The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 2521-2525

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 2521-2525

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 2521-2525

Chapter 2521

In his heart, Yue Feng is just a driver, not a threat at all.


Li Haishan’s gaze made Tian Fei very angry, and said coldly: “Stop talking nonsense, I am here today to tell you that our Black Tiger Industry will not compromise.” The

voice fell, Yue Feng slowed down. He walked over slowly and looked directly at Li Haishan: “You are the head of the branch in Yunchuan City, right, tell me, who is the head of your Wutian Organization?”


Li Haishan was stunned, and the surrounding subordinates also thought that he had heard it wrong.

This kid has a big mouth.

“Boy!” Li Haishan couldn’t hide his contempt, looked at Yue Feng and said coldly: “What did you just say? Do you want to see our head?”

“Yes.” Yue Feng said lightly.

“Who is your special code?” Li Haishan shouted angrily.

Mad, is this kid tired of living, and he is so shameless by himself? You must know that even Li Haishan has never seen the behind-the-scenes head of the Wutian Organization. He only knows that the head of the organization is mysterious, and the dragon is extremely powerful.

Yue Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly, “I’m Mr. Tian’s friend. I helped her settle this matter today.”


Hearing this, Li Haishan reacted, and his stomach hurt from laughing. : “Boy, you said you came to settle this matter, did you settle it with a special code? It’s just you?”

At the same time, the surrounding subordinates couldn’t help but laugh.

At this time, Li Haishan’s eyes fell on Tian Fei, and he couldn’t help mocking: “Beauty Tian, where did you find such a fool? You want to deal with our entire hall alone? Your brain is caught in the door. “


Hearing this, Tian Fei’s delicate face suddenly turned red, very angry, and at the same time a little anxious.

The whole Fengtao is really too confident. How could he beat so many people by himself?

Thinking to herself, Tian Fei is about to speak.

However, at this moment, Yue Feng said to Li Haishan, “I’ll only say it once, don’t pay attention to Heihu Industry in the future, and take me to see your head immediately.”

“Go to Nimad. Li Haishan suddenly became angry and shouted loudly. In an instant, the

people lying in ambush suddenly lit the torches, and at the same time, he pulled out the gun on his body and aimed at Yue Feng and the two at once.


Seeing this scene, Tian Fei’s body trembled, and she couldn’t be more anxious. The opponent had a gun in his hand, and both of himself were within the opponent’s attack range. Part-time jobs were living targets.

Seeing Tian Fei’s expression, Li Haishan gave a wicked smile: “Beauty Tian, to be honest, we have no grievances and no grudges, there is no need to be so stiff, so you give up the business in Yunchuan City and become my woman, Forget it.”

“You…” Tian Fei blushed, so angry that she was speechless.

This Li Haishan is just a bastard, he doesn’t count as grabbing business, he wants to take advantage of himself.

Anxious, Tian Fei looked at Yue Feng, and was stunned. She saw that Yue Feng was not in a hurry, picked up a branch from the ground, and was folding it into sections.

At this moment, Tian Fei was completely in a hurry. When is it, this Feng Tao still has the mind to do this?

This is, Li Haishan saw Yue Feng’s action, his eyes flashed coldly: “Kill him to death for me first!” A boy who doesn’t know whether to live or die, dare to pretend in front of himself, and kill him first.

bang bang bang…

The voice fell, and more than a dozen men fired at the same time.

At this moment, Tian Fei was taken aback and wanted to make Yue Feng be careful, but the next scene completely shocked Tian Fei.

At this critical moment, Yue Feng’s wrist flicked, and the dozen or so branches in his hand made a sharp sound.

Putong putong…

I saw that none of the more than a dozen guns and bullets hit Yue Feng. On the contrary, the surrounding subordinates did not respond to what was going on. Trembling, he fell into a pool of blood.

More than a dozen bullets were all shot by the branches, and at the same time, the branches were all stuck between the eyebrows of these people, killing them in one hit.

Chapter 2522


Seeing this scene, Tian Fei’s body trembled, staring at Yue Feng blankly, completely stupid.

I thought he was just a guest of the boss, but he never imagined that this person was so powerful that he could block bullets with branches and kill people. It was incredible.


Li Haishan was also full of horror, looking at Yue Feng, as if he had seen a monster, his tone trembled, and he couldn’t say anything.

Yue Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense, his body flashed, and he raised his hand and touched Li Haishan’s acupuncture point.

Yue Feng’s speed was very fast, Li Haishan only felt a flower in front of him, and then the acupoint was blocked, and the whole person could not move at all.

“What are you doing? Let me tell you, it’s not going to end well if you provoke our Wutian Organization.” At this time, Li Haishan couldn’t help shouting, his mouth seemed tough, but his eyes flashed with panic. That proud and confident look.

