The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 1931-1935

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 1931-1935

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 1931-1935

Chapter 1931

“Okay.” In the

next second, Situ Wangqing nodded and said with a smile, “Even so, I promise to take you in. From today onwards, you will take good care of your wounds in Wangyou Valley. Yougu will fully support you and help you regain the throne.”

Since Duan Yu and Yue Feng have such a bloody feud, he doesn’t have to worry anymore.

“Thank you, Master.” Duan Yu made a very happy look, and quickly knelt down and bowed to the teacher: “Master is above, please accept the disciples.”

“Okay, get up!” Jade hand.


At this moment, Su Qingyan, who had been silent next to him, couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief, frowning and said, “That Yue Feng is so abhorrent, a person like him became an emperor, didn’t the people of Xicang Continent suffer? “

Su Qingyan took Wangyou Shui and lost her memory. Half a month ago, she was instilled by Jingguan and Situ Wangqing, saying that she had gone out to work before and encountered Yue Feng, and then she lost her memory.

Under such circumstances, Su Qingyan had a very bad impression of Yue Feng, and now that Duan Yu distorted the facts and fabricated Yue Feng’s evil deeds, he hated Yue Feng even more in his heart.

Situ forgets his feelings and contemplates, and smiles without saying a word.


Seeing this scene, Duan Yu frowned again.

What the hell is going on here, aren’t Su Qingyan and Yue Feng in a good relationship? Why does Su Qingyan treat Yue Feng like this? Surprised, Duan Yu finally couldn’t bear it anymore, looked at Su Qingyan and asked, “This senior sister, do you know Yue Feng very well?” He joined Wangyougu, so he naturally wanted to call him senior sister.


Su Qingyan bit her lip tightly and shook her head gently: “I’m not familiar with Yue Feng, but the master said that it was because of Yue Feng that I lost my memory…”


Duan Yu was stunned for a moment, then excited.


No wonder Su Qingyan was so wrong, it turned out that she had lost her memory.

“Senior sister, don’t worry, since Yue Feng is our enemy, when I recover my strength, I will help you deal with him.” Duan Yu said with a smile.


Su Qingyan nodded, feeling very warm in her heart. Originally, she joined Wangyougu relatively late, and she had to call her senior brother and senior sister when she saw her. Suddenly, she had a junior brother who treated herself so well, and anyone else would be in a good mood.


At this moment, Situ Wangqing said with a smile, “Since you guys are chatting so speculatively, Qingyan, during this time, you should take good care of Duan Yu.”

“Okay!” Su Qingyan was very Obediently responded. She is a kind character, and the Master’s order will naturally not be violated.

More importantly, Su Qingyan had a very good impression of this junior brother.

At this time, Su Qingyan did not realize that the new junior brother in front of him was his man’s old enemy. Moreover, grievances are never shared.

Situ Wangqing said no more, and left the room with Jing Guan and the other disciples.

“Good Senior Sister.”

As soon as he left, Duan Yu showed a smile and cupped his hands at Su Qingyan: “I will trouble you more in the future. To be taken care of by a beautiful Senior Sister like a fairy, I, Duan Yu, really came from Sansheng. Blessed.”

Chapter 1932

When he said this, Duan Yu’s eyes were looking up and down at Su Qingyan’s graceful curve, and his heart was restless.

Yue Feng, you have taken everything from me, and I will recover some of this debt from your woman first.

on the other side, Mount Emei.

On the steps under Mount Emei, several people walked towards them.

The one headed is Faye Wong.

Behind her, Liu Xuan, Zhu Rong and Shennong slowly followed.

Zhu Rong and Shen Nong looked relaxed and walked while admiring the scenery on both sides, while Liu Xuan had a complex expression on her face.

Half a day ago, Faye Wong took a gift and made a special trip to Yunzhou City to visit, saying that on behalf of Zhou Qin, she came to invite Liu Xuan to visit Mount Emei, and said that it was a misunderstanding before, and her attitude was very sincere.

To be honest, Liu Xuan didn’t want to come, but Shen Man tried his best to persuade him, saying that the dignified martial arts alliance leader sent someone to invite him and brought gifts.

Zhu Rong and Shen Nong, unaware of the grievances between Zhou Qin and Yue Feng, followed Liu Xuan’s promise.

When Liu Xuan, Zhurong and others arrived at the square of the Emei Hall, they could see Zhou Qin standing at the door of the hall from a distance. Behind her, on both sides, the disciples of Emei, and the masters of the various factions, were neatly arranged in a great pomp.


At this moment, feeling the strength of Zhu Rong and Shen Nong, all the Emei disciples present couldn’t help but take a deep breath.


Is this the legendary fire god Zhurong and Shennong? The strength is really strong.

