for a long time, she just felt very tired. Seeing that the sun was about to go down, she wanted to find a cave to rest.

As a result, at this moment, only heard the sound of footsteps not far away. Han Bing was curious in her heart, followed the voice, and was stunned when she saw the scene in front of her.

Not far away, I saw a group of people from all corners of the world, chasing after a young man.

The boy holds a hammer in his hand. Obviously, this group of Jianghu people wanted to grab his hammer.

The young man was sweating profusely from being chased, but his face was not flustered at all. The young man is Yue Wuya!

Han Bing furrowed her eyebrows tightly, and a group of adults actually chased a child. It’s really abominable!

Seeing this scene, Han Bing couldn’t be more angry. She was influenced by the Emei School and had a strong sense of justice since she was a child.

At this time, seeing Yue Wuya running towards her, Han Bing did not hesitate, suddenly raised her hand, and the cold words came out of her mouth.

“Big Ice Dragon Palm!” The

voice fell, and the side of the ice, the light shined! I saw an ice dragon appearing beside her in vain! The ice dragon roared wildly, almost tearing apart the world!

This big ice dragon palm was taught to Han Bing by Han Ao Ran himself. Although Bingbing is young, he is very talented and has a deep understanding of this trick.


In an instant, an ice dragon roared and flew directly to the crowd!

“What kind of skill is this?!”

“What a powerful power!”

Seeing this ice dragon flying, those people in the rivers and lakes changed their faces and hurriedly resisted.

Taking this opportunity, Han Bing quickly ran to Yue Wuya, took his hand, and shouted, “Quick, run.”

After saying that, Han Bing took Yue Wuya’s hand and headed towards the woods in the distance. rush away.

At this moment, Yue Wuya was extremely grateful. This little sister, who she didn’t know, actually saved herself.


I don’t know how long I ran. Seeing the people behind me and not catching up, Yue Wuya breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled at Han Bing: “Little sister, thank you.”

When saying this, Yue Wuya couldn’t help looking at the ice.

For some reason, even though it was the first time they met, Yue Wuya felt a warm intimacy from Han Bing.

Chapter 1204

Han Bing smiled lightly: “Don’t thank me, Lu Jian is injustice to help me!”

As a disciple of the Emei School, Han Bing has a sense of justice since childhood.

Hearing this, Yue Wuya smiled and asked, “Which sect’s disciple are you, and are you here to catch spirit beasts?”

When Han Bing cast the big ice dragon palm just now, Yue Wuya felt the power of it. . The little sister in front of her is by no means an unknown person.

Han Bing smiled and said, “I’m from the Emei faction, my name is Han Bing, what about you?”

“I’m a disciple of the Ming sect, my name is Yue Wuya, since we are all here to catch spirit beasts, let’s be companions Let’s go.” Yue Wuya issued an invitation with a sincere expression.

Saying that, Yue Wuya stretched out his hand.

“Okay!” Han Bing nodded. He stretched out his little hand and held it with Yue Wuya.

the other side!

Diyuan Continent, Ouyang family.

This is the beginning of spring, and the spring flowers are blooming.

The weather is good today. In the garden, Yue Feng is sitting in the pavilion, looking at the screen of his mobile phone, counting the days silently in his heart.

seven years.

In the past seven years, Yue Feng has worked hard to develop Tianmen. Today, Tianmen is already the first famous sect in the Earth Circle!

In the past seven years, Yue Feng has never forgotten two things.

The first is to send people everywhere to inquire about Qin Rongyin and the child.

The second one is the seven-year appointment with Liu Xuan.

“Today is the nineteenth!”

At this moment, Yue Feng looked at the time and date, his face could not hide the urgency, and said to himself: “The day I agreed with Xuan’er was on the 22nd, three days… and three days, seven years. The appointment is here.”

When he said this, Yue Feng suddenly stood up from the chair, his face full of impatience.

Xuan’er, did you know?

For the past seven years, I have been looking forward to this day all the time!

“Sect Master!”

At this moment, a Tianmen disciple hurried over.