Especially feeling the terrifying aura of Yue Feng, Li Haishan couldn’t help trembling.

Who the hell is this? The strength is also terrible.


At this moment, Tian Fei stepped on her high heels, walked over quickly, glared at Li Haishan with shame and anger, and said, “Just kill him.”

Thinking of Li Haishan’s attitude just now, Tian Fei became angry. Fighting in one place, such a scum in the arena, killing it is killing the people.

“Forgive your life, spare your life…”

Feeling Tian Fei’s killing intent, Li Haishan’s face was extremely pale, and he could hardly stand still, and would slump on the ground at any time.

At this time, Li Haishan wanted to turn around and run away, but the acupoint was taped and he couldn’t move at all.

“Don’t worry!”

Seeing Tian Fei’s angry look, Yue Feng smiled slightly, and said slowly, “It’s still useful for me to keep this person.”

After that, Yue Feng said to Li Haishan, “How is it? I said just now. Yes, do you agree now?”

“Agree, agree…” Li Haishan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, he was not a fool, why didn’t he know what Yue Feng meant?

Yue Feng stopped talking nonsense, took out his mobile phone from Li Haishan, and then under his guidance, dialed the number of Li Haishan’s subordinates and turned on the speakerphone.

“Hey..” Li Haishan was full of cold sweat, and shouted at the phone: “Pass my order, from now on, anyone under the hall, don’t call the attention of Heihu Industry…”

And the above tasks are of course Important, but not life.

Soon, after the phone call, Li Haishan looked at Yue Feng with a flat face: “Your Excellency, is this all right?”

Yue Feng ignored him, tilted his head and smiled at Tian Fei: “Okay, your problem is solved. Now, you go back first, I have to ask him some other things.”

Saying that, Yue Feng thought of something: “By the way, the girl with me, please tell her, let her stay in your company and wait for me. , I’ll come back to find her after I finish my business.”

Yue Feng thought about it, going through this Li Haishan and breaking into the Wutian Organization. It is inconvenient to bring Xiao Xi, so it is better to let her stay here.


Hearing this, Tian Fei hesitated a little. This person is the boss’s VIP. I’m afraid it would be inappropriate to leave him here alone, but seeing Yue Feng’s firm expression, he didn’t say much.

“Sir, take care.” Tian Fei said, turning to leave.

“Your Mightiness!”

As soon as his forefoot left, Li Haishan was full of fear and pleaded with Yue Feng: “I have done what you told me, please forgive me…”

Yue Feng showed a smile and said lightly: “What are you panicking about? I still have something to do. , I need your help.”

“What are you busy with?” Li Haishan was about to cry, what else did this man think?

Yue Feng thought about it and said slowly: “You take me to see your head, and I will spare your life.”

Chapter 2523


Hearing this, Li Haishan shuddered and shook his head like a rattle: “No, absolutely not, our head has a weird personality, and we don’t like the person under him the most, so we took the initiative to find him.”

Yue Feng frowned, and then Leng Leng walked up to Li Haishan, opened his mouth and lips, took out an elixir from his body, and quickly stuffed it into it.


Before Li Haishan could react, the medicinal pill was swallowed directly into his stomach.

“You… what did you give me to eat?” Li Haishan looked at Yue Feng, his tone full of fear.

Yue Feng sneered and stared at Li Haishan: “Have you heard of Tongtian Pill?”


What Yue Feng just gave him was Tongtian Pill!

“Tong…Tongtian Pill?” Li Haishan’s heart was shocked, and his body was dripping with cold sweat, and he was terrified. Ten years ago, there was a Tongtian sect in the Earth Circle Continent, and the strength was tyrannical. Take something like Tongtiandan.

It is said that after taking Tongtian Pill, within a year, if there is no antidote, the whole body will fester and die.

Li Haishan is also a person from all corners of the world, and he knows some of these things.

At this time, Li Haishan, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, staring at Yue Feng: “What do you want?”

Yue Feng said leisurely: “It’s very simple, you just need to take me to see your head, and I will give it to you. You have an antidote, otherwise, you will die.”

“Okay…” Li Haishan wanted to cry but had no choice but to agree.

To be honest, Li Haishan was reluctant to take him to see the Sect Master. You must know that Wutian’s organization is strictly hierarchical, and without the Sect Master’s invitation, he cannot rush to see him.

However, at this time, Li Haishan had no choice.

I can’t do it if I don’t agree. Li Haishan shuddered when he thought that he would fester and die without an antidote.

Seeing his promise, Yue Feng showed a smile, and then opened the acupuncture point for Li Haishan.