Even Zhou Qin’s body trembled, and a bit of fear appeared on her beautiful face. Immediately afterwards, Zhou Qin showed a bright smile, hurried up to meet her, and held Liu Xuan’s hand very affectionately: “It’s been a long time, your face has become as beautiful as it used to be, it’s really nice.

” , Zhou Qin greeted Zhu Rong two with a very polite attitude: “These two are the well-known senior Zhu Rong and senior Shennong, right? My subordinates had a bad attitude towards you before, it was all a misunderstanding, two seniors. It’s a lot, don’t worry about it.”

Zhu Rong and Shen Nong looked at each other and waved their hands generously, indicating that they were all right.

“Zhou Qin!”

At this moment, Liu Xuan bit her lip tightly, looked at Zhou Qin and said, “You don’t need to be so polite, what’s the matter, you can tell me directly.”

“Nothing else, just to catch up with you . .” Zhou Qin smiled and responded.


Liu Xuan took a deep breath and said seriously: “If you don’t say anything, I’ll say, Zhou Qin, why are you dealing with Yue Feng, you used to be such good friends, do you have to do it all the time? You let your subordinates go. My family is investigating Yue Feng’s whereabouts, and they have sent people to monitor me, do you think I’m stupid? Don’t you know?”

Seriously, if Liu Xuan was alone, she would never have said it outright, after all Zhou Qin is a martial artist now. The leader, identity and status are not what they used to be.

But Liu Xuan is not afraid, there are elder brother Zhu Rong and senior Shennong by her side.


Hearing this, Zhou Qin sighed lightly and looked very emotional: “Xuan’er, I know you blame me in your heart, yes, I have done a lot of things that I am sorry for Yue Feng before, but do you think I am willing to do that? Let me tell you the truth, at that time I liked Yue Feng, and because Yue Feng rejected me, I did so many absurd things out of love and hatred, but now, I want to understand and completely repent.”

“Recently, I have been inquiring about Yue Feng’s whereabouts, to atone for his sin, to help him, you think, he provoked Yang Jian in Beiying Continent, and Tianqi Continent is also chasing him everywhere, can he handle it alone? I don’t Can I help him?” At the end, Zhou Qin pretended to say: “To tell the truth, I came here to discuss with you how to help Yue Feng deal with these troubles, as his women and friends, we can’t just stand by our side. Seeing that Yue Feng is in trouble, I can’t help you with anything, what do you think?” The

words were extremely sincere, but Zhou Qin’s eyes flashed with a smile.


Hearing this, the alertness on Liu Xuan’s face disappeared a lot, and she bit her lip lightly: “Then… how can we help Yue Feng?”

Liu Xuan is kind and soft-hearted, Seeing that Zhou Qin was so sincere, the suspicion in his heart dissipated without a trace.

At this time, Liu Xuan didn’t know that Zhou Qin’s attitude at this time was all fake. Zhou Qin hated Yue Feng to the core, how could she help him?

“Don’t be in a hurry!”

Chapter 1933

Zhou Qin showed a smile and took Liu Xuan’s hand: “We haven’t seen each other for a long time, let’s talk about the old times first, it’s been a long time since we sat and chatted like we are now.”

Said, Zhou Qin directed at Faye Wong next to him: “Quick, prepare for the banquet. Today, I am going to entertain my friends and two seniors.”

“Yes!” Faye Wong responded and hurried to prepare.

At this time, Zhou Qin smiled and invited Liu Xuan, Zhu Rong and Shennong to enter the hall.

After a while, the sumptuous banquet was ready. Zhou Qin specially invited Liu Xuan to sit beside her and asked how the years were going. They are very intimate, like a pair of good girlfriends who can talk about everything.

Facing Zhou Qin’s enthusiasm, Liu Xuan completely let go of her guard.

“Two seniors.”

At this time, Zhou Qin raised his glass with a smile, looked at Zhu Rong and Shennong and said, “I have admired the prestige of the two seniors for a long time, and I am truly fortunate to be able to meet them today. Come, I respect you both. Seniors have a cup. Today, the two seniors must have a good time.”


Zhu Rong laughed, looked at Zhou Qin and praised: “The girl’s mouth is quite sweet, well, I see you are so sincere, the old man today Have a good drink.” Saying that, Zhu Rong drank the wine in the glass, very wild and heroic.

It was the first time Zhu Rong saw Zhou Qin, and he didn’t know her very well, but seeing her apologize for the previous incident, her attitude was sincere, and she had already let go of her guard. And Zhu

Rong is also very good at wine. Zhou Qin treated her with delicious wine, and Zhu Rong felt a little bit more favorable towards her in his heart.

Shen Nong next to him also smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass, and drank it.

Seeing that they all drank, the smile on Zhou Qin’s face became more beautiful and moving, but the smile was somewhat meaningful.


At this time, Zhou Qin asked Liu Xuan, “Do you know where Yue Feng is?”