When he got to the front, the disciple couldn’t hide his excitement, and said excitedly: “Report to the sect master, we have inquired about the whereabouts of Mrs. Qin Rongyin. She… She seems to be in Dongao Continent now! There is a city in Dongao Continent called Jiangbei. City. Our Tianmen disciples took Mrs. Qin Rongyin’s portrait and showed it to the nearby residents. The nearby residents

said that they saw Mrs. just yesterday! Therefore, it can be concluded that Mrs. Qin Rongyin is in Dongao Continent, near Jiangbei City! “


Hearing this, Yue Feng was shocked and couldn’t say how happy he was. He quickly waved his hand: “Quick, go gather all the disciples, and follow me to meet Madam!”

When he said this, Yue Feng Very excited!

Madam, after so many years, I finally have news of you! Thank goodness, thank goodness!

I have to quickly bring my wife back, and then go to Xuan’er.

If these two things are done, I will have no regrets!

“Yes, Sect Master!”

Feeling Yue Feng’s excitement, the disciple quickly responded, turned around and walked away.

After a while, the hundreds of thousands of disciples of Tianmen were assembled, and under the leadership of Yue Feng, they set off for the Dongao Continent!

Chapter 1205

… On the

other side, Dongao Continent.

Jiangbei City, located on the northwest border of Dongao Continent, belongs to a traffic fortress.

At this time, on the road outside Jiangbei City, a woman slowly walked towards the city gate.

This woman has a charming figure and a beautiful face, like a fairy who does not touch the fireworks of the world. However, there was a bit of exhaustion between her eyebrows.

This woman is Qin Rongyin.

In recent years, Qin Rongyin left Tongtianjiao and searched for Ya’er alone. In the past seven years, Qin Rongyin has traveled almost all over the nine continents, but there is no clue.

However, Qin Rongyin never gave up. Recently, Qin Rongyin came to Dongao Continent to look for it.


At this time, seeing Jiangbei City not far away, Qin Rongyin breathed a sigh of relief.

After entering the city, first find a place to eat, and then continue to look for Ya’er.

Thinking to herself, Qin Rongyin quickened her pace.


After entering the city gate, Qin Rongyin couldn’t help taking a breath when she saw the scene in front of her, and she was stunned!

Qin Rongyin saw that the huge Jiangbei City in front of him was silent, and there was no one on the wide street!

The shops on both sides of the street have their doors open, the stalls on the roadside are full of dazzling things, and the pots of the food stalls are still steaming…

This Jiangbei City is a big city, and people should come here. People go, a very lively scene. But….but there is no one.

The silence of the whole city made people panic, as if everyone had disappeared all of a sudden.

How could this be?

Where have all the people here gone?

After being stunned for a few minutes, Qin Rongyin calmed down and couldn’t help but mutter to herself, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

A whole city, everything is there, but people are gone.

So weird!

Thinking to herself, Qin Rongyin quickened her pace, crossed the street, and walked out through another city gate.

Qin Rongyin didn’t have time to think about it, she just felt that the empty city behind her was so quiet that it made people nervous, and she just wanted to leave this place quickly.

Outside Jiangbei City, there is a vast grassland. After Qin Rongyin left the city gate, he came to this grassland.

“Strange…” Qin Rongyin looked around, the empty grassland should have many herdsmen, cattle and sheep everywhere… But at this time, the grassland was extremely quiet, and there was no one.

Qin Rongyin was walking on the grassland, only to feel her heartbeat speed up inexplicably.

Da Da Da…

At this moment, I only heard the sound of horse hooves not far away!

Qin Rongyin hurriedly turned her head to look, her body trembled suddenly.

Just saw Qin Rongyin’s left hand, an army of hundreds of thousands, lined up neatly, galloping! These hundreds of thousands of soldiers, wearing uniform black armor, can feel the chilling aura on them from a long distance!

The head is a woman, this woman is wearing a dark blue dress, her facial features are exquisite and charming, and she is charming and charming! It is… Ji Linglong!

Ji Linglong was originally Duan Yu’s subordinate, and she even performed mind control on Xiao Yuruo at the beginning. Later, Ji Linglong followed Duan Yu and went to seek revenge for Yue Feng, but was caught by Yue Feng, who forcibly gave her Tongtian Pill, then put her back and returned to Duan Yu. Yue Feng asked her to monitor Duan Yu at all times.

Duan Yu was the prime minister of Xi Cang Continent, and now, Ji Linglong is Duan Yu’s most capable subordinate. It can be said that Ji Linglong has a very high status in Xi Cang Continent!

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