He had already taken Tongtian Pill forcibly, and Yue Feng was not afraid of Li Haishan running away.

“Your Excellency, I want to inquire about the whereabouts of the head first.” Li Haishan opened his mouth cautiously, and then took out his mobile phone.

The branches of the Wutian Organization are all over the continent of Kyushu. Of course you have to ask first.

Soon, Li Haishan got the news and said to Yue Feng: “The head is now in Zhongyuan Continent, let’s go.”

Zhongyuan Continent?

Yue Feng nodded, then set off with Li Haishan.


on the other side.

Zhongyuan Continent, Tianning City.

On the hills in the eastern suburbs of Tianning City, there is a magnificent manor with antique buildings.

At this moment, in the hall of the manor, a slender woman was sitting there.

Looking closely, the woman is only thirty years old. She is wearing a luxurious long dress and a veil. She has a compact body, a dignified temperament, and a beautiful face. Under the veil, she is looming, like a fairy in the sky, sacred and cannot be desecrated. .

It is the head of the Wutian Organization. If Yue Feng was present, he would be shocked to see her, because this woman was the former Huanyin Sect leader, Yu Wenyan.

Yes, the Wutian Organization was really created by Yu Wenyan. Three years ago, when the Kyushu Continent was still at war with the Rakshasa tribe, Yuwenyan snatched Yue Feng’s Linglong Pagoda, withdrew from the battlefield, and began to silently develop his own power.

Now that three years have passed, the Wutian Organization created by Yu Wenyan can completely compete with Tianmen.

Chapter 2524

Yu Wenyan was sitting there at this time, with a beautiful face without the slightest expression, it can be said to be frosty.

In the past six months, the Wutian Organization has set foot in the business world and wanted to expand its strength again by controlling the business world.

This made Yu Wenyan very annoyed.

“Sect Master!”

At this moment, an elite female disciple walked in and said respectfully, “The envoy is here.” After speaking, she took out a special black jade plaque.

Seeing the jade card, Yu Wenyan was slightly moved, and immediately got up and went to the back hall.

As soon as he arrived in the small hall, he saw a man in black robe sitting there quietly, with a faint smile on his sinister face. A strong aura pervaded his body.

It was Zhang Jiao.

“I haven’t seen you for a while, stay safe.” Seeing Yu Wenyan coming in, Zhang Jiao said with a smile.

Yes, Zhang Jiao is also a member of the Wutian Organization. It can be said that he established the Wutian Organization together with Yu Wenyan.

After the peace talks between the Kyushu army and the Rakshasa tribe, Zhang Jiao left without saying goodbye. He knew that by doing so, he had no place in the various forces in the Kyushu mainland, so he secretly created the Huangtian transaction, and then accidentally met Yuwen. Homura, learning that this woman is also ambitious, co-founded the Wutian Organization with her.

However, Zhang Jiao was cunning and unwilling to show his face, so he let Yu Wenyan manage the Wutian Organization and controlled it behind the scenes.

Yu Wenyan showed a smile: “Mr. Zhang suddenly came to visit, I don’t know what to teach you?”


Zhang Jiao took a deep breath and said slowly, “Did you know that Yue Feng has returned?”


Hearing this, Yu Wenyan’s tender body trembled, and he was stunned for a moment, and there was a bit of fear on his beautiful face.

When he robbed Yuefeng Linglong Pagoda, Yuwenyan decided that Yuefeng had no chance of revenge, because at that time, he had already become a cripple. Who would have thought that Yuefeng would regain his strength later, and then the war between Kyushu and the Rakshasa ended. , Yue Feng disappeared, Yu Wenyan was very happy at that time.

But I never thought that Yue Feng had disappeared for three years, but he came back.

Seeing her expression, Zhang Jiao smiled slightly: “But don’t worry, Yue Feng did not return to Tianmen, but hid his identity. I guess he wanted to investigate the Wutian Organization.”

When he said this, Zhang Jiao had a face He smiled confidently, but his heart was indescribably annoyed.

A day ago, Zhang Jiao set up an ambush around Yunchuan City on the Yellow Sea Continent, but as a result, Yue Feng was never ambushed, which made Zhang Jiao very annoyed.

Hearing this, Yu Wenyan’s eyes flickered: “Then according to your opinion, what should I do?”

Zhang Jiao pondered for a while, and said slowly: “Simple, you ordered the Wutian organization to attack the Tianmen, it is best to raid the Ouyang family, After grabbing the women of Yue Feng, Yue Feng will definitely show up, and then I will hide in the dark and make a surprise attack.”


Yu Wenyan’s pretty face changed and immediately refused: “The Wutian Organization is developing, if it is with Tianmen In a head-to-head battle, our long-term efforts will be ruined. No way!”