Yes, Zhou Qin spent so much talk just now to gain Liu Xuan’s trust. The ultimate goal was to inquire about Yue Feng’s news and whereabouts.

Liu Xuan whispered: “We also lost contact with Yue Feng. I don’t know where he is now. I’m very worried.”

Hearing this, Zhou Qin was very angry. It took so much effort to win Liu Xuan’s trust, but in the end, she didn’t know Yue Feng’s whereabouts.

“Zhou Qin!”

Seeing Zhou Qin being thoughtful, Liu Xuan couldn’t help but ask, “If there is Yue Feng’s whereabouts, how are you going to help him?”


Zhu Rong and Shen Nong also looked at Zhou Qin subconsciously, waiting for her answer.

You must know that Zhou Qin is now the leader of the martial arts alliance in the Earth Circle Continent. If she does her best to help Yue Feng, I believe that no matter how big the trouble, it can be solved.


Zhou Qin showed a smile and said slowly, “Of course, I’ll invite him to Emei first.”

“And then?” Liu Xuan asked.

Zhou Qin chuckled lightly, with a bit of gloom in his eyes: “When he comes to Emei, I will find a way to make him stay. It’s best not to leave Mount Emei for the rest of my life.”

“If he doesn’t leave Emei, he won’t be anywhere. If you make trouble, there won’t be so many troubles, what do you think?” At the

end, Zhou Qin was still smiling, but in that smile, there was an extremely uncomfortable coldness.

Yes, at this time, Zhou Qin couldn’t help but reveal his true colors.

Anyway, I have asked what I should ask, and there is no need to put it on.


Liu Xuan’s delicate body trembled, and she looked at Zhou Qin in surprise: “You…you want to keep him in Emei for the rest of your life?” After

speaking, Liu Xuan realized something, her pretty face paled, and she continued: “Speak up, You still have to deal with Yue Feng, right? Zhou Qin, why? Why are you doing this?”

Chapter 1934


Zhou Qin sneered and said with great resentment: “Yue Feng ruined my life, how can I forgive her so easily? You are right, my ultimate goal is to imprison Yue Feng for the rest of my life. , I’m going to put

him in a dungeon and rely on my alms every day to survive, but before that, I’m going to ruin his reputation.” At the

end, Zhou Qin’s face was covered with frost, and he almost lost his mind.

“Mad, you are a mad woman.” Liu Xuan was so angry that she got up and was about to leave, but as soon as she stood up, Liu Xuan’s delicate body trembled, and her eyebrows were suddenly furrowed.

At this time, Liu Xuan’s face was pale.

what happened? I was fine just now, why is my body so soft now that I can’t exert any strength?

Seeing this scene, Zhou Qin put down the wine glass gracefully and looked at Liu Xuan with a smile: “Liu Xuan, what’s the matter, are you drunk?”

Liu Xuan’s red lips parted slightly, just as she was about to speak, she was interrupted by Zhou Qin .

At this moment, Zhou Qin’s delicate face was full of jokes and pride: “Liu Xuan, do you feel that your body is weak and weak, and your inner strength can’t be motivated?”


At this moment, Liu Xuan’s delicate body was shocked, her face changed suddenly, she looked at her in surprise: “How do you know?”


Zhou Qin smiled proudly: “Of course I know, because of you I was poisoned in the wine glass.”


Liu Xuan was shocked and angry, and she was extremely shocked. Zhou Qin was so insidious this time. She greeted her with a smile on the surface, and secretly used poisonous hands. It was simply too sinister.

“What a sinister and vicious girl.” At this time, Zhu Rong couldn’t help it on the spot, slapped the table, glared at Zhou Qin and cursed: “We trust you so much, but you are poisoned by wine, you are an old man. It ‘s easy to bully?”

Zhou Qin didn’t panic at all, and looked at Zhu Rong with a smile: “Senior Zhu Rong, don’t be so angry, don’t worry, you and Senior Shennong’s wine glasses were also poisoned by me, you are strong. , the onset of the poison effect is slow, but it’s almost there now.”

After the last word, Zhu Rong’s face changed, and his body froze there.

Zhu Rong clearly felt that his inner strength could not be exerted, and at the same time, his body was also soft.

At the same time, Shen Nong next to him also frowned and his face was extremely gloomy.

Like Zhu Rong, Shen Nong didn’t expect that this smiling woman in front of her was so beautiful, her heart was so sinister, and she actually poisoned herself in wine?

Just….what poison is this? I didn’t even notice it at all!

At this moment, Zhou Qin’s smile grew thicker, looked at Zhu Rong, and said proudly: “Senior, you don’t have to guess, what I use for you is my unique poison, Heitian Pill.”

Heitian Pill, yes A poison that Zhou Qin refined in the Inextinguishable Book of Truth is extremely sinister and domineering. Back then, the masters of the various sects in the Earth Circle Continent had to obey Zhou Qin only after taking the Black Heaven Pill.