In the past three years, Yu Wenyan has invested too much energy in Wutian Organization, and he doesn’t want to take such a risk.


Seeing her refusal, Zhang Jiao’s eyes flickered with displeasure. Sure enough, she is a woman, after all, there are some women’s benevolence.

At this time, Zhang Jiao was very dissatisfied with Yu Wenyan. Speaking of which, half a year ago, the two had a disagreement on the development of the Wutian Organization. At that time, Zhang Jiao wanted to kick Yu Wenyan out of the game, but he kept forbearance. When she saw her rejecting her suggestion again, she couldn’t help it.

However, Zhang Jiao is the best at hiding a knife in a smile, and he didn’t attack on the spot at this time.

“Alright then, let’s send someone to investigate Yue Feng’s whereabouts and make plans.” Zhang Jiao said with a smile.

When the words fell, Zhang Jiao poured two cups of tea, put some medicinal powder in one cup, and then handed it to Yu Wenyan.

Zhang Jiaofang’s medicinal powder, called Huanxisan, is a very powerful medicine.

Zhang Jiao thought about it, this Yu Wenyan is arrogant, and since she doesn’t follow her own wishes, let her become her own woman, and then she will not go against what she says.

Zhangjiao’s speed was very fast, and Yu Wenyan didn’t notice it at all.

At this moment, watching Yu Wenyan drink the tea, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Jiao’s mouth.


Chapter 2525

It was at this time that an elite female disciple stood outside the small hall and said respectfully, “The head of the Yunchuan City branch, Li Haishan, asks to see you.”

Li Haishan?

Yu Wenyan frowned, very displeased: “He is not staying in Yunchuan City, what is he doing here?”

“He said he had something to ask for.” The female disciple said in a panic.

Yu Wenyan took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Zhang Jiao and said, “Mr. Zhang, wait a moment, I’ll take a look.” After speaking, he got up and went to the front to agree.

At this moment.

In the hall, Yue Feng and Li Haishan stood there.

What the hell!

Looking at the surrounding environment, Yue Feng was very shocked. He saw that this place was very luxuriously decorated, like a palace, and there were dozens of elite disciples standing around the hall.

These elite disciples are all girls in their mid-twenties, with pretty faces, graceful stature, and not low strength, all of which are the strength of a Martial Emperor.

This godless organization is really powerful.

“Here comes the head!”

Just as Yue Feng sighed inwardly, a cold voice came, and then, Yu Wenyan walked in slowly and sat on the throne.

At this moment, seeing Yu Wenyan, Yue Feng was stunned.

Nima, it was her?

In which mountain cave, Yu Wenyan tied himself up, and after all kinds of humiliation, he stole the Linglong Pagoda. Yue Feng will never forget it for the rest of his life.

But she never thought that she was the head of the Wutian Organization.


As soon as Yu Wenyan appeared, everyone in the hall knelt down, Li Haishan also knelt down with a face full of fear, only Yue Feng stood there proudly.


Yu Wenyan’s eyes locked on Yue Feng all of a sudden, “Who are you?”

Before he came, Yue Feng put on makeup on purpose, and with three scars on his face, Yu Wenyan couldn’t recognize it at all.

“Sect Master!” Li Haishan hurriedly said: “This person wants to join our Wutian Organization, and he found me on purpose, saying that he has treasures for the Sect Master.”

When he said this, Li Haishan was nervous. On the way, Yue Feng explained to him.


Hearing this, Yu Wenyan looked at Yue Feng up and down: “What treasure?”

Yue Feng smiled slightly and said, “This treasure, the sect master must like it.” After saying that, he took out a few top-quality Wuhuang realm. inner dan.

To be honest, after learning that the head of Wutian Organization was Yu Wenyan, Yue Feng couldn’t restrain his inner anger, but he finally held back.

After all, I am alone, so I am not afraid to fight, but in this case, I will be exposed.

Yue Feng thought about it, first stabilize Yu Wenyan, and then subdue her when he finds an opportunity.


Seeing those few top-quality inner cores, everyone present was extremely shocked.

Even Yu Wenyan’s eyes flickered, looking at Yue Feng’s eyes with a strange light.

“Well, yes, this seat believes in your sincerity.” Yu Wenyan said, his eyes fell on Li Haishan, and he praised: “You can recruit such a talent, it is considered a merit, this seat will reward you.

” Li Haishan couldn’t be more excited about this.

“Good boy, go to hell!”

However, no one thought that at this moment, suddenly, a loud shout came from behind! Immediately afterwards, a figure, with rapid lightning, rushed from behind Yue Feng and slapped Yue Feng with a palm!

It is Zhang Jiao!

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