Speaking of which, when Zhu Rong was drinking just now, he really smelled a special fragrance in the wine, but he didn’t care, thinking it was the fragrance in the wine, but he never thought that it was poisoned.

“Okay, very good…”

At this time, Zhu Rong was shocked and angry, staring at Zhou Qin, his face ashen.

I have been in the arena for many years and have been honored by the world as the existence of the Vulcan. I didn’t expect to be planted in the hands of a younger generation of the arena and the hands of a woman. It is a shame!

“Come on, tie them all up.” At this moment, Zhou Qin chuckled lightly and instructed the surrounding Emei disciples.


As soon as the voice fell, Faye Wong took the lead and gathered around a dozen Emei disciples.


However, at this time, Shen Nong suddenly shouted angrily, and then walked out slowly.


In an instant, not only Zhou Qin, but the surrounding masters of various sects were all shocked, and looked at Shen Nong blankly, with a look of disbelief.

Hei Tian Dan is such a domineering poison that Shen Nong has nothing to do with it?

They didn’t know that the reason why Shennong was called the ancestor of medicine was that he had tasted all kinds of herbs, and he had already achieved a physique that was invulnerable to all poisons.

Chapter 1935


At this time, Zhou Qin looked at Shennong closely, her delicate body trembling.

It was just that Zhou Qin was interrupted by Shennong as soon as he said one word.

“Baby girl, I have to say that you are not only cunning and cunning, but also very good at disguising.” Shennong looked at Zhou Qin with a cold face and said, “I, Shennong, claim to have seen a lot of things in the world, but I was deceived by you after all.”

“However . , to me, this trick of yours is just a little trick, a small black celestial pill, I don’t even care about it.” The

voice was not loud, but it was cold and arrogant.


For a while, in the Emei Hall, there was silence, and a drop of a needle could be heard clearly.

Everyone present looked at Shen Nong blankly, not daring to act rashly.

This is Yaozu Shennong, who dares to enter.


At this moment, Shennong took a deep breath and looked at Zhou Qin coldly: “Baby girl, this old man has limited patience, hand over the antidote immediately, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Seriously, this was the first time Shennong heard about it. Heitian Pill, but with his attainments in pharmacy, it is not difficult to refine the antidote of Hei Tian Pill, but the situation is urgent, and there is

no herbal material on his body, if he wants to refine the antidote, he has no way to start, and he can only force Zhou Qin handed over the antidote.

“Impossible!” The

cold three words came from Zhou Qin’s mouth, with a firm attitude and without the slightest hesitation.

Before, Zhou Qin designed and locked Yue Wuya and Han Bing in the cave of Houshan. He thought that the two brothers and sisters would not be able to help themselves and make Yue Feng lose their reputation. As a result, Yue Wuya would rather self-harm than touch her. When the ice froze, his bamboo basket was empty.

And now, he set up a game to deceive Liu Xuan, and finally succeeded, how could he let them go easily?

“Senior Zhu Rong, do you think you still have the qualifications to negotiate with me? Your friend Zhu Rong and Liu Xuan are all in my hands.” Zhou Qin chuckled at Shen Nong and said coldly, “I don’t believe what you dare to do. , unless you don’t care about Zhu Rong and Liu Xuan’s life or death!” As the

voice fell, Zhou Qin gave Faye Wong a wink.


Faye Wong understood, she snorted tenderly, clenched a long sword, and stabbed Shennong directly.


At the same time, the surrounding masters of various sects also exploded their inner strength, surrounding Shennong in groups.

“Senior Shennong, be careful.” Seeing this scene, Liu Xuan was anxious and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

At this time, Liu Xuan regretted it very much.

Knowing that Zhou Qin was so insidious, he should not have been invited to Emei. It doesn’t matter if something happens to you, if Zhu Rong and Shennong are involved, you will not be at ease for the rest of your life.

When the words fell, Zhu Rong smiled lightly and comforted: “Brother and sister, don’t panic, Shennong alone is more than enough to deal with these younger generations.”


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Shennong slowly raise his hands and chanted a spell in his mouth. In an instant, the entire hall was surging, and a white mist suddenly rose.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Faye Wong and the masters of the various sects, their faces changed greatly, and they screamed again and again.

“Ah! Poisonous scorpions…”

“Snake, what a big snake!”

“Where do so many poisonous insects come from?”

I saw that, in the white fog, everyone had a poisonous insect lying on their body, some centipedes, some poisonous scorpions, and colorful poisonous snakes. , apparently extremely poisonous.

Shen Nong is not only skilled in medicine, but also good at controlling poisonous insects.

For a time, everyone’s face was pale, and they didn’t dare to move. They all knew that once they made a move rashly, the poisonous insects on their bodies would bite.